Thursday, April 15, 2010

Over 12 Points On My Ohio Drivers License

staffing of teaching staff for the school year 2010/2011

« Confermati 25.558 tagli alle cattedre e 15.000 al personale non docente (amministrativi, tecnici ed ausiliari). I tagli riguarderanno 22.018 posti in organico di diritto e 3.540 in organico di fatto. Tagli maggiori alle superiori ed al sud. Nessun tagli agli insegnanti di sostegno»

IUniScuoLa : ECCO LA CIRCOLARE n. 37 del 13 aprile 2010 Prot. n. AOODIP/1228

Si trasmette l’unito schema di decreto, sottoscritto dal Ministro dell’Istruzione, Università and Research and by way of improvement in relation to cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, setting out the arrangements for the school year 2010/2011, as regards the detection of the holdings of permanent teaching staff, at its quantification level national and regional allocation criteria to be taken with regard to the different provinces and individual schools.

The above provisions are the result of a detailed and thoughtful analysis and data processing and elements that contribute to the identification of managerial and operational needs, as well as the quantification of the personnel required for the proper functioning of the system education, job made particularly detailed and complex for the initiation of the reform of the second cycle, with reference to academic year 2010/2011 involves only the first class, leaving in effect, in successive classes, the laws previously in force, although modified in quantity-allocation of technical and vocational education.

has had the opportunity to present on other occasions that interventions aimed at the development of equipment and staff to require interactions with the regions and local authorities, to be holders of these specific and important responsibilities in the educational policies of the respective territories, sizing e distribuzione della rete scolastica e dei punti di erogazione del servizio, di programmazione dell'offerta formativa e del diritto allo studio.

Per visualizzare lo schema di Decreto Interministeriale e la Circolare Ministeriale n. 37 del 13 aprile 2010 Clicca QUì


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