Sunday, September 12, 2010

What Foods To Avoid With Herpes

Scuola Svedese 3 parte Università e Ricerca

Red Wagon Birthday Theme

Scuola Svedese 2 parte

Green Stool Chemotherapy

La Scuola Svedese

Monday, September 6, 2010

What Shoes To Wear With Long Chiffon Dress


Sakineh è il nuovo volto dell'ingiustizia subita da moltissime donne musulmane. Quando la follia umana porta all'estremo una religione trasformandola in una vera e propria dittatura, si arriva a risultati drammatici.
In molti si chiedono perchè il mondo si muove ora per questa donna e non si è mosso prima per tante altre come risposta è molto semplice. Talvolta, come in questo caso, delle vittime diventano dei simboli per l'umanità, per il rispetto delle donne e dei diritti umani.
Sakineh è un simbolo, una donna che non merita la lapidazione e le 99 frustate, ma la libertà come in un qualsiasi altro Paese civile del mondo!
There are some who, as a member of the committee on civil rights, as well as leader of the extreme left Jesolo, Salvatore Esposito, prefers to fight for the rights of Muslims just to get publicity and they have something to say against the common, rather than take care of issues very delicate and important as those of the Iranian woman Sakineh.
The link between the question of demanding a place of worship for the local Muslim community and the case "Sakineh" is much stronger than it seems.
In most Islamic countries there is no minimum for the Christian right, went as far as the penalty death in some cases if only to wear a crucifix, or to possess a Bible.
In Italy however, there is just freedom of worship, there is no tax to profess and say this or that religion, if not the respect of those that historically are our Catholic Christian roots.
For many Muslims, however, this seems not enough. In Italy too often Muslims do not respect our customs and traditions and seeks to impose his own. It passes the request to remove the crucifixes from public places, not to want to sing some Christmas carols, to pretend to pray how and where they like, not wanting to see their children to stop them getting too westernized in the most violent, etc etc etc.
The Young di Jesolo Italy wants to show his closeness, not battles like those of Salvatore Esposito for this or that for a prayer room so as to finish the papers, but to those where they really are denied the most fundamental human rights as Sakineh.
Sakineh's release would be a great step forward for all humankind, and we in this city with a loud voice to those who join us for many days he is shouting.