Thursday, May 20, 2010

Infant Congestion Medicine

LOCAL ORDER AGAINST A FEW ... here we go again!

learn from the newspapers today, the entry into force of an order for the summer which we spent a lot over the years, and that once again we find wrong.
It seeks to stop the sale of glass bottles after 23, which also applies to all premises after that time will no longer use glasses outside of the exercises.
The ordinance also provides for the termination of the sale of alcohol after 0:30 am but only in supermarkets and shops, as opposed to dancing, disco and pubs, however, they must comply with the relevant regional and national level, allowing these the last to be able to sell alcohol after midnight and a half.
We are once again faced with a wrong method of valuation with a meaning not want to give preference to local supermarkets, but only want to penalize them, as if they were the only ones guilty of "summer chaos Mazzini."
We call it competition, a simple matter of market. Not everyone, in fact, can afford to buy a beer between € 4 and € 6 in a room, but prefer to spend half and buy in a supermarket.
It will affect certain posts for solving problems of the square or why else?
And the council is convinced that by taking action against the supermarkets will not find any person after midnight and half-drunk to walk to the Piazza?
Our proposal made for years now seeks more security than to orders that year after year prove to be useless and unable to solve even one iota the real issues.
A proper coordination between the City Council, local managers and financial and law enforcement will be the first step towards a real, deliberate, just and common.
These ordinances are rather leave the time and thought that the will is not that of wanting to solve everyone's problems, but only a few.

Nicola Rossi - Young Italy JESOLO

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Arizona Statute Of Limitations Rent


Young Italy Jesolo is not to be just a youth movement directed towards extraction of pure political battles, is meant to be a simple group of boys and girls through their efforts and their time listening to the needs of the city, especially with a focus on the younger age groups.

These days have seen a tornado cross the political communities of our city, with the withdrawal of the sensational and absurd positions of our two Councillors and the consequent passage of our opposition group, the Young Italy, a Unlike many others, has not stopped their activities.

The initiative on changing the time pedestrian island continues to enjoy popularity among managers, traders and residents of Jesolo. An initiative with a meaning that goes beyond the simple proposal for changes. In fact, it puts the spotlight a huge difference that exists in Jesolo, that is, those who want to lower the spotlight and want a city increasingly dormitory and those who, instead, trying to revive her.
like saying "relax vs fun" ... and now it seems clear advantage in the fun, a sign that this proposal has stirred the waters, which was felt and desired by many and that could really change something.

Get your hands on what is one of the characteristics principali della nostra città, una delle cose che ha contribuito all'immagine di Jesolo e del suo essere "famosa", e che in tutti gli anni della sua esistenza nessuno aveva mai toccato, è senza dubbio segno di determinazione.
Il nostro pensiero vuol far capire che Jesolo è cambiata, si è evoluta e con lei sono cambiati i locali, il modo di divertirsi ed i luoghi stessi di divertimento. Se ieri, infatti, gran parte erano sparsi lungo via Bafile, permettendo all'isola pedonale di essere frequentata da molti pedoni fino alle prime ore del mattino, oggi la loro diversissima disposizione che li vede distantissimi l'uno dall'altro causa lo spegnimento delle luci della via già dopo la mezzanotte, quando si abbassano the shutters of shops.
Moving in Jesolo, today, requires resources, not enough to simply stroll and, therefore, turn on the motors from 1: 30 on Via Bafile could be the right way to revive not only one or multi-way but the "name" of our resort.

The initiative is continuing to hear as many opinions as possible and to even be able to pick up tips and advice for the good of the city.

http:// # / group.php? Gid = 117411171612202 & ref = mf

Nicola ROSSI - Giovane Italia JESOLO

Monday, May 10, 2010