Monday, January 18, 2010

Wall Mounted Dish Drainers

USRper Lombardy: IUniSCUOLA, recognition of the score for the service on projects

'This note replaces the note in full
prot. 20 809 of 16 November 2009, following the news
introduced by Ministerial Decree dated 17 December 2009, n.100 "

's Circular:
" Ministry of Education, University and Research
Regional Education Authority for Lombardy
Directorate-General Via Ripamonti, 85 - 20141 Milano
Milan, January 18, 2010

the Lords Directors of the Lords UU.SS.PP.della Lombardia
Dirigentidelle Educational Institutions of Lombardy
SUBJECT: territorial agreement between USR, Regione Lombardia and Trade Unions - Recognition of the score.
In relation to a number of questions received, after consultation with the Directorate General for personalescolastico, states as follows: - under art. 5, c. 3 of Ministerial Decree of 17 December 2009, n. 100, ilpersonale teacher included in the provincial candidate to exhaustion - have deirequisiti provided by MD 82/09 and the same DM 100/09 for incorporation into elenchiprioritari for the allocation of supply teachers - carrying out the project activities under the territorial pact between USR, Regione Lombardia and trade unions has the right to valutazionedell'intero year of service, regardless of the duration of the project - in accordance with art. 5, c. 3 of Ministerial Decree of 17 December 2009, n. 100, ilpersonale ATA included in the provincial candidate list and rankings / lists provinciali ad esaurimento – in possesso dei requisiti previsti
dal DM82/09 e dallo stesso DM 100/09 per l’inserimento negli elenchi prioritari per l’assegnazione delle supplenze – che svolga le attività progettuali previste dal Pattoterritoriale tra USR, Regione Lombardia e OO.SS. ha diritto alla valutazione delmedesimo punteggio ottenuto nel corso dell’a.s. 2008/2009, a prescindere dalla durata delprogetto stesso;- a norma dell’art. 5, c. 4, del Decreto Ministeriale del 17 dicembre
2009, n. 100, ilpersonale docente abilitato non inserito nelle graduatorie provinciali ad esaurimento e ilpersonale docente non abilitato che svolga le attività progettuali previste dal Pattoterritoriale tra USR, Regione Lombardy and trade unions serviziocommisurato entitled to the assessment of the duration of the project - in accordance with art. 5, c. 4 of the Ministerial Decree of 17 December 2009, n. 100, ilpersonale ATA entered on the list of third-tier institution that carries out attivitàprogettuali provided by the territorial pact between USR, Regione Lombardia and trade unions has dirittoalla service evaluation commensurate with the duration of the project, that service is also useful for the purpose of vesting requirements for access to lists provincialipermanenti referred to 'art. 554 of Legislative Decree 297/94.
This note replaces the note in full prot. 20 809 of 16 November 2009, following dellenovità introduced Ministerial Decree of 17 December 2009, n. 100. 'To the General Manager Giuseppe
Colosio Luca Volonte


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