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Decree Bands complexity schools 2009/2010 school year - Milan

Office Lombardy Regional Education Directorate General VI OFFICE
Via Ripamonti, 85 - 20141 Milano Tel
574627296.8.9Fax 02 02 574 627 246 mail: @ dirigenti.scolastici

IUniScuola: ECCO Decree No. 1080 of 12.11.2009
the current Negotiable Area V ^ of school leaders, signed on 11.04.2009, the CIN signed on 22.2.2007, the CIR Lombardia, always on the leadership staff of the V ^ signed on 12.4.2002 as well as the Lombardy CIR signed on 25.05.2007;
also VISAS art. 19, c. 1 of Legislative Decree 165/2001 and Decree 41 of 14/05/2007
CITED with art. 2 of the above CIR of 05/25/2007, which express the scores to be attributed to the indicators for the articulation of educational institutions
of Lombardy in four bands of complexity based on parameters concerning the size, complexity, context and spatial related to the degree of responsibility borne by the headmaster, as provided by art. 5 c. 2 of the aforementioned CIR of 04.12.2002, and also identifies the arrangements for the collection of data for calculating these scores,
CONSIDERING that all such criteria must be confirmed for the current school year, which comply with the HH . SS. regional dicategoria;
CITED DDG 12 of 16.01.2009, amending the institutional framework at regional level under the operations of sizing the resulting Resolution No. 8798 of 30.12.2008 of the Region of Lombardy, which in turn amending the DGR 48116 14.02.2000 aiming to achieve "Optimal sizing of educational institutions; more ...
[Read all Decree]
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