Monday, February 28, 2011

I Bit My Gums And It Hurts And Is Red


As announced and promised, the first edition of "The Young", the sheet of Young Italy Jesolo.

With few resources, but so hard, we dive headlong on this new editorial experience, reaping the benefits and the experience of "Action", the primordial experience of youth right Jesolo. We

with "Young" to contribute to local and national political debate, giving our opinion on certain topics of current interest and political interest.

You can find the first number on this site, the page FB Young Jesolo Italy, as well as in the other regional di Jesolo.


Christofer De Zotti

Broken Blood Vessel On Penis

Old games still play smart

Sara's review of 'Atlas of the Ovulation on Useless! With stickers!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Do Generic Batteries For Samsung Camcorders Work


Sunday in Corriere della Sera published a mega article about Fior ! Unfortunately the picture does not look very Tobey Mcguire is in the double (actually Fior is really Spider-Man!).
In the picture below, from left, Fior, Dr.Pira, Tobey and Kristen.
Too bad there is nothing to BilBOlbul dedicated to him!
The blog of Michael Petrucci instead we talk to you when interviewed TG2 ! I'm not so excited by the time that my partner a time of physical education in high school he was a guest dalla Gruber!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blokir Yahoo Messenger Dari Adsl


Il gioco intelligente ideato da Francesco del precedente post ha fatto partorire dei capolavori!
Abbiamo deciso di riproporlo live al BilBOlbul . Al banchetto degli indipendenti in Sala Borsa troverete delle cartoline da compilare con i testi e un'urna in cui riporle. Ci ripromettiamo di segnalare il vincitore entro le ore 17 di domenica pomeriggio . In premio oltre alla gloria un po' di produzioni di Ernest, e altri gadget!

Se volete votare un curioso gioco online e far vincere un ipod a uno sconosciuto qui c'è un contest arrivato ora in finale in cui tre stagisti sfruttati raccontano la loro esperienza in un numero risicatissimo character. Homo homini lupus to the fullest! There can be only one!

Oh I forgot, Francis opened his show tonight at Serendipity in Bologna, but as it is snobbish has sent an invitation to all only two hours before the presentation: who will come in time?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ending Tenancy Template Letter

the importance of being frank, even disembowelment

complete the balloon interpreting the faces of the three figures presented below and send us your version !

next week, all versions will be published in full, uncensored ... I recommend you do not donkeys!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Enlarged Bladder Treatment

Sunday, February 13: JESOLO foibe remember the martyrs!

We started a few years ago, we were few and not a physical place where we remember Martyrs Foibe. Animated own ideals and some Tricolore, every February threw a wreath into the sea. Yes, our beautiful Adriatic Sea, from which on clear days you can see the Dalmatian coast: there, Sixty years ago, tens of thousands of people were slaughtered and, at best, forced to flee their homes and their land. Their only fault was to be Italians. Not fascist, not thieves, not corrupt officials, greedy landlords and not cruel, only people who called for the proportion patriotism and defense of their land!

Sunday, February 13th we finally achieved our main objective: to revive, in the hearts and minds of many people as possible, the drama of Foibe.

We were more than fifty, young and old, remember. A quiet and dignified parade, a simple but full of feeling crown of flowers, a sign Street, a banner, a minute's silence.

To all those present: THANK YOU!

Pavanetto Lucas - Director of National Young

Nicholas Striuli Italy - Young Italy prov. Venice

Christofer De Zotti - Jesolo, Italy Young

Eleonora Baldo - Committee on February 10

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Entire Ticker Symbol List

latest issue of Drome magazine dedicated to children, as well as this beautiful cover, there is an article of our Rebecca Smith, author of the now legendary disembowelment.
here it is:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Stainless Dishwasher Deals

... Maciste

This year I took advantage of my Erasmus in Paris to review our dear friends Lisa and Clement (in their time Erasmus in Bologna), creators of the journal MODERN SPLEEN then reinvented in the episode - NA EDITIONS . And it was a good occasion to do dinner! Here are a few photos taken
dal loro facebook.

Ospiti al loro banchetto gli immancabili Canicola e i libri della bellissima Mami Verlag
Non lontano dai padiglioni centrali c'era lo spazio OFF, dove si facevano serigrafie a mano e in cui davano spettacolo i bravissimi ragazzi di Le dernier cri e tanti altri!

C'erano tante belle mostre tra cui quella sui nuovi autori franco-belgi che era davvero spettacolare!
Ricordo che il Premio fauve d'or ad Angouleme come miglior fumetto è andato al bravissimo Manuele Fior per: CINQUEMILA CHILOMETRI PER SECONDO!
ed il GRAND PRIX DE LA VILLE d'Angoulême Art Spiegelman in 2011, the next artistic director of the festival. This year has been Baru.

à la prochaine!