Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Barbara Weber Spanish Paintings

Leonardo Donofrio, "Reassessment of the pension urge 'save-precarious

'Request that probably will add to the many other presentations and unanswered'
"CCNL school division-economic Biennium 2006/2007»
[ From January 2010 an increase to retired school to buy "a fresh croissant and a nice frothy cappuccino and hot cocoa with" once a month ]

View all Web results for pensioners angry iuniscuola

View Dino's blog post about a gift to a federal UNITED EUROPE: IUniScuola: In Milan, the retired school are very angry
Bastions of Porta Nuova, No
19 20121 - Milano (MI).
Office Provincial School
Via Ripamonti, 20141 Milan n.85


It urges recipients to address to have, within their competence, the Reassessment of the pension fund CCNL school-economic Biennium 2006/2007.
No comment ...
1) Reassessment of the pension fund CCNL school-economic Biennium 2006/2007: NOTICE to comply with the simultaneous formal notice;
2) Answer USP of Milan - called upon to perform - Reassessment pension and severance pay.
Regards Leonardo Donofrio

Friday, December 18, 2009

Optimist Dinghy For Sale Ohio

«View all web results for saving temporary iuniscuola"

"DM 82, 29/09/2009 - Priority 'assignment of substitutes to replace absent staff: call of aspiring teachers from the priority lists. "
With reference to the letter prot. 18638 of December 4, 2009, notice that the function in question is currently available to schools.
function allows, in addition to accepting the appointment, for which it is intended that the school notifies the service using the appropriate functions in the area of \u200b\u200bfixed-term contracts, to communicate the following:
2 . discontact service;
The situations referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 effects of sanctions (inability to enter into further contracts from the band for all priority lists included in the priority list), while no effect and then the penalty does not apply in cases referred to. 5, paragraphs 3 and 4 of Decree 82/09, or art. 8 paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Regulation on the provision of supply teachers (DM 131/07), more ...

"DM n.100 of 17 December 2009 - a top priority in the allocation of substitutes for the temporary absence of staff working in schools."

"The teaching staff, educational and ATA has achieved in school year 2008/2009, through the rankings of institutions, a substitution of at least 180 days, including through contract extensions or confirmations in a single educational institution (Article . 2 DM in the subject) is entitled to be included in the list "priority" for the contribution by the headmasters of the substitutes for temporary absences of staff working in their schools a top priority with respect to that entered on the list of club and school, for all subject areas or professional profiles for which it is entitled according to the inclusion in the lists are exhausted, for teachers and educational staff, and to exhaustion and permanent staff ATA
The staff referred to above shall be marked in the lists above, which includes already part of the beneficiaries identified by the Ministerial Decree n. 82 of the September 29, 2009, payable by the score.
The teaching staff and educational recipient of the aforementioned provisions, is entitled to the evaluation of the entire year of service for the sole purpose of, the score in the updating of the lists are exhausted. The score is attributed to the same class of competition or teaching post for which the official has a useful service In school year 2008-2009 (article 1, paragraph 6, of Decree 82/09).
staff ATA has the same entitlement to score due to the previous school year to be used when updating of the permanent lists or for inclusion in them. "
more ... Read more Click here and here

Monday, December 14, 2009

Pigmentation Breakthrough

NEW EDUCATION - School transport for pupils with disabilities in the inclusion

'supply from the region a contribution of € 5 million to the provinces for the development of service'
[BERGAMO € 536,800.26; BRESCIA € 608,192.51;
COMO € 310,093.04; CREMONA € 198,381.75;
LECCO € 194,925.61, € 135,291.44 LODI;
MANTOVA € 221,269.10; MILAN € 1,462,457, 76;
PAVIA € 289,066.17; SONDRIO € 184,101.94;
VARESE € 442,509].

The Lombardy Region has in fact acted the commitment and the liquidation of the total sum of Euro 5,000,000.00 for the year 2010, the financial resources of the DGR 10603/2009 for the transportation of disabled pupils.
n.13512 Decree of 12/09/2009
Schedule annexed to the decree