Thursday, January 21, 2010

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Lombardy Region: IUniScuola, contributions to the modernization of workshop facilities of the institutions

Ecco la Comunicazione della Direzione Generale
«Ufficio IV - Politiche formative e rapporti con la Regione, gli enti locali e il mondo del lavoro- Via Ripamonti, 85 – 20141 Milano - Tel. 02 574 627 253 – Fax 02 574 627 248
Certified E-Mail: "

Prot No MIUR AOODRLO RU 818 Milan, 20 January 2010

the headmasters of vocational schools and technical state of Lombardy
with vocational education and training

Subject: "Notice for submission of applications for access to grants for ammordernamento of the equipment of workshops and accredited training institutions listed in section A of the 'regional register of approved operators for the services of education and vocational training' and the state vocational and technical schools that provide vocational education and training second cycle, implementing the dgr of 23 December 2009, n. 10881 "

With Decree N. 213, January 18, 2010 Lombardy Region has issued the warning in the subject matter addressed accredited training institutions and technical institutes and professional integration for which they have activated in the 2009/2010 training vocational education and training of the second cycle, the Article. 3 of the agreement signed between the Ministry of Education, University and Research and Regione Lombardia March 16, 2009 and avail themselves, for the delivery of the same, the use of laboratory sites within the region.

For the modernization of laboratories are granted subsidies of up to a maximum of € 150,000, as described in the attached statement of the Lombardy Region and its annexes. The

questions can be submitted from the day following the publication of the measure on Burl (scheduled for 25 h and up to 12 of 26 February 2010. Applications must be sent to the inbox certified (PEC), putting in question the word "notice workshop equipment.

The Directorate General for Education Training and Employment of the Lombardy Region invites school principals or their agent a time for sharing the view from the auditorium

"White Room, Via Cardano, 10 in Milan, the day
4febbraio 2010 at 10:30»

Given the importance of the occasion and the opportunity consists of such funding, all schools are invited to participate.
We take this opportunity to extend best wishes
The manager Giuliana Pupazzzoni
To learn more click here


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