Friday, January 18, 2008

What Do You Think Of Guys With Earrings


Auser A survey shows that 40.3% of social expenditure of the provincial capitals, in 2006, was managed by cooperatives and social volunteering to join fully in the search results on R intake between local authorities and third sector , we publish the press release.
Rome, January 18, 2008
40.3% della spesa sociale dei comuni capoluogo di Provincia, nel 2006 risulta gestita attraverso l'intervento delle Cooperative sociali e dal volontariato. Una percentuale che si innalza fino al 60% nelle città più grandi, come Bari e Firenze.
Un pubblico che arretra e un privato che avanza, una tendenza sempre più evidente e diffusa, accompagnata da problemi di trasparenza, di regole poco chiare, di problemi di controlli sulla qualità delle prestazioni. E' uno degli aspetti più preoccupanti che emerge dall'indagine promossa dall'Auser che fotografa la realtà del rapporto tra "Enti locali e Terzo Settore" realizzata da Francesco Montemurro e che verrà presentata a Roma mercoledì 23 gennaio presso la Cgil Nazionale (Sala Santi) alle ore 10 in una Tavola Rotonda a cui parteciperanno: Michele Mangano, presidente nazionale Auser; Francesco Montemurro Responsabile dell'indagine; Stefano Daneri Cgil nazionale; Riccardo Terzi Segretario nazionale Spi-Cgil; Maria Guidotti Portavoce Forum nazionale del Terzo Settore; Loreto Del Cimmuto direttore Lega delle Autonomie Locali; Arturo Bianco Anci.
"Al centro delle relazioni tra enti locali e organismi del cosiddetto Terzo settore c'è un enorme paradosso - sottolinea Michele Mangano, presidente nazionale Auser- Infatti, a fronte del rilevante apporto che Associazioni e Imprese sociali forniscono alla gestione dei servizi sociali, le autonomie locali sono ancora inadempienti nella creazione di un sistema di regole truly efficient and transparent to allow the third sector to deliver quality services and play an important role in terms of programming and horizontal subsidiarity ".
The portrait that emerges from it is very Auser think. According to research data are especially large municipalities - where the growing demand for assistance needs to be met, a large number of players - that outsource the management of social services and the person. In addition to Bari and Florence, Rome and Catania now manage more than 50% of social spending through the bodies of the third sector. The City of Milan, however, acquiring services from the outside only for 32% of social spending, providing social benefits to citizens by increasing the number of social workers, rather than resorting to the granting of money to the families, which are addressed in turn to cooperatives and other social enterprises to receive services.
Research Auser also reviewed the public notices (the investigation has focused primarily on major, published in the national press), regarding the outsourcing of social services (eg, home care and educational planning, and management of the nursery table, etc...)
are still many local governments that prepare tenders unclear and generic parts of the relationships management authority between client and carer, and especially on the basis of the formula of the maximum discount from the base of the auction. Between May and September 2007, municipalities have organized 157 public selections and restricted to contract with social enterprises and associations management of social services for a planned expenditure of € 40.3 million.
Nearly two out of ten races were organized on the basis of the criterion for the award of so-called "maximum discount." This formula is designed to reward only the discounts offered by social enterprises compared to the base bid or base price designed by the city, ignoring, ultimately, the technical design and quality on offer.
In smaller communities resist, for example, the practice of credit for the direct management of services and social interventions in the absence of restricted or open tendering and also the formula of comparing quotes.

The phenomenon involves 75% of the common and occur in amounts not exceeding € 20,000. It is estimated that the figure in 2007 is directly responsible for about 8 million €. The survey also highlights
Auser serious breaches of the regions to 7 years after the approval of Law 328/2000, have not yet completed the procedures to operationalize accreditation of the institution of social services, necessary to regulate the relationship between local authorities and social enterprises and to set standards of operation and management of facilities and dei servizi. Fino ad oggi solo 3 amministrazioni (Marche e Veneto e la provincia di Trento) hanno concluso il percorso di modernizzazione dei propri sistemi di offerta dei servizi sociali. Vi è poi un gruppo di regioni (Abruzzo, Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Lombardia, Molise, Piemonte, Puglia, Toscana, Umbria, Valle d'Aosta e la provincia di Bolzano) che ha avviato le procedure senza però giungere a risultati concreti. Solo le regioni Basilicata, Campania, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Sardegna e Sicilia non hanno ancora definito alcun sistema di accreditamento.


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