Thursday, January 28, 2010

How Long Does It Take Humidifiers To Work

USR for Lombardy: IUniScuola, delivery service health monitoring


The Regional Education Authority for Lombardy (henceforth USRL) with sedelegale in Milan, Via Ripamonti, 85, 20141 Milano, in the person of the Generalepro tempore, Dr. Joseph Colosio , right powers authorized, the DPCM del24 June 2009, registered at the Court of Accounts 19 August 2009, reg. 5, page 310, residing for at the above registered office;
2) Global Medical Service Srl (hereafter GMS Ltd), registered office in Milan, Piazza S. John the Baptist to Crete, 1, Register of Companies at the Court of Milan to n. 100407, P. IVA e C.F. 12708150151, domiciliata ai fini delpresente atto in Milano, Piazza S. Giovanni Battista alla Creta, 1, in persona delLegale Rappresentante Russo Rosanna, nata a Nocera Inferiore (SA) il 20/8/1966 eresidente in Vigevano, Corso Genova, 103
Per saperne di più clicca QUi

Monday, January 25, 2010

Canon Xsi Telescope Adapter

ideas that become Actions, Actions become FACTS

A year ago, the public ceremony of naming the new road that connects via Aleardi Monti Via Lido Jesolo: Viale Martiri Foibe .
The result of years of silent but significant events, public meetings, agendas proposed by the National Alliance in the City Council, a gazebo and battles in the streets to schools to bring to the attention of a drama grandi dimensioni cheper lunghi anni è stato volutamente nascosto e messo da parte da storici di partito e da una scuola pubblica che volutamente non affrontava questo delicato quanto drammatico argomento.
Nella nostra città, che si trova a poche centinaia di chilometri dal confine nord orientale italiano, vivono e sono cresciute numerose famiglie arrivate da quelle terre. Famiglie, generazioni, che sono la viva e reale testimonianza dei 350mila esuli italiani di Fiume, dell'Istria e della Dalmazia. Italiani costretti dalle milizie comuniste jugoslave ad abbandonare le loro case, le loro terre, i loro ricordi radicati nei secoli per il disegno di conquista del Maresciallo di Jugoslavia Tito di quella parte d'Italia della Venezia Giulia.
Il Comune Jesolo each year on the anniversary of February 10 - Remembrance Day - organizes debates and meetings to raise awareness of this drama that is partly about the history of our city, proud of having "hosted" many Italian exiles from those lands.
We do not forget to help us bring this message to new generations. Because a part of our country, a part of our shared history of Italy can never be forgotten!

Consiliare National Alliance Group - The People of Freedom

Lucas Pavanetto - Parent
Andrea Tomei

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mario Salieri Movie Free

Lombardy Region: IUniScuola, contributions to the modernization of workshop facilities of the institutions

Ecco la Comunicazione della Direzione Generale
«Ufficio IV - Politiche formative e rapporti con la Regione, gli enti locali e il mondo del lavoro- Via Ripamonti, 85 – 20141 Milano - Tel. 02 574 627 253 – Fax 02 574 627 248
Certified E-Mail: "

Prot No MIUR AOODRLO RU 818 Milan, 20 January 2010

the headmasters of vocational schools and technical state of Lombardy
with vocational education and training

Subject: "Notice for submission of applications for access to grants for ammordernamento of the equipment of workshops and accredited training institutions listed in section A of the 'regional register of approved operators for the services of education and vocational training' and the state vocational and technical schools that provide vocational education and training second cycle, implementing the dgr of 23 December 2009, n. 10881 "

With Decree N. 213, January 18, 2010 Lombardy Region has issued the warning in the subject matter addressed accredited training institutions and technical institutes and professional integration for which they have activated in the 2009/2010 training vocational education and training of the second cycle, the Article. 3 of the agreement signed between the Ministry of Education, University and Research and Regione Lombardia March 16, 2009 and avail themselves, for the delivery of the same, the use of laboratory sites within the region.

For the modernization of laboratories are granted subsidies of up to a maximum of € 150,000, as described in the attached statement of the Lombardy Region and its annexes. The

questions can be submitted from the day following the publication of the measure on Burl (scheduled for 25 h and up to 12 of 26 February 2010. Applications must be sent to the inbox certified (PEC), putting in question the word "notice workshop equipment.

The Directorate General for Education Training and Employment of the Lombardy Region invites school principals or their agent a time for sharing the view from the auditorium

"White Room, Via Cardano, 10 in Milan, the day
4febbraio 2010 at 10:30»

Given the importance of the occasion and the opportunity consists of such funding, all schools are invited to participate.
We take this opportunity to extend best wishes
The manager Giuliana Pupazzzoni
To learn more click here

Monday, January 18, 2010

Wall Mounted Dish Drainers

USRper Lombardy: IUniSCUOLA, recognition of the score for the service on projects

'This note replaces the note in full
prot. 20 809 of 16 November 2009, following the news
introduced by Ministerial Decree dated 17 December 2009, n.100 "

's Circular:
" Ministry of Education, University and Research
Regional Education Authority for Lombardy
Directorate-General Via Ripamonti, 85 - 20141 Milano
Milan, January 18, 2010

the Lords Directors of the Lords UU.SS.PP.della Lombardia
Dirigentidelle Educational Institutions of Lombardy
SUBJECT: territorial agreement between USR, Regione Lombardia and Trade Unions - Recognition of the score.
In relation to a number of questions received, after consultation with the Directorate General for personalescolastico, states as follows: - under art. 5, c. 3 of Ministerial Decree of 17 December 2009, n. 100, ilpersonale teacher included in the provincial candidate to exhaustion - have deirequisiti provided by MD 82/09 and the same DM 100/09 for incorporation into elenchiprioritari for the allocation of supply teachers - carrying out the project activities under the territorial pact between USR, Regione Lombardia and trade unions has the right to valutazionedell'intero year of service, regardless of the duration of the project - in accordance with art. 5, c. 3 of Ministerial Decree of 17 December 2009, n. 100, ilpersonale ATA included in the provincial candidate list and rankings / lists provinciali ad esaurimento – in possesso dei requisiti previsti
dal DM82/09 e dallo stesso DM 100/09 per l’inserimento negli elenchi prioritari per l’assegnazione delle supplenze – che svolga le attività progettuali previste dal Pattoterritoriale tra USR, Regione Lombardia e OO.SS. ha diritto alla valutazione delmedesimo punteggio ottenuto nel corso dell’a.s. 2008/2009, a prescindere dalla durata delprogetto stesso;- a norma dell’art. 5, c. 4, del Decreto Ministeriale del 17 dicembre
2009, n. 100, ilpersonale docente abilitato non inserito nelle graduatorie provinciali ad esaurimento e ilpersonale docente non abilitato che svolga le attività progettuali previste dal Pattoterritoriale tra USR, Regione Lombardy and trade unions serviziocommisurato entitled to the assessment of the duration of the project - in accordance with art. 5, c. 4 of the Ministerial Decree of 17 December 2009, n. 100, ilpersonale ATA entered on the list of third-tier institution that carries out attivitàprogettuali provided by the territorial pact between USR, Regione Lombardia and trade unions has dirittoalla service evaluation commensurate with the duration of the project, that service is also useful for the purpose of vesting requirements for access to lists provincialipermanenti referred to 'art. 554 of Legislative Decree 297/94.
This note replaces the note in full prot. 20 809 of 16 November 2009, following dellenovità introduced Ministerial Decree of 17 December 2009, n. 100. 'To the General Manager Giuseppe
Colosio Luca Volonte

Monday, January 11, 2010

Gloves Rolin Baseball

The "mortgage" of Italian democracy and the removal of historic interlacing legality / illegality

' Conference Regional Training and refresher courses for teachers to be held in Milan on 12 and 13 February 2010 in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Political Science, Via Conservatorio n. 7 '*

The conference will address the role of criminals, murder and terrorism, the system of corruption in the history of Italian society, presenting these issues at the heart of reflection on teaching and on the "significance" of knowledge.

values \u200b\u200bof coexistence civil, solidarity, honesty, non-violence, law school was for the Lombard, in recent years, the essential point of reference against cultural assimilation, against the spread of myths superficial and illusory shortcuts to easy money. This was also a way to "hold" to "market of appearance" and the influence of television of "tissue", a way to safeguard the education of children, first of all.

Today this specific moment of reflection on education and the teaching / learning in the school intends to put the issue of removal of the weight that the criminal plots and extra-institutional hanno avuto nel determinare scenari e formazioni di gruppi dirigenti nel nostro paese nella cultura italiana e nella storiografia accademica e manualistica.

Una sezione del corso è volta a richiamare il ruolo della scuola nella promozione di autentiche curiosità culturali e della ricerca di un’auspicabile complicità tra sapere e vita, immaginari giovanili e aspettative degli insegnanti, per un nuovo patto tra generazioni fondato sulla responsabilità e la cittadinanza attiva.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Vietnamese Movies Streaming

School: Permits for the right to study also precarious time

Diritto allo studio comparto scuola - Leonardo Donofrio(foto):«Una Novità Lombarda»
«Percorsi per il diritto allo studio per il personale docente e ATA supplente temporary '
' Submission of applications by staff with short and occasional substitute "

As you know, Article 11, paragraph 4 of the Supplementary Agreement on Regional permessistraordinari for the right to study under Presidential Decree 395/88, which is subjected revised on October 30, 2009, provides staff with fixed-term contracts with short or occasional substitution may apply for use permits in question with a timing different from that provided for other personnel. Therefore, those who are interested in the use of such permits must submit the application, using the forms attached , between 9 and 20 January 2010all'Ufficio Provincial School responsible for the area, through exclusive Headmaster of the school of service, those who were not in service at the time of application, will forward the request directly to the Office having territorial jurisdiction.
this is a completely new stage in the allocation of extra leave for the right to study, as introduced this year for the first time, it seems appropriate to point out [more ...]
To learn more click here
File attachments:
ATA Model (pdf, 18 kb)
teachers Model (pdf, 18 kb)
Model education staff (pdf, 18 kb)