Monday, November 8, 2010

What Is A Good Masterbation Lub

Procedimenti e sanzioni disciplinari

Il MIUR vara la circolare

Come preannunciato nell'ultimo nostro comunicato su questo argomento, si è svolto nei giorni scorsi l'untimo incontro di informativa con le organizzazioni sindacali rappresentative dell'Area V e del comparto sull'applicazione delle nuove norme disciplinari al personale delle scuole, a seguito dell'emanazione del D.Lgs. n. 150/2009 che ha profondamente modificato la materia.
L'Amministrazione ha presentato la bozza definitiva del documento che contiene, rispetto alla precedente versione, alcune correzioni di rotta coincidenti con i punti di vista e le indicazioni espresse dall'Anp sia nelle precedenti interlocuzioni con il MIUR, sia nel corso dei numerosi seminars and training courses on the subject of the entry into force of new rules (November 15, 2009). For this we give the document that is about to be issued, despite his criticism of delay a verdict is generally positive as it helps to clarify certain points which were given to controversial interpretations and, by some, deeply wrong.
Among the valuable aspects of content that will be proposed by the move include:
confirmation that the disciplinary powers of the executive head teacher to arrive, for minor offenses and for all staff (teachers and ATA), the imposition the sanction of suspension from duty and retribuzione fino a 10 giorni. Lo schema di circolare ribadisce chiaramente tale estensione, peraltro non condivisa da alcune delle organizzazioni sindacali del comparto;
la trattazione di alcuni aspetti delicati come, ad esempio, la competenza per l'esercizio del potere disciplinare nei confronti dei dirigenti delle scuole, esplicitamente posto in capo ai direttori degli USR senza possibilità di delega a funzionari di rango inferiore per l'adozione dei relativi provvedimenti disciplinari;
l'estensione delle nuove norme ai docenti a tempo determinato, per i quali la materia disciplinare era già regolata da una normativa speciale e diversificata rispetto a quella prevista per i docenti di ruolo, contenuta negli artt. 535 e seguenti del Testo Unico sull'Istruzione, considerati superati dal testo dello schema di circolare;
il recupero, sulla base di principi generali di rango costituzionale e giuslavoristico, dell'istituto della sospensione cautelare facoltativa per gravi e urgenti motivi, recupero resosi necessario a seguito dell'abrogazione dell'art. 506 del Testo Unico disposta dal D.Lgs. n. 150/2009.
Su questo argomento è stata rimossa una delle criticità che avevamo evidenziato nel corso della precedente riunione, consistente nell'ipotesi che il dirigente scolastico potesse esercitare il potere di sospensione cautelare solo su delega del direttore dell'USR, cosa che sarebbe stata in contrasto sia con la nuova che con la vecchia normativa (l'art. 506, soppresso dal D.Lgs. No 150/2009, in fact not included). However, our concerns remain on the need for validation of the decision by the Director within 10 days and the fact that ATA staff is supposed to adopt the precautionary suspension only in connection with criminal proceedings or dismissal, whereas - in our view wrongly - the provision in the contract prevails over the general considerations and employment law properly taken into account in reasoning about precautionary measures;
was suitably eliminated the possibility of collaboration of experts (including teachers) with the Office for disciplinary proceedings to be established at the USR, which would have been incongruous with the lack in disciplinary matters by persons having no managerial qualifications, as provided by law (art. 55-bis, paragraph 3, Leg. No 165/2001). Such a presence would also set up the reintroduction of a sort of "peer review", espicitamente repealed by the legislature through the suppression of the duties of the Disciplinary Board.

publish the text of the circular when it becomes available in its final version.

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Andrea Gironda

The school recently is striving to regain the role of the educational community, which forms the person in all aspects relating to it. Each discipline, according to its characteristics, contributes in a unique and valuable to form the great puzzle of the formation of student "who needs a lot of pieces, if they were to miss even one game would not give the result as expected.

the teaching of the Catholic Religion (IRC) has a precise position in the training of student and citizen. My experience as a teacher - for now confined to the primary school - has increasingly strengthened the idea that the IRC is one of those basic knowledge of law to which the person needs to grow and develop in its entirety. The global society, information 360 degree contact with foreign cultures and people, ease of movement from one area to another world puts man in front of a continuous dialogue with other religions and religious people around the world. Leafing through a newspaper or hear a television news program requires knowledge that the IRC provides in its path of study that accompanies each student since childhood.

Often, however, the greater effort that the IRC must do is not so much to learn something new, but to strengthen and consolidate - or even to know from the beginning - the same Catholic religion. Unfortunately many people are still tied to the idea of \u200b\u200btime religion as a religion lesson that many priests and nuns had been in school more than two decades ago. I also remember that the priest at my elementary school in the nearby '80s was a lot of issues with the same cut of the catechism in the parish who attended. The prospects are no longer present catechetical nell'IRC today, precisely because it is not the purpose of this discipline to invade the camp of the faith of students. Very often, some parents come to me saying that their son will be going to catechism advantage in the discipline that I teach, or others concerned with the opposite because their child does not go to catechism.

If a teacher of religion at the end of his teaching mattered on who should or should not be in the parish would make a grave mistake. This is because the IRC must "promote the acquisition of religious culture" [1]. That's because - in the same pastoral note - the IRC 'fits smoothly into school life, respecting and promoting the purposes and methods of its own "[2]. In this, I always found great respect for each student, believer or not, and many parents are often to clarify one's mind on this point, I really appreciate this cultural level on which the IRC stands. He teaches religion, is true, but we must not forget that teaching remains a confessional, Catholic precisely; but the study of original sources of the Catholic religion, the Bible, tradition and the Magisterium of the Church, often find it easy to integrate with many spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bin many peoples and religions other than Christianity. For me and my students is a great enrichment in the classroom when students participate in a constructive way of other religions. In the school

IRC finds its basis and its birth in the Concordat of 1929 [3], then revised in 1989 [4] by the Church with the Italian, the latter stage was a turning point for the IRC has eliminated those aspects of catechetical present until then, "including himself in connection with the purposes school [5]. While wanting to see the IRC-catechism a certain relationship, do not forget that the scope and method of changing radically and that the programs are presented to students who are chosen in accordance with the objectives of the school and brought in accordance with the methods of all types and levels of itself.

With the passage of time have changed the teachers of religion. The smaller number of priests present, demands that the Church has faced, has meant that the IRC is now entrusted to the lay teachers at 90% [6] recognized as eligible by the Church. The Italian government has recently acknowledged teachers of religion by a state law that allow some years to put in the role, becoming also a legally equal to all other teachers. This process lasted for many years is a sign of confidence and hope for many people who work with seriousness and commitment to school and still living in a state of precariousness.
The great hour of religious membership (between 95% and 91% for kindergarten, elementary and middle schools, about 75% in secondary schools of the second degree), is an index that expresses a certain degree of part of students and their families and encouraging every teacher to do better work, however, aware of many difficulties that still persist. I think of the rather limited time that teachers in secondary schools have to establish a dialogue and knowledge with their pupils, the fact of having a certain inconsistency in affirming the cultural approach of the DSU and to enable pupils to choose whether or not to use this teaching "culture" of Catholicism , the belief that many have yet to consider the IRC as a matter "secondary" of little importance.

My experience has now made it clear that no religious need to know. Very often children are small theologians to ask questions of deep meaning. To the extent that we try to make them reflect on the themes and content of belief is to help develop their knowledge of faith, which in shape then, mature and articulate, is called theology: faith effort to understand! I can not forget in this regard my first lesson - then to alternate - the third in a class of elementary school where a child after a few minutes of class he asked me, 'Master, but who is the father of God? "I was blown away by a question instead in the following years almost all children I constantly repeat. The children will pose big questions, those questions which are unlikely to subside with time because it is the man who needs to know.

then IRC is at the service of the person and the school, making a contribution that aims to educate and grow. The challenge of our time is faced with globalization, which involves millions of people in Europe and the rest of the world. For a truly multicultural integration will be the knowledge of certain basic requirements to defeat religious ignorance is so widespread in our society. A knowledge that is culture, a culture that is host, which becomes a welcome peace and respect.

Author: Andrea Gironda is an elementary school teacher in Rome.


[1] "Teaching Catholic Religion Today." No.6 Pastoral Note of the CEI, Rome, 05.19.1991

[2] Ibid.Legge 27/05/1929, No 810, Composition deIl'11-2-1929 between Italy and the Holy See

[3] Law 03.25.1985, n. 121, revision of the Lateran Agreements between Italy and the Holy See 's 02/11/1929

[4] "To teach the Catholic religion today," No. 13, Pastoral Note of the CEI, 1991 - The term "secular", we mean one that is not part of the priestly order. The term also has taken a different meaning in common language referring to people who do not believe or did not like religious values. Imagine if the teacher of religion could be the latter!

Friday, November 5, 2010

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MAJORITY VOTE AGAINST the national anthem

Apprendiamo con rammarico e delusione la decisione della maggioranza in Consiglio comunale di respingere la mozione presentata dal PDL atta a far suonare l’Inno di Mameli prima delle sedute del Consiglio, quale forma di ulteriore celebrazione del 150° dell’Unità d’Italia.

Riteniamo il voto di ieri sera un’onta all’onore ed un affronto al vivo sentimento nazionale che anima gli jesolani. Per di più se proviene dal massimo organo rappresentativo cittadino.

Il respingimento della mozione è frutto di un ricatto della Lega Nord, il partito che oramai tiene sotto scacco la maggioranza. Ma è ancora più triste che un gruppo consiliare che fa esplicito riferimento all’Italia nel proprio nome ceda a questo ricatto, dimenticando la sua precisa e storica vocazione nazionale.

Per quanto ci riguarda, Azione Giovani verso Giovane Italia fa appello all’amore che gli jesolani hanno per i simboli nazionali: il Tricolore e l’Inno. Il territorio che durante la Prima guerra mondiale ha segnato la riscossa italiana contro lo straniero, non può arrendersi a dimenticare i propri simboli.

Continueremo in tutte le sedi a rivendicare il valore del patriottismo e dell’Unità d’Italia and we are preparing to celebrate the initiatives, in our small, the unification of Italy.

In conclusion remember that last night our group of 15 boys strong present at the meeting of the Council (in front of the frame of public usually small), has publicly expressed opposition to the decision of the majority to vote against ' national anthem and continued with an ironic applause when the notice of the President.