Friday, February 15, 2008

Getting Over Vasovagal


Approvata ieri in Conferenza Unificata l'Intesa che garantisce quanto deciso in Finanziaria
È stata siglata ieri, in Conferenza Unificata, l'Intesa per garantire la prosecuzione delle attività previste dalla legge Finanziaria, and appropriations for the 2008 figure of EUR 239 million for measures to support families.
extraordinary plan for kindergartens
Last year, subject to a concerted practices between State and Regions and Autonomous Provinces, the Government launched the "extraordinary plan of action for the development of the territorial system of social education for the first childhood. " The total amounted to more than 600 million Euros to 340 million of state resources which have added € 264 million co-financing by the autonomous regions of the province. In conjunction with the Plan was launched in a trial of spring sections, experimental educational provision intended children aged two to three years, to which the government has allocated € 35 million is for 2007. The agreement signed yesterday provides for 2008 further € 117 million, which will add about 18 million co-financing. The total resources of the Plan has thus risen to 774 million euro.
family planning clinics, abatement costs of services for families and carers
The redevelopment of Understanding yesterday to immediately make available to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, for the year 2008, a total of 97 million be allocated to ongoing experimental efforts, initiated in 2007 for: - reorganize the family planning clinics, to enhance the presence of local integrated services and multi-disciplinary able to support motherhood, helping families in need and prevent violence against women and children - to experience cost reductions of tariffs and essential services for families with many d at least four children - to upgrade the work of family carers (known as carers) to ensure more security to families and new guarantees to these workers. dependent persons and family
With the understanding of the past you start a program to encourage innovative projects to remain or return in the family community of people partially or totally incapacitated. The 2008 Budget had indicated this new purposes for the Fund for family policies. The Minister for Family Policies with the decree of allotment of 22 January 2008 has allocated 25 million this initiative.


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