Monday, December 14, 2009

Pigmentation Breakthrough

NEW EDUCATION - School transport for pupils with disabilities in the inclusion

'supply from the region a contribution of € 5 million to the provinces for the development of service'
[BERGAMO € 536,800.26; BRESCIA € 608,192.51;
COMO € 310,093.04; CREMONA € 198,381.75;
LECCO € 194,925.61, € 135,291.44 LODI;
MANTOVA € 221,269.10; MILAN € 1,462,457, 76;
PAVIA € 289,066.17; SONDRIO € 184,101.94;
VARESE € 442,509].

The Lombardy Region has in fact acted the commitment and the liquidation of the total sum of Euro 5,000,000.00 for the year 2010, the financial resources of the DGR 10603/2009 for the transportation of disabled pupils.
n.13512 Decree of 12/09/2009
Schedule annexed to the decree


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