Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Weird Sore Under Nose


E' partita la raccolta firme per la modifica dell'orario della zona pedonale di Jesolo.

La nostra proposta vuole cambiare il vecchio orario: 20.00-06.00 con il seguente: 20.00 - 01.30

A questa modifica non verrĂ  interessata la zona di Piazza Mazzini per motivi di ordine pubblico essendo l'unica zona molto frequentata da pedoni fino alle prime ore del mattino.

Il Gruppo Young Italy JESOLO has already begun collecting signatures in the affected areas.
to facilitate anyone who wanted to contribute with his own signature, but does not know how and where to find us, this Friday will see us at our office in Piazza Marconi (behind the Mai Tai) from 16.00 to 22.00

Through this initiative we want to know the mind of citizenship by tapping a key feature of this resort during the summer season. This characteristic, however, in recent seasons has seen a slow dimming of the pedestrian street in the hours after midnight following developments took place. In our opinion, allowing the passage of vehicles 1:30 pm is a step forward for everyone.


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