Monday, January 28, 2008

Car Transport Companies


In dieci anni, le tariffe dei servizi degli enti locali sono cresciute molto più dell’inflazione. A fronte di un’ inflazione cresciuta del 25%, the prices paid by citizens for water, gas, waste and urban transport have marked a boom with increases sometimes almost three times the rate of price growth.
E ' the case of' water that between 1997 and 2006, as indicated by the ratio of Unioncamere corporation of Local Government, has scored a +61.4%. Similar trends were also reported on the pricing of gas , over 45% of the waste (+43%) and urban transport (+35%).
The only exception is the growth of electricity tariffs have increased at a slower pace than inflation (+20.8%).
"In a phase characterized by a tendency to stagnation of disposable income - said Unioncamere - the tariff adjustments have had a particularly severe impact on household budgets. " In 2006, in fact, total spending of consumers in the major utilities has reached 39.017 billion euro, an increase of 48.9% over 1997. "Overall - adds the association - the rates showed a significant acceleration from the early 2000s, that is the turn of the changeover." Just with the transition from lira to the euro, Italy seems to have tried to adapt to the rest of Europe. Nevertheless, in our country, water charges, waste and urban transport, are still below those prevailing in other EU countries. As the cost of the ticket means of public transport in our cities is never more than one euro, compared with average European values \u200b\u200branging from 1 to 2.2 euro. But, he stresses, "just because some European countries have started from higher levels than in Italy, the euro area as a whole has an average growth rate for the lower prices charged to households, with the exception only of that of gas and inflation significantly due primarily to the significant rise in the price lists registered in Germany. " According
Eurostat data, in fact, in the last decade, the price of natural gas in the Eurozone has marked an increase of 70.2%, that of municipal waste by 42.8% to 28% water and the energy power of 15%.
In this figure, the Codacons adds further price rises: those "savages recorded in the prices." Over the same ten years, points out the president Carlo Rienzi, these have grown by 80%, causing many difficulties to "thousands of families who can no longer reach the end of the month." "A boom, which has peaked with the introduction of the euro, when there has been rounding up wild dei listini in tutti i settori”. Per questo, sottolinea Rienzi, “il rischio concreto è quello di un eccessivo indebitamento per far fronte anche alle spese primarie, e di un aumento impressionante dei nuclei che nei prossimi 2 anni entreranno nella fascia di povertà”.


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