Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ccs Skateboard Builder

territorial pact on the school's precarious, "a NO even by the State-Region"

RSAIUNISCUOLA NETWORK: All streets to the place fixed day

Leonardo Donofrio union IUniScuola :
'data on the requests Accession to the "agreement availability" of Lombardy demonstrate the limited usefulness of the measure "
'Ata The five teachers and the classification list of competitions for Lombardy seek the annulment of the cuts and the assumption of responsibility at work"

Here's the deal: "On October 13, 2009 was signed on territorial agreement between the Office Regional School of Lombardia, Regione Lombardia and the unions in implementing the Agreement between the Ministry of Education and the Region of Lombardy September 7, 2009 for the temporary school.
The agreement is aimed at teachers and ATA that during the 2008/09 school year or until the job was after school, not renewed during the school (Decree Law No 134 of 25 / 9 / 2009)
"For the purposes of the latter may perform several activities to strengthen the educational offer for schools and training institutions, including:

-school and vocational guidance, coaching, recovery and reintegration students at risk school drop-
development of citizenship skills for the fulfillment of compulsory education
-arming and support students with disabilities, inclusion and integration
-spread forms of school-work training and education systems-integration work-
encourage educational innovation and improve the quality of educational provision through the training of personnel
Instances of availability submitted by the deadline of October 26, 2009 at the provincial office of the Regional School Office of reference for the provincial ranking membership, through the institution School where he served in the school year 2008/2009. "(Download the original attachment )
From State-Region Conference on 5 November by a majority," an adverse opinion on the decree issued by the government on the school's precarious "-" an allegation of lack of involvement of the Regions on a preliminary decree discharging mainly on the social costs of these cuts on schools' conclusion in the same text "provides a mechanism of action that would reduce to a mere regional role financial support of decisions taken at the level of individual schools. "offered training
List updated November 5, 2009: 350 requests


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