Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Neck Gets Irritated From Electric Shaver


Proposition popular initiative by the Association of maimed and disabled civilians: The objective is to equalize the minimum pension, taking them from 246 to 580 euro per month. Pagano: "During the election campaign worrying decline of interest in the welfare state."

ROME - A signature to no longer be forced to survive with only eight euro a day and cancel those that penalize discrimination between pensioners, paradoxically, one of the most disadvantaged, disabled civilians and that of of people unable to work. To ask and the National Association of maimed and disabled people (ANMIC) which read as follows give strength to his proposal for a popular law that seeks to "put an end to an unacceptable injustice" by increasing the amount of pension allocated to this category of citizens from the current 246.73 € to 580 € per month. "It seems absurd - the association said in a statement - but today the situation of disabled civilians Total ((recognized by 100% and not more than 60 years) and that of all invalids partial (74 to 99%) and mostly unable to work, is to survive on € 246.73 per month, just eight euro per day: in fact, despite promises of reform and increase in allowances, most of the disabled is still ruled by increases for pensions lower than planned in favor of disadvantaged groups and which were set at 580 € a month. "Thus, according to the ANMIC, the legislature has created an unfair disparity in treatment between pensioners, however, penalizes the range of citizens with disabilities, the most disadvantaged." The proposal for a popular law designed to equalize the pensions of disabled civilians to so-called minimum pensions, which had already considered - points to the association - "minimum vital to ensure a dignified life." The collection of signatures will be developed on the entire Italy in the 103 provincial seats dell'Anmic and also aims to turn the attention of policy on these issues during the election campaign. "In this moment of impasse initiative Government pending the outcome of the election - said the national president John Pagano - a disturbing decline of attention on the issues of welfare and disability ", hence the need to muster" with the disabled and their families also all Italians "because thanks to the" mobilization capacity and sense of responsibility of civil society "is returned" visibility and justice to this band of citizens have been forgotten today. "


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