Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Portable Air Tank For Finish Nailer


The Directorate General of the labor market of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, with a note prot. 13/III No / 002 256 of 29 January 2008, he clarified that according to Art. 1, paragraph 53 of Law No. 247/2007 (Protocol Welfare), employers belonging to the construction industry, for the purposes of determining the basis on which to base the calculation of the obligations imposed by Law No. 68 of 1999 , effettueranno le esclusioni con riferimento al “personale di cantiere” ed agli “addetti al trasporto”.
Infatti, il citato comma 53 ha inserito all’art. 5, comma 2, della legge 12 marzo 1999, n. 68 un successivo periodo che prevede che “non sono inoltre tenuti all’osservanza dell’obbligo di cui all’art. 3 i datori di lavoro del settore edile per quanto concerne il personale di cantiere e gli addetti al trasporto del settore”.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Car Transport Companies


In dieci anni, le tariffe dei servizi degli enti locali sono cresciute molto più dell’inflazione. A fronte di un’ inflazione cresciuta del 25%, the prices paid by citizens for water, gas, waste and urban transport have marked a boom with increases sometimes almost three times the rate of price growth.
E ' the case of' water that between 1997 and 2006, as indicated by the ratio of Unioncamere corporation of Local Government, has scored a +61.4%. Similar trends were also reported on the pricing of gas , over 45% of the waste (+43%) and urban transport (+35%).
The only exception is the growth of electricity tariffs have increased at a slower pace than inflation (+20.8%).
"In a phase characterized by a tendency to stagnation of disposable income - said Unioncamere - the tariff adjustments have had a particularly severe impact on household budgets. " In 2006, in fact, total spending of consumers in the major utilities has reached 39.017 billion euro, an increase of 48.9% over 1997. "Overall - adds the association - the rates showed a significant acceleration from the early 2000s, that is the turn of the changeover." Just with the transition from lira to the euro, Italy seems to have tried to adapt to the rest of Europe. Nevertheless, in our country, water charges, waste and urban transport, are still below those prevailing in other EU countries. As the cost of the ticket means of public transport in our cities is never more than one euro, compared with average European values \u200b\u200branging from 1 to 2.2 euro. But, he stresses, "just because some European countries have started from higher levels than in Italy, the euro area as a whole has an average growth rate for the lower prices charged to households, with the exception only of that of gas and inflation significantly due primarily to the significant rise in the price lists registered in Germany. " According
Eurostat data, in fact, in the last decade, the price of natural gas in the Eurozone has marked an increase of 70.2%, that of municipal waste by 42.8% to 28% water and the energy power of 15%.
In this figure, the Codacons adds further price rises: those "savages recorded in the prices." Over the same ten years, points out the president Carlo Rienzi, these have grown by 80%, causing many difficulties to "thousands of families who can no longer reach the end of the month." "A boom, which has peaked with the introduction of the euro, when there has been rounding up wild dei listini in tutti i settori”. Per questo, sottolinea Rienzi, “il rischio concreto è quello di un eccessivo indebitamento per far fronte anche alle spese primarie, e di un aumento impressionante dei nuclei che nei prossimi 2 anni entreranno nella fascia di povertà”.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Aspergers And Osteopenia


L'associazione I Bambini di Ornella invita soci, socie amici e simpatizzanti a partecipare alla Bicchierata del tesseramento 2008, organizzata per venerdì 25 gennaio 2008 alle 20.30 presso il Salone della Cà d'industria in via Brambilla 61 a Como .
Nel corso della serata, che sarà gladdened by the band stands out with a music program "Music of the World", will discuss the initiatives planned to support the welcome center of Kelle, Senegal.
For information: email

Friday, January 18, 2008

What Do You Think Of Guys With Earrings


Auser A survey shows that 40.3% of social expenditure of the provincial capitals, in 2006, was managed by cooperatives and social volunteering to join fully in the search results on R intake between local authorities and third sector , we publish the press release.
Rome, January 18, 2008
40.3% della spesa sociale dei comuni capoluogo di Provincia, nel 2006 risulta gestita attraverso l'intervento delle Cooperative sociali e dal volontariato. Una percentuale che si innalza fino al 60% nelle città più grandi, come Bari e Firenze.
Un pubblico che arretra e un privato che avanza, una tendenza sempre più evidente e diffusa, accompagnata da problemi di trasparenza, di regole poco chiare, di problemi di controlli sulla qualità delle prestazioni. E' uno degli aspetti più preoccupanti che emerge dall'indagine promossa dall'Auser che fotografa la realtà del rapporto tra "Enti locali e Terzo Settore" realizzata da Francesco Montemurro e che verrà presentata a Roma mercoledì 23 gennaio presso la Cgil Nazionale (Sala Santi) alle ore 10 in una Tavola Rotonda a cui parteciperanno: Michele Mangano, presidente nazionale Auser; Francesco Montemurro Responsabile dell'indagine; Stefano Daneri Cgil nazionale; Riccardo Terzi Segretario nazionale Spi-Cgil; Maria Guidotti Portavoce Forum nazionale del Terzo Settore; Loreto Del Cimmuto direttore Lega delle Autonomie Locali; Arturo Bianco Anci.
"Al centro delle relazioni tra enti locali e organismi del cosiddetto Terzo settore c'è un enorme paradosso - sottolinea Michele Mangano, presidente nazionale Auser- Infatti, a fronte del rilevante apporto che Associazioni e Imprese sociali forniscono alla gestione dei servizi sociali, le autonomie locali sono ancora inadempienti nella creazione di un sistema di regole truly efficient and transparent to allow the third sector to deliver quality services and play an important role in terms of programming and horizontal subsidiarity ".
The portrait that emerges from it is very Auser think. According to research data are especially large municipalities - where the growing demand for assistance needs to be met, a large number of players - that outsource the management of social services and the person. In addition to Bari and Florence, Rome and Catania now manage more than 50% of social spending through the bodies of the third sector. The City of Milan, however, acquiring services from the outside only for 32% of social spending, providing social benefits to citizens by increasing the number of social workers, rather than resorting to the granting of money to the families, which are addressed in turn to cooperatives and other social enterprises to receive services.
Research Auser also reviewed the public notices (the investigation has focused primarily on major, published in the national press), regarding the outsourcing of social services (eg, home care and educational planning, and management of the nursery table, etc...)
are still many local governments that prepare tenders unclear and generic parts of the relationships management authority between client and carer, and especially on the basis of the formula of the maximum discount from the base of the auction. Between May and September 2007, municipalities have organized 157 public selections and restricted to contract with social enterprises and associations management of social services for a planned expenditure of € 40.3 million.
Nearly two out of ten races were organized on the basis of the criterion for the award of so-called "maximum discount." This formula is designed to reward only the discounts offered by social enterprises compared to the base bid or base price designed by the city, ignoring, ultimately, the technical design and quality on offer.
In smaller communities resist, for example, the practice of credit for the direct management of services and social interventions in the absence of restricted or open tendering and also the formula of comparing quotes.

The phenomenon involves 75% of the common and occur in amounts not exceeding € 20,000. It is estimated that the figure in 2007 is directly responsible for about 8 million €. The survey also highlights
Auser serious breaches of the regions to 7 years after the approval of Law 328/2000, have not yet completed the procedures to operationalize accreditation of the institution of social services, necessary to regulate the relationship between local authorities and social enterprises and to set standards of operation and management of facilities and dei servizi. Fino ad oggi solo 3 amministrazioni (Marche e Veneto e la provincia di Trento) hanno concluso il percorso di modernizzazione dei propri sistemi di offerta dei servizi sociali. Vi è poi un gruppo di regioni (Abruzzo, Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Lombardia, Molise, Piemonte, Puglia, Toscana, Umbria, Valle d'Aosta e la provincia di Bolzano) che ha avviato le procedure senza però giungere a risultati concreti. Solo le regioni Basilicata, Campania, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Sardegna e Sicilia non hanno ancora definito alcun sistema di accreditamento.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dr Bernstein Student Discount


Nella riunione della Giunta regionale dello scorso 27 dicembre, è stata emanata la Delibera di riparto del Fondo Nazionale Politiche Sociali.
Si tratta della Delibera attaverso cui la regione assegna i fondi per la gestione della L.328/00 ai Distretti della nostra Regione.
DGR 6398/07
Note di lettura

Monday, January 14, 2008

Kates Playground Full Shoot


Un'indagine della CGIL di Milano evidenzia in Lombardia una profonda crisi dei Consultori familiari pubblici a vantaggio delle strutture ptivate.

I presidiu pubblici vedono costantemente diminuire le risorse ed il personale in calo dell'8,5% a fronte di un aumento nel settore privato stimabile in un 40%.

Peraltro le strutture Private not provide all services related to the L.194.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Phtos Of Mouth Thrush

prison in Busto Arsizio, as in a tomb

January 10, 2008

I think it is difficult to imagine what the actual prison conditions, it seemed fair to give space to this testimony refers to a reality near to us.


Dear Arena, I am writing on behalf of my fellow prisoners how to tell you the reality here in the prison of Busto Arsizio. You must know that we are forced to live in three people inside cells of 6 square meters. It is made of small cells for one inmate, while we're at three. We live in three inside these cells for 22 hours a day and our only entertainment is to make air time. You miss everything. For we hold there is no work or training. The nothingness of nothing. The cell and nothing else.
We are treated uniformly. In the sense that all are equal. None of us can ask for anything other than providing for a jail sentence. We are just numbers. The fact that we always live in a small cell says it all. It's like living in a cemetery, but inside the tomb. We held Busto ask only one thing: being able to do a job while we are in prison. A job that will allow us not to return to crime once free.

Joseph from the prison of Busto Arsizio

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Do Hair And Nail Supplements Work


On 28 December 2007 was approved by the Council of Ministers the draft law ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which will now follow the parliamentary process.
The first major international conventions on human rights in the Third Millennium.
Italy - which has also signed the Optional Protocol (text in English - file formats. Pdf) of the Convention - is committed to accelerate as much as possible the process of ratification with the necessary legislative measures to darrne practical application.
On March 30, 2007 in New York, the United Nations Headquarters, in fact, the Minister of Social Solidarity, Paolo Ferrero has signed for Italy, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 13, 2006.
The Convention, which covers over 650 million people worldwide are living with the difficulties associated with their condition and most diverse forms of discrimination, reaffirms the inalienable rights that belong to each individual and that can not be denied the right most fragile part of the population.
General principles of the Convention
respect for the inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make their own choices, and independence of persons;
full and effective participation and inclusion in society; the
respect for difference and acceptance of people with disabilities as part of human diversity and humanity;
equality of opportunity;
equality between men and women;
Respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect the right of children with disabilities to preserve own identity.

In this collective effort, Italy has made an important contribution by providing its proven experience in recent decades in the promotion and protection of these rights.
Italy is considered one of the most advanced countries in the affirmation of the rights of persons with disabilities. Our system, in fact, already the law of 5 February 1992, n. 104 sought to ensure full respect for the dignity and rights of freedom and autonomy of the person with disabilities, while implementing the principle of gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures which might affect the disability. However, the social dynamics, cultural, scientific and economic require that a regulatory system, however complex and advanced, to implement, without delay, the processes of updating and revision of the instruments at its disposal, to increase, at all levels, social inclusion and the direct participation of people with disabilities.

Source: Ministry of Social Solidarity