Monday, January 11, 2010

Gloves Rolin Baseball

The "mortgage" of Italian democracy and the removal of historic interlacing legality / illegality

' Conference Regional Training and refresher courses for teachers to be held in Milan on 12 and 13 February 2010 in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Political Science, Via Conservatorio n. 7 '*

The conference will address the role of criminals, murder and terrorism, the system of corruption in the history of Italian society, presenting these issues at the heart of reflection on teaching and on the "significance" of knowledge.

values \u200b\u200bof coexistence civil, solidarity, honesty, non-violence, law school was for the Lombard, in recent years, the essential point of reference against cultural assimilation, against the spread of myths superficial and illusory shortcuts to easy money. This was also a way to "hold" to "market of appearance" and the influence of television of "tissue", a way to safeguard the education of children, first of all.

Today this specific moment of reflection on education and the teaching / learning in the school intends to put the issue of removal of the weight that the criminal plots and extra-institutional hanno avuto nel determinare scenari e formazioni di gruppi dirigenti nel nostro paese nella cultura italiana e nella storiografia accademica e manualistica.

Una sezione del corso è volta a richiamare il ruolo della scuola nella promozione di autentiche curiosità culturali e della ricerca di un’auspicabile complicità tra sapere e vita, immaginari giovanili e aspettative degli insegnanti, per un nuovo patto tra generazioni fondato sulla responsabilità e la cittadinanza attiva.


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