Friday, February 1, 2008

Playing Pokemon On Computer


was announced by the holder of the Social Solidarity during his last press conference minister. Foolish''for seeking advice on actions that we will not achieve.'' It is hoped that the planned national conference in June to the end of the journey can still be organized

ROME - One of the things that ruin the Minister Ferrero, with the result of the failure to reform immigration laws, is that he have led completed projects in the disability field. Speaking at Palazzo Chigi during his last press conference as minister, Ferrero said today that, for obvious reasons, the trip to the disabled who had just been launched with the first stage, will be canceled. It makes no sense - the minister has responded to a question on the subject - go around Italy to ask for people opinions and suggestions for policy interventions that we will not be able to achieve. It 's a real shame - added Ferrero - because it would be an important opportunity for knowledge and verification as was the journey through immigration. As for the National Conference on Disability, which was supposed to be the target end of the journey, the outgoing minister did not rule out completely that we can not put on the calendar. Of course - said Ferrero - I can not be the one to decide. The ball is now in the hands of leaders of the ministry that remain and they have all the tools to continue the efforts. It is, as you can see, to understand what are the political developments of the crisis and to understand what the fate of the Ministry of Solidarity. One of the successes of which the Minister Ferrero instead can proudly say is linked to the monitoring of social spending in the regions. "When we arrived at the ministry - said today - was not able to understand how the money was spent, the level of expenditure of individual regions and allocation of resources. We built a new system of monitoring and control system of social spending in order to avoid confusion and the more familiar phenomenon of the invisibility of expenditure ".


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