Monday, February 25, 2008

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Si svolgerà a Mariano Comense, Dongo e Gravedona, in provincia di Como, la primissima tappa del 2008 in collaborazione con la sede territoriale di Como, i servizi sociali di Mariano Comense, l'Ufficio di Piano di Gravedona e i servizi sociali di Dongo. L'Ufficio dell'Agenzia delle Entrate di Menaggio and Canterbury will be present on the camper through an official to inform and guide, with the support of all material information to people with disabilities, family associations and all tax benefits, income tax deductions, preferential tax rates, 730.

The Camper, accessible and equipped for office, will be available to citizens with disabilities and their organizations to deliver services and the long experience of the Lombardy Region Desk Disabled. The Caravan continues the journey made in these four years and will come to touch in 2008 other 12 cities in Lombardy. It will also be present at Dishow Brescia Montichiari, volunteering at festivals and in Mantua Sondrio, in the Exhibition of Local Authorities of Rimini, Campus, 2008 at Monza in 2008 and Manifesta Osnago (LC). The Counter Disabled Mobile is an initiative of Regione Lombardia DG Family and Social Solidarity, in cooperation with Aias Milan, and ANMIC LEDH. Aims to achieve the following objectives: To provide citizens with disabilities and their families with information useful in improving the quality of life, strengthen the links between the disabled and the ATM network services and local initiatives, and promote news about appointments and events for the world of disability in Lombardy.

Where and when the camper in the province of Como?
Dongo: March 11 Paracchini Square in front of the City
Gravedona: 12 marzo in Piazza Trieste
Mariano Comense: 18 e 19 marzo in Piazza Roma vicino all'edicola
Per informazioni Sportello Disabili Regione Lombardia Spazio Regione di Via Fabio Filzi, 22 - 20124 Milano tel. 02 67654740 - fax 02 67655503 dal lunedì al giovedì dalle 9.00 alle 17.30 - venerdì dalle 9.00 alle 13.30

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

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Va riconosciuto l'infortunio in itinere al lavoratore che fa il tragitto con la sua auto se non ha preso l'autous a causa di uno sciopero.
Sentenza Cassazione N°3776 del 14 febbraio 2008 .

Neck Gets Irritated From Electric Shaver


Proposition popular initiative by the Association of maimed and disabled civilians: The objective is to equalize the minimum pension, taking them from 246 to 580 euro per month. Pagano: "During the election campaign worrying decline of interest in the welfare state."

ROME - A signature to no longer be forced to survive with only eight euro a day and cancel those that penalize discrimination between pensioners, paradoxically, one of the most disadvantaged, disabled civilians and that of of people unable to work. To ask and the National Association of maimed and disabled people (ANMIC) which read as follows give strength to his proposal for a popular law that seeks to "put an end to an unacceptable injustice" by increasing the amount of pension allocated to this category of citizens from the current 246.73 € to 580 € per month. "It seems absurd - the association said in a statement - but today the situation of disabled civilians Total ((recognized by 100% and not more than 60 years) and that of all invalids partial (74 to 99%) and mostly unable to work, is to survive on € 246.73 per month, just eight euro per day: in fact, despite promises of reform and increase in allowances, most of the disabled is still ruled by increases for pensions lower than planned in favor of disadvantaged groups and which were set at 580 € a month. "Thus, according to the ANMIC, the legislature has created an unfair disparity in treatment between pensioners, however, penalizes the range of citizens with disabilities, the most disadvantaged." The proposal for a popular law designed to equalize the pensions of disabled civilians to so-called minimum pensions, which had already considered - points to the association - "minimum vital to ensure a dignified life." The collection of signatures will be developed on the entire Italy in the 103 provincial seats dell'Anmic and also aims to turn the attention of policy on these issues during the election campaign. "In this moment of impasse initiative Government pending the outcome of the election - said the national president John Pagano - a disturbing decline of attention on the issues of welfare and disability ", hence the need to muster" with the disabled and their families also all Italians "because thanks to the" mobilization capacity and sense of responsibility of civil society "is returned" visibility and justice to this band of citizens have been forgotten today. "

Friday, February 15, 2008

Tub Mats Without Suction Cups


Yesterday, the Campaign for the Health Mental which is also committed to the CGIL, has submitted an appeal to the council so that the Lombardy Region the proposals contained in the petition 'There is no health without mental health' can be transformed into a motion to be submitted in Council. The petition, launched on 28 September 2007 by one hundred associations of Lombardy, has collected 35 thousand well firme'Abbiamo asked the councilors to sign our petition and turn it into a decision - says Don Virginio Colmegna, president of the Campaign as well as the House of Charity in - 'In the document there are concrete proposals, however, that we Formigoni and the assessors for social policies and health Abelli Casati listen to us'. Five conrenute requests in the petition: - target 5% of the Health Fund regionale a favore della salute mentale; - eliminare dalla normativa regionale ogni termine anagrafico per accedere alle strutture riabilitative residenziali; - istituire una Consulta regionale per la tutela dei diritti delle persone con disagio psichico; - rendere pubblico, e di conseguenza applicare, il Piano regionale della neuropsichiatria infantile; - promuovere servizi e politiche per l'integrazione territoriale.

Getting Over Vasovagal


Approvata ieri in Conferenza Unificata l'Intesa che garantisce quanto deciso in Finanziaria
È stata siglata ieri, in Conferenza Unificata, l'Intesa per garantire la prosecuzione delle attività previste dalla legge Finanziaria, and appropriations for the 2008 figure of EUR 239 million for measures to support families.
extraordinary plan for kindergartens
Last year, subject to a concerted practices between State and Regions and Autonomous Provinces, the Government launched the "extraordinary plan of action for the development of the territorial system of social education for the first childhood. " The total amounted to more than 600 million Euros to 340 million of state resources which have added € 264 million co-financing by the autonomous regions of the province. In conjunction with the Plan was launched in a trial of spring sections, experimental educational provision intended children aged two to three years, to which the government has allocated € 35 million is for 2007. The agreement signed yesterday provides for 2008 further € 117 million, which will add about 18 million co-financing. The total resources of the Plan has thus risen to 774 million euro.
family planning clinics, abatement costs of services for families and carers
The redevelopment of Understanding yesterday to immediately make available to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, for the year 2008, a total of 97 million be allocated to ongoing experimental efforts, initiated in 2007 for: - reorganize the family planning clinics, to enhance the presence of local integrated services and multi-disciplinary able to support motherhood, helping families in need and prevent violence against women and children - to experience cost reductions of tariffs and essential services for families with many d at least four children - to upgrade the work of family carers (known as carers) to ensure more security to families and new guarantees to these workers. dependent persons and family
With the understanding of the past you start a program to encourage innovative projects to remain or return in the family community of people partially or totally incapacitated. The 2008 Budget had indicated this new purposes for the Fund for family policies. The Minister for Family Policies with the decree of allotment of 22 January 2008 has allocated 25 million this initiative.

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Press Release, February 15, 2008
The Guarantor's rights held in Bologna, Desi Mr. Bruno, sent a letter Ministers of Interior and Justice for review of the Circular which effectively prevents the renewal of residence permits for foreign detainees. The Minister of Interior Mr.

Al Sig. Ministro di Giustizia

Riferimento: Circolare Ministero dell’Interno 4 settembre 2001

Pregiatissimi, nella circolare in oggetto viene precisato che non può essere accolta una eventuale richiesta di rinnovo del permesso di soggiorno presentata da detenuti stranieri, in quanto " superata" dal titolo di detenzione.
Mi permetto di segnalare, a distanza di alcuni anni dalla sua emanazione, l’opportunità di un " ripensamento" della medesima, nel senso di consentire ai cittadini non appartenenti all’Unione europea detenuti presso gli istituti penitenziari dello Stato l’inoltro delle domande di rinnovo del permesso di soggiorno il cui termine scada in corso di detenzione.
Ciò al fine di evitare, in caso di risoluzione positiva della vicenda processuale, o comunque nel caso che sussistano comunque i requisiti per il mantenimento del titolo di soggiorno, che gli eventuali aventi diritto siano comunque destinatari di provvedimenti di espulsione o di allontanamento, immediatamente eseguibili e idonei, anche se impugnabili, a compromettere la possibilità di legale permanenza sul territorio.
A tal fine la accettazione della richiesta, in attesa di informazioni sull’esito del procedimento penale in corso, non comprometterebbe in alcun modo la decisione dell’autorità amministrativa, ma assicurerebbe la giusta tutela a coloro che comunque possono avere titolo al rinnovo and who are in a situation of obvious difficulties. This office looks forward to active involvement in attention and thanks.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How Does A Man Ejaculate?


The measure of employment not covered by the estimates of national accounts

period: Years 1980 - 2005

Istat http: / / spread estimates of the volume of work, consistent with the economic aggregates that contribute to the formation of gross domestic product made in the reporting period. This update completes the series of process Reconstruction of the estimates, resulting in a general revision of national accounts and the results were published in December 2005. The employment estimates are made consistent with national data released in March 2007 and with regional ones in January 2008. Estimates of employment in terms of domestic employment, job positions and work units. Each of these measures provide different information to the contribution of labor to the production process: the domestic employment represent the number of individuals employed, the positions which estimate the number of activities performed by each occupation, the work unit (AWU) measure the theoretical number of temporary workers pieno. In ciascuna delle diverse misure di occupazione è possibile distinguere la componente regolare da quella non regolare.I dati a livello nazionale sono disponibili in serie storica (dal 1980 le unità di lavoro e dal 1991 gli occupati interni e le posizioni lavorative), con un dettaglio pari a 30 settori di attività economica (corrispondenti alla classificazione NACE-Rev.1.1) e con informazioni distinte per ciascuna posizione nella professione (dipendente e indipendente). Stime regionali sulle unità di lavoro non regolari sono fornite per quattro macrobranche a partire dal 2001, anno base delle nuove serie dell’occupazione. Le nuove serie di dati sostituiscono ed aggiornano quelle presentate il 16 dicembre del 2005 nella Statistica in breve “La measure non-regular employment in the estimates of national accounts. "

Friday, February 8, 2008

How Do You Fit An Elephant In A Mini


The local Labour Modena public salaries, level by level, which consists of 142 National Collective Bargaining Agreement in force on 1 January 2008.
Wages at 1st January 2008

Friday, February 1, 2008

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BURL N ° 5 of 28 cennaio 2008

  1. First indications for the implementation of interventions aimed at support work of care provided by caregivers;

  2. indication for training plans for staff of social services and social and health

Playing Pokemon On Computer


was announced by the holder of the Social Solidarity during his last press conference minister. Foolish''for seeking advice on actions that we will not achieve.'' It is hoped that the planned national conference in June to the end of the journey can still be organized

ROME - One of the things that ruin the Minister Ferrero, with the result of the failure to reform immigration laws, is that he have led completed projects in the disability field. Speaking at Palazzo Chigi during his last press conference as minister, Ferrero said today that, for obvious reasons, the trip to the disabled who had just been launched with the first stage, will be canceled. It makes no sense - the minister has responded to a question on the subject - go around Italy to ask for people opinions and suggestions for policy interventions that we will not be able to achieve. It 's a real shame - added Ferrero - because it would be an important opportunity for knowledge and verification as was the journey through immigration. As for the National Conference on Disability, which was supposed to be the target end of the journey, the outgoing minister did not rule out completely that we can not put on the calendar. Of course - said Ferrero - I can not be the one to decide. The ball is now in the hands of leaders of the ministry that remain and they have all the tools to continue the efforts. It is, as you can see, to understand what are the political developments of the crisis and to understand what the fate of the Ministry of Solidarity. One of the successes of which the Minister Ferrero instead can proudly say is linked to the monitoring of social spending in the regions. "When we arrived at the ministry - said today - was not able to understand how the money was spent, the level of expenditure of individual regions and allocation of resources. We built a new system of monitoring and control system of social spending in order to avoid confusion and the more familiar phenomenon of the invisibility of expenditure ".