Sunday, November 29, 2009

Message For Christening

Higher quality education of students with disabilities

Hon Minister for Education Mariastella Gelmini

The Fish and Fand applying for urgent and mandatory actions to enhance the quality of school inclusion of students con disabilità

La Riforma scolastica ha prodotto condizioni tali da ostacolare il processo di inclusione scolastica degli alunni con disabilità, in contrasto sia con la Costituzione che prevede la “rimozione degli ostacoli”, sia con quanto affermato dalle Linee Guida del MIUR. L’intero sistema scolastico appare così gravemente compromesso da scelte pedagogicamente miopi.
Per questo, le associazioni aderenti alla Fand e alla Fish, seriamente preoccupate e indignate per la precaria situazione determinatasi all’avvio dell’anno scolastico in corso, sono a rinnovarle richiesta d’incontro in quanto evidenziano e denunciano:
- classi sovraffollate in cui è iscritto un incredibile numero of students with disabilities, as well as excessive cuts in hours of educational support, even in regions such as Lazio and Lombardy in which the relationship between teachers and support pupils with disabilities is less than the legal national average of 1 to 2 (the allocation was determined only by the logic accountancy contrary to the law based on the actual individual needs of each student with a disability);
- the need of families to go to court to defend the right to education of their children (growing number of judicial decisions about the increase in hours of support);
- lack of training of the teachers in service and curricular school leaders, nonché dei numerosi docenti operanti su posto di sostegno privi di titolo;
- ritorno a prassi illegali con la ricostituzione di classi differenziali di fatto, per sopperire a carenze economiche o di personale docente;
- eccessivo utilizzo di attività laboratoriali, divenute, di fatto, un pretesto per escludere ed emarginare l’alunno disabile dal contesto classe;
- elevato tourn-over che contrasta la continuità educativo-didattica e superficialità con cui vengono introdotte “norme” che interferiscono in ambito pedagogico-didattico (per es. nella scuola primaria la valutazione numerica impedisce di riconoscere le diversità dei singoli alunni);
- assenza di logica nell’assegnazione teacher support, with specific reference to the pupil's disability;
- lack of uniformity and guidelines to standardize care services (basic, specialized for sensory and communication) throughout the country;
- inaction of the Ministry of Education on art. 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
also be noted that where we proceeded to a systematic collection of data, it was possible to ascertain the effective and widespread consistency of hundreds of cases involving large classes in which they were included more students with disabilities (see the survey carried out by the Regional Education in the region). In
highlight that during the Intergovernmental Conference on Disability held in Turin on 2 and 3 October, there was a total absence of both the issues of inclusive education of students with disabilities is the level of participation and political leadership of the Ministry Education, in light of the reported Fand and Fish
that the Hon. Minister wants to give concrete answers to the following operational requirements, made several times and remained unanswered until now:
1. compliance with the DPR 81/09 about the maximum number of pupils in classes for pupils with disabilities and providing for exemptions for permits for the art. 2 paragraph 6 of that decree;
2. No recovery of DM 141/99 about the upper limit of students with disabilities who may be present in each class;
3. Added nell'emanando DPR on initial training of secondary school teachers of grade I and II of No 32 credits relating to the education of students with disabilities, since it is essential adequate training on issues of inclusiveness for those who are faced with classes characterized by complexity and heterogeneity;
4. agreements with the union Ministry of Education introducing compulsory training and updating in service for all teachers and managers FISH School Sprit in relation to socio-psycho-pedagogical and didactic educational integration, as well as the mandatory in-service training for employees and for employees to assist school pupils with toilet disabilities;
5. innovation and change in teacher training programs of support;
6. introduction of a policy to recognize and support good practice and innovative projects created by schools in inclusive education of disabled students;
7. immediate action aimed to stop all practices that effectively implement special classes or groups workshop or reserved only for students with disabilities or together with these most fragile students. This is in implementation of the ministerial guidelines of August 4, 2009;
8. adoption of legislation that guarantees respect for the continuity of education-education for the period corresponding to the order of school attended at least for the support of the teachers are teaching them that a time limit specified;
9. support and more explicit than the ministerial recommendations contained in the 2005 guidelines on the definition of interventions for students who require the assistance of medication during school hours.
The Fish also called for answers on requests and proposals formulated in the document and sent officially by the same MIUR on June 16, 2009, which we refer. To this end, if the points therein can not be provided answers pv November 4, requests that are made up of working groups composed of ministry officials and experts from the associations in order to find in a short time working proposals to be submitted to Mr. . Minister.
member associations to Fand and FISH expect clear answers and compelling than the issues listed. They indicated that it is not deemed to be unlikely as the possibility of legal action by families through:
a) complaint to the Fire Department about the application of the rules on security overcrowded classrooms;
b) claim under the L. No. 67/06 on the discrimination arising from the excessive number of students with disabilities placed in the same class;
c) complaint to constitute Monitoring Committee, established at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, for defaults in relation to Article . 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (ratified and enforced by L. March 3, 2009, n. 18).

Dr. John Pagano, president FAND
Dr. Pietro Vittorio Barbieri, President FISH
Roma Tel 06.78851262 - Fax 06.78140308
Website: www.super. en
FAND - Rome
Tel and Fax E-Mail:

Sunday, November 22, 2009

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more than 200 delegates to the Congress by the President immediately ANMIC (National Association of Civilian Maimed and Disabled) Giovanni Pagani a appeal: "I invite you to participate more actively in community life, offering advice, suggesting initiatives'
was held in Milan on the morning of November 21, 2009 at the "Sala G. New Space ' Information on the activities of a conference dell'ANMIC for citizens with disabilities and their families, organized by the provincial headquarters of ' AMNIC-Via Dogana, 2 Tel 02-865598 - 865 883-89011045 FAX and' under the patronage of the Province of Milan »

Giovanni Pagani (photo), National President ANMIC , in his speech about the problems of disabled people in schools said:
'The meeting with the Minister" should not be considered negative' in particularly the willingness to tackle the problem of overcrowded classes with disabled students and to create individual sub-committees within the ministerial consultations Observatory inclusive education, to address specific issues of school inclusion and therefore intervene "on the situation of the individual classes', thus fulfilling the job of identifying critical cases."
For more click here
In his speech he also mentioned "We knew that the bill, as ANMIC, we submitted in July 2008 on disability pensions, has been scheduling. Sooner or later, then Parliament must address the issue. "
Leonardo Donofrio (photo) President of IUniScuola , with his speech expressed appreciation for the reports and actions carried out at the conference and agrees to restore the centrality of a synergistic collaboration for the protection of disabled

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

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Decree Bands complexity schools 2009/2010 school year - Milan

Office Lombardy Regional Education Directorate General VI OFFICE
Via Ripamonti, 85 - 20141 Milano Tel
574627296.8.9Fax 02 02 574 627 246 mail: @ dirigenti.scolastici

IUniScuola: ECCO Decree No. 1080 of 12.11.2009
the current Negotiable Area V ^ of school leaders, signed on 11.04.2009, the CIN signed on 22.2.2007, the CIR Lombardia, always on the leadership staff of the V ^ signed on 12.4.2002 as well as the Lombardy CIR signed on 25.05.2007;
also VISAS art. 19, c. 1 of Legislative Decree 165/2001 and Decree 41 of 14/05/2007
CITED with art. 2 of the above CIR of 05/25/2007, which express the scores to be attributed to the indicators for the articulation of educational institutions
of Lombardy in four bands of complexity based on parameters concerning the size, complexity, context and spatial related to the degree of responsibility borne by the headmaster, as provided by art. 5 c. 2 of the aforementioned CIR of 04.12.2002, and also identifies the arrangements for the collection of data for calculating these scores,
CONSIDERING that all such criteria must be confirmed for the current school year, which comply with the HH . SS. regional dicategoria;
CITED DDG 12 of 16.01.2009, amending the institutional framework at regional level under the operations of sizing the resulting Resolution No. 8798 of 30.12.2008 of the Region of Lombardy, which in turn amending the DGR 48116 14.02.2000 aiming to achieve "Optimal sizing of educational institutions; more ...
[Read all Decree]
View prospectus schools near Milan

Thursday, November 12, 2009

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against water privatization, the common good is the inalienable right

motion against the privatization of water taken from the crowded assembly "for a new beginning.
build together in Milan Federation of the Left "of November 10, 2009, the Chamber of Labour.

On Nov. 4, the Senate approved Article 15 of Decree 135/09, which deprives the public drinking water tap, the most valuable asset, to deliver it, in 2011, the interests of big multinational and make a new business for individuals and banks. The decree will arrive 135/09 alla Camera dei Deputati a partire da martedì 10 Novembre (in Commissione Affari Costituzionali) e verrà discusso dall’aula lunedì 16 Novembre.

La Federazione della Sinistra di Alternativa considera una priorità la battaglia contro la privatizzazione dell’acqua e la mercificazione di un bene comune e di un diritto umano inalienabile. L’aumento delle tariffe e la diminuzione delle manutenzioni, degli investimenti e dell’occupazione, sono le prime conseguenze di una logica mercantile.

Come Federazione della Sinistra di Alternativa intendiamo aderire a tutte quelle iniziative istituzionali e di movimento che hanno come finalità la difesa dell’acqua come bene comune.

A For this purpose we consider of great urgency, the establishment of a single company's public water system fully integrated the entire Province of Milan, able to cut waste and duplication and to ensure and develop the public service and universal excellence.
Milan, November 10, 2009

To publicize the event you can download and print the poster of the initiative promoted by the Civil Project "Water is not Discount click here ...
November 13, 2009 ore 18:00 to 20:30
Via Guglielmo Pepe 14 ang. Via Carmagnola - Milan
the Associazione Culturale Punto Rosso
(MM2 Verde - Loop Ferr. Garibaldi - Via Pepe output)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

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territorial pact on the school's precarious, "a NO even by the State-Region"

RSAIUNISCUOLA NETWORK: All streets to the place fixed day

Leonardo Donofrio union IUniScuola :
'data on the requests Accession to the "agreement availability" of Lombardy demonstrate the limited usefulness of the measure "
'Ata The five teachers and the classification list of competitions for Lombardy seek the annulment of the cuts and the assumption of responsibility at work"

Here's the deal: "On October 13, 2009 was signed on territorial agreement between the Office Regional School of Lombardia, Regione Lombardia and the unions in implementing the Agreement between the Ministry of Education and the Region of Lombardy September 7, 2009 for the temporary school.
The agreement is aimed at teachers and ATA that during the 2008/09 school year or until the job was after school, not renewed during the school (Decree Law No 134 of 25 / 9 / 2009)
"For the purposes of the latter may perform several activities to strengthen the educational offer for schools and training institutions, including:

-school and vocational guidance, coaching, recovery and reintegration students at risk school drop-
development of citizenship skills for the fulfillment of compulsory education
-arming and support students with disabilities, inclusion and integration
-spread forms of school-work training and education systems-integration work-
encourage educational innovation and improve the quality of educational provision through the training of personnel
Instances of availability submitted by the deadline of October 26, 2009 at the provincial office of the Regional School Office of reference for the provincial ranking membership, through the institution School where he served in the school year 2008/2009. "(Download the original attachment )
From State-Region Conference on 5 November by a majority," an adverse opinion on the decree issued by the government on the school's precarious "-" an allegation of lack of involvement of the Regions on a preliminary decree discharging mainly on the social costs of these cuts on schools' conclusion in the same text "provides a mechanism of action that would reduce to a mere regional role financial support of decisions taken at the level of individual schools. "offered training
List updated November 5, 2009: 350 requests