Saturday, July 31, 2010

Can You Get Waxed Even If You Have Hemmeroid


"Banner jinx and demagocico "..." Miss would also understood that the gentlemen of the health care any less about a picture in the paper."

The City Council of PD Roberto Rugolotto attacked for the umpteenth time this group of young people on the hospital issue. The headquarters of the attack this time is not on the forum that is diligent writer, but in the municipal newspaper.
The reason for his nervousness stems from the demonstration organized by our group Young Jesolo Italy, Jesolo against the closure of the hospital. Demonstration took place outside the Palazzo del Turismo in the finals Miss Italy in the World, in a totally peaceful, where the boys displaying a banner that read: MISS ITALY DO NOT GET HURT, DO NOT WE HAVE A HOSPITAL.

If a group of young people are interested in a subject as delicate as the hospital and protest against its closure, it is a sin?? Probably
Rugolotto and PD Jesolo, seeing these events organized by a group of young people understand the limits of their own party, has always been unable to gather in this city boys and girls and encourage them to make policy in their symbol. The proof is their leadership, which seems to have taken root in their chairs without ever being able to put some new face, without give no chance to young players, not to take their place, but at least you start to do politics.

The City Council left alone by his ex-mates snacks ", blank firing gun, maybe he does against the prey that she thought they were easy to catch, but for the umpteenth time, however, stop his bullet with his hands and returning it.
Rugolotto not remember that in his meeting AJA asked for clarifications on the closure of the hospital? The City Council

leftist would do well to drop the young people who are fighting for serious issues, delicate and important as that of the hospital, but without showing off a real passion for proven from decades of existence of this youth movement that has never known the word "crisis" and that he could always count on dozens and dozens of young militants. It should rather look back and see that after him there is no one, no young person to leave some luggage in his important political experience, no tomorrow for his party, seeing no hope of flying the flag as a symbol of the PD of victory.

At this rate, the PD will be only a small percentage of votes, many defeats and zero hope of a young and glorious tomorrow.

The Young Jesolo Italy will continue to defend this Hospital, as it always has, in same way he dealt with many other important battles .. with the knowledge to be able to raise a healthy confrontation in the political landscape and local knowledge that just as provocations like this only come from word "envy".


Friday, July 16, 2010

What Is The Best Bluetooth


Data elections 2007:
Forza Italy 2667 votes 1642 votes
National Alliance
Civic List New Jesolo 1198 votes
Northern League
UDC 640 votes 393 votes

The reason for which this data reporting is simple. They are, in fact, voted by the general framework for citizenship Jesolo ricorprire the role of "majority" within the municipal administration.
This painting today is dramatically different and the cause of this transformation does not come only by the exclusion of one of the strongest groups but from the reasoning that led to the exclusion.
E 'know, just read any newspaper, the party of Forza Italy has frequently used modes "determined" each time would prove his strength to get some comfortable chair. Modes, are the true example, the absence of a municipal council, thus at risk the stability of the administration. A real lack of respect towards all citizens and even more to their constituents .. something that has the absurd and of which these people should be ashamed of.
In order to ensure full stability and security until the end of the mandate Calzavara in 2012, the Board of AN group decided to found the group also including those of the PDL Board municipal forces, although the opposition, already covered by time the PDL in the party and who agreed to support this business until 2012.
The foundation of this group then enjoyed the support of Board List Martin, United Jesolo (Fancie and De Zotti) Forza Italy and, obviously, AN.
The "usual" forzisti after accepting, with a lot of public statements, this project, just take a step back to the city council at the start and with them, Nedda Fancie.
Calzavara The Mayor does not accept this project (as if he could judge and handle the logic of a party which is not part and otherwise did everything just to support him), retired, unable to give half-motivation, delegations to the two assessors of the National Alliance and sends the three councilors of AN to keep company to list Martin and United Jesolo between the opposition benches.

The Mayor, So send home those who had supported him in 1642 Jesolo last election in NA share, preferring to them not only the party of Forza Italy who often had no fear to undermine his administration on issues of "caregiver" but also by the opposition into two counselors, or Iron and Fanco to compensate for the absence of AN.
Mayor Calzavara who repeatedly said he wanted to complete his term until 2012 with the majority voted by the citizens, therefore, very seriously, and lie some confused idea of \u200b\u200bconsistency.

It does not end here today .. the list goes officially New Jesolo under the Northern League ...
someone might say "well its business."
But this step is much more delicate than it seems.
Why and by what authority the mayor of a city can afford to eliminate its force of government for trying to found a party (already exists throughout Italy and which he belonged) and the contrary can afford to pass "his" Civic Party from another party? If it were consistent
would then resign as mayor.
What is certain is that today this city is no longer ruled by a group of parties above, is no longer ruled by those people chosen to go to fill the role of majority.

For all these reasons the group Young Italy Young JESOLO -Action calls for the city to choose who wants to be governed.

Nicola Rossi - Italy Junior / Youth Action JESOLO

Monday, July 12, 2010

How To Take Althea Pills

who criticizes me in the PDL to take responsibility to give young people ( Giorgia Meloni ITALY MISS

Dear Editor, reading the press release today, I realize how insults, fights have occurred in Naples and dramatized Parliament rischino di coprire la sostanza del ddl del governo sulle Comunità Giovanili, sul quale vorrei provare a fare chiarezza.
Le Comunità Giovanili non sono altro che centri per l’aggregazione dei giovani. Spazi comunali, caserme in disuso, immobili confiscati alla criminalità organizzata, in cui una libera associazione possa svolgere attività di vario tipo. Dallo studio al teatro, dalla musica ai cineforum, dallo sport al volontariato, e molto altro. Il tutto in un contesto democratico di elettività delle cariche direttive, trasparenza nei conti, legalità, assenza di fini di lucro. Tutto qui. Eppure, in queste ore mi è toccato ascoltare una serie incredibile di falsità da parte di esponenti politici chiaramente in malafede or too lazy to read the bill. Specifically, it burns the accusation put to me of wanting to allocate funds to did not know what reality friend. The bill does not allocate new funds to my ministry funds are already committed years ago to the Community Youth. I could use them without a law. Instead I chose to bind them so that they can create something that can survive the Berlusconi government or minister Meloni. And I have chosen confrontation with the Parliament that this news was shared as much as possible.
Then you can also say, how did someone with unhappy expressions, which in times of crisis this idea for young people is too generous or statist. Legitimate. As long as I si spieghi quale grande emergenza nazionale si risolverebbe con 12 milioni di euro. A patto che nessuno si azzardi più a parlare di «disagio giovanile», «prevenzione sociale», «emergenza educativa» con grandi promesse in campagna elettorale. Questa legge non risolverà il problema del lavoro che non c’è, degli stipendi precari e da fame o della pensione, ma è la prima legge a loro dedicata da almeno tre legislature. È curioso che i più fervidi oppositori del provvedimento, a parte le abituali volgarità di Idv, siano stati alcuni parlamentari Pdl. Investire pochi milioni di euro per dare a migliaia di giovani un’alternativa alla droga e alla criminalità è così vergognoso? Io penso di and I will not go forward.
Moreover, only a consistent person who has not forgotten where he comes from. I tell this dream of youth communities in the squares and student assemblies since high school. I continue to do so by the Minister, with the passion of those who believe in what he does. There is not only a good story to support me in this political commitment or generational solidarity that has been poured upon me at this time. There is also a promise to Scampia, in the midst of crumbling apartment blocks and air as heavy as lead, in front of a bunch of students who deserve our mobilization, rather than have to download the PDL on the young, the weak link coward this time, the their difficulties in resolving internal conflicts.

Minister of Youth

Sunday, July 4, 2010

What Is The Best Cream For Skin Rash Fromlupus

not feel bad ... we have no HOSPITAL!

"Miss Italy do not feel bad .. we do not have a hospital," the youth movement of The People of Freedom party called "Young Italy" which groups of youth camps National Alliance for Youth Action-Youth Force in Italy during the big night of the Miss Italy in the World Palaturismo di Jesolo, expressed in non-violent manner exhibiting a collegiate strisicone up with the phrase written above. This initiative is the reaction of youth to the center-right slow tragic closing the hospital in Jesolo, including cuts e spostamenti, sta ogni giorno sempre più subendo! Per noi è inaccettabile che una località turistica come la Città di Jesolo, con oltre 500mila presenze giornaliere estive, possa rimanere senza una struttura ospedaliera che possa sopperire al fabbisogno richiesto non solo di questa località, ma anche delle limitrofe realtà di Cavallino Treporti e di Eraclea Mare. Solo un Pronto Soccorso, seppur bene attrezzato, non può bastare! Anzi è un'offesa allo sforzo che la Città di Jesolo anche con le categorie economiche sta facendo per diventare la City Beach del Veneto! Abbiamo manifestato in questa serata perchè speriamo che il neo-Presidente della Regione e l'ennesimo assessore leghista alla Sanità cambino idea sulla the hospital was closed and the constant reinforcement of Jesolo Nursing Home Rizzola of San Dona di Piave.

Young Italy Provincial coordination of Venice

Pavanetto Lucas - President
Lorenzo Valais - Coordinator