Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Training Of O Free Streaming


Stress da call center

Ansa - Mar 15 Apr
ROMA -I lavoratori dei call center che prestano servizio nella struttura di una societa' hanno diritto ad un contratto di lavoro subordinato dal momento che utilizzano attrezzature e materiale aziendale e non possono essere considerati, dal datore, come lavoratori autonomi.
Lo sottolinea la Cassazione con la sentenza 9812 section of the work . With this verdict the Supreme Court dismissed the appeal of the 'Solidea sas', a society' in Padua that he had a call center in the advertising industry, the decision by which the Court of Appeal of Venice, in 2005, had ordered to pay more than half a billion old lire INPS social security contributions, as against 15 fugitives switchboard precarious discoveries to work at the company 'during a check of labor inspectors, in 1997.
against the fine, 'Solidea' had recourse to the Court of Padova arguing that the employees perform self-employment. The court gave the reason 'Solidea' rag and the minutes of INPS. But on appeal the Court Venice tilting 'the outcome and confirm' the conditional nature of the work done by the switchboard 15. Without success 'Solidea' protested to the Supreme Court. The
'ermine' replied that''correct''the Court of Appeal considered the subordination of''qualifying employees with duties of telephone operators, the circumstances that they were following the guidance given by the company in respect of any call from Taking note of the outcome and conduct of the telephone number called, that had a definite working hours, they used equipment and materials belonging to 'the company'.'' So 'the use of' Solidea 'has been rejected. (ANSA)


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