Monday, February 22, 2010

Transient Ischemic Attack Electrical Twitch

badge: IUniScuola, a requirement for employees of the PA

« L'inosservanza della prescrizione verrà valutata secondo i criteri ordinari responsabilità disciplinare con l'irrogazione delle sanzioni in relazione alle violazioni accertate»

I dipendenti delle amministrazioni pubbliche che svolgono attività a contatto con il pubblico sono tenuti dal 13 febbraio scorso a rendere conoscibile il proprio nominativo mediante l'uso di cartellini identificativi o di targhe da apporre presso la postazione di lavoro.
E' quanto dispone la circolare esplicativa n.3 del 2010 del ministro Renato Brunetta indirizzata a tutte le amministrazioni centrali e periferiche that will give more concrete evidence on mandatory identification system established by ' art. 69 of Legislative Decree No 150/2009 (Reform of Public Administration), which aims to implement transparency in the organization and activity of public administrations and includes all public employees "under contract", while not directly concerned with the staff referred to in Article . 3 of Legislative Decree No 165, 2001.
's Circular :
to public authorities in art. 1, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 165 of 2001
SUBJECT: art. 55 of Legislative Decree No novies 165, 2001 - identification of persons in contact con il pubblico.
L'art. 69 del decreto legislativo 27 ottobre 2009, n. 150, ha introdotto nel corpo del decreto legislativo 30 marzo 2001, n. 165, l'art. 55 novies. Quest'ultima disposizione prevede che "1. / dipendenti delle amministrazioni pubbliche che svolgono attività a contatto con il pubblici sono tenuti a rendere conoscibile il proprio nominativo mediante l'uso di cartellini identificathi o di targhe da apporre presso la postazione di lavoro. 2. Dall'obbligo di cui al comma 1 è esc uso il personale individuato da ciascuna amministrazione sulla base di categorie determinate, in relazione ai compiti ad esse attribuiti mediante uno o più decreti del Presidente del Consig, io dei Ministri o del Ministro per la pubblica amministrazione e l'innovazione, su proposta del Ministro competente ovvero, in relazione al personale delle amministrazioni pubbliche non statali, i previa intesa in sede di Conferenza permanente per i rapporti tra lo Stato, le regioni e le province autonome di Trento e di Bolzano o di Conferenza Stato-città ed autonomie locali".
L'art. 73, comma 2, del medesimo d.lgs. n. 150 ha disciplinato l'entrata in vigore della nuova norma stabilendo che "L'obbligo di esposizione di cartellini o targhe identificativi, previsto dall'articolo 55-novies del decreto legislativo 30 marzo 2001, n. 165, introdotto dall'articolo S9 del presente decreto, decorre dal novantesimo giorno successivo all'entrata in vigore del presente decreto. ". The rule, therefore, entered into force on 13 February.
is considered useful to provide some general guidance on the scope of the provision.
Purpose of the rule
The rule aims to implement transparency in the organization and 'atività government. It takes some indications already branched into administrative and fits in the broader context of administrative measures and legislation introduced into the knowable and transparent in order to make the organization and administrative dures and to facilitate relations with the users (remember, for example, art. 8 of Law No. 241 August 7, 1990, which provides an indication of responsible for the initiation of proceedings in the communication, art. 13 of Legislative Decree No 30 June 2003 196, which regulates the content of the information on the processing of personal data, also provides for the communication of the identity of the owner and controller; art. 54 of Legislative Decree No 7 March 2005 82, which provides that on the websites of government are published, among others, the organization, the joint office, functions and organization tzione of each office, the names of responsible managers of individual offices, the ' art. 21 of Law No 18 June 2009 69, which introduces the requirement to publish on its website, among others, addresses di posta elettronica e i numeri telefonici ad uso professionale dei dirigenti e dei segretari comi nali e provinciali).
Attraverso l'attuazione della trasparenza, la disposizione persegue l'obiettivo di agevolare l'esercizio dei diritti e l'adempimento degli obblighi da parte degli utenti nonché quello di responsabilizzare i destinatari della prescrizione, i pubblici dipendenti che svolgono attività a contatto con il pubblico, poiché il processo di responsabilizzazione passa anche attraverso la pronta individuabilità del soggetto interlocutore.
Ambito soggettivo
a) Le amministrazioni interessate .
La disposizione si applica nei confronti di tutte le pubbliche amministrazioni di cui all' ut. 1, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 165, 2001. It represents the exercise of legislative power of the State under Article. 117, paragraph 2. Lett. 1) and m) of the Constitution, as stated in Article inche. 74 of Legislative Decree no. 150, 2009, and, therefore, is immediately working for the regions and local authorities.
b) The and categories of employees affected.
The requirement covers all government employees subject to collective bargaining, while not directly concerned with the personal in art. 3 of the dl * sn 165, 2001. So the rule does not apply to state judges and lawyers, university professors, staff belonging to the forces armed forces and police to the body of Nazi evil firemen, personnel and diplomatic career prefectural and other categories, according to the aforementioned Article. 3, are governed by their own laws. Is in any case prejudice, even in these cases, the ability of governments to adopt guidelines and introduce measures * for quick identification of staff in contact with the public through initial cartel and plates, in accordance with the principles of non-surplus and relevance for the treatment of personal data (art. 11 Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196). How
down paragraph 2 of the provision, any exceptions to the general scheme can be established only for certain categories public employees to the tasks allocated to them. The derogation is therefore eminently justified in limited circumstances in terms of subjective and objective. From the formal point of view, the exceptions should be specified in decrees of the Minister for Public Administration and Innovation, adopted on the proposal of the competent minister, or, in relation to non-state government personnel, subject to agreement within the Standing Conference for relations between the state, the royal ni and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano or the State-city and local governments. Therefore, in the absence of such measures, the standard is binding on the generality of employees who work in contact with the public.
The concept of outdoor activities in the public
Under the law, the identification requirement exists for employees engaged in contact with the public. For outdoor activities in the public are those carried out in public places open to the public in respect of users indistinct.
Given the various types of functions and services provided by public amministrizioni, identifying the relevant activity is within the discretion of each administration. For example, under the concept under consideration the activities for the public at the counter or at the location of the employee and those conducted by public relations, service activities in public libraries, the activities performed by service workers in the caretaker government, the activities of health personnel in contact with: public hospitals and health care.
do, however, the possibility for governments to take direct measures to be introduced to allow quick identification of the staff even if knowledge/applica- "to activities involving contact with the public, in compliance with the principles of non-surplus and its relevance to processing of personal data (art. 11 Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196). The employee identification

Under the rule, identification of dipendente avviene mediante l'uso di "cartellini identificativi o di targhe da apporre presso la postazione di lavoro.''. La scelta tra l'una e modalità è rimessa all'amministrazione e sarà effettuata a seconda della tipologia di attività, restando che possono essere adottate contemporaneamente entrambe le modalità e che non è rilevante lo strumento di per sé quanto piuttosto il soddisfacimento dell'esigenza sottesa quello dell'identificazione dell'addetto.
La disposizione individua gli elementi per l'identificazione nel nominativo del dipendente. Si tratta di un contenuto minimo e l'amministrazione può valutare se e quando amare l'identificazione anche attraverso ulteriori elementi soprattutto in riferimento al ruolo of the subject within the organization: job title, profile, position if manager, Office of belonging. In implementing the rule, the government must take into account the fi] ìalità prescription, preventing the spread of personal data not relevant or in excess of the purpose (Article 11 of Legislative Decree no. 196, 2003). So, do not seem to respond to a principle of proper use (of personal data in the indication of the generality of the employee card, complete with the "indie action date of birth. It should, in fact, the identification of ways and that sufficient and adequate, safeguarding the public interest, to avoid compromising the personal sphere of the subject
L'attuazione della norma e l'inosservanza della prescrizione
La disposizione si riferisce direttamente ai pubblici dipendenti. Pur essendo questi i soggetti direttamente tenuti all'osservanza dell'obbligo, è chiaro che le amministrazioni di appartenenza debbono da un lato diramare istruzioni operative, dall'altro fornire gli strumenti per l'identificazione ai dipendenti interessati, in modo che la norma venga attuata in maniera uriforme nell'ambito della stessa amministrazione.
L'inosservanza della prescrizione verrà valutata secondo i criteri ordinari responsabilità disciplinare con l'irrogazione delle sanzioni in relazione alle violazioni accertate.
Renato Brunetta

Friday, February 19, 2010

Mainframe Liner Removal

Lombardy IUniScuola, here the optimum size of schools approved

Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Lombardia
Direzione Generale Ufficio IV Via Ripamonti, 85
-20141 Milano

VISTO il D.P.R. del 18.6.1998, n. 233 “Regolamento recante norme per il dimensionamento ottimale delle istituzioni scolastiche e per la determinazione degli organici funzionali dei singoli istituti, a norma dell’art. 21della legge 15 marzo 1997, n. 59”;
CONSIDERATO che, in attuazione del D.P.R. 233/98, la Regione ha approvato la D.G.R. n .48116 del 14.2.2000 avente per oggetto “Dimensionamento ottimale delle istituzioni scolastiche – Piano regionale sulla base dei piani provinciali ai sensi del d.p.r. 18.6.1988, n. 233, art. 3, c.8”;
VISTE le successive delibere di modifica del Piano;
VISTO il D.M. 12 novembre 1999, n. 271 riguardante le dotazioni organiche dei dirigenti scolastici per l’anno 1999/2000;
VISTO il D.M. 20 dicembre 2000, n. 285 riguardante le dotazioni organiche dei dirigenti scolastici per l’anno 2000/2001;
VISTO il D.M. 15 marzo 2002. n. 33 che definisce la consistenza complessiva delle dotazioni organiche dei dirigenti scolastici, per l’anno 2001/2002, CONSIDERING the DM n.41 of 21 April 2008 on the overall size of the staffing of school managers starting from school year 2008/2009;
VISTA Regional Law No 6 August 2007 19 "Regulations on the Education and Training of the Lombardy Region" that art. 7 sets out new ways of planning the school eform;
VISA MD October 25, 2007, bearing the "Reorganization of the Permanent Territorial Centres for adult education and evening classes in the art. 1, paragraph 632, of Law December 27, 2006, No 296 "which defines the general criteria for the grant of autonomy, under Presidential Decree No. 275/99, Centriprovinciali for the Education of Adults (CPIA)

Noting the outcomes of the work of the Technical Board consists of the Lombardy Region which includes the URS Lombardia, ANCI Lombardia and the Provinces of Lombardy for the establishment of procedures and methods of updating the Regional Plan sizing;
VISTA the DGR n.VIII ^ / 11253 10/02/2010 with the subject "network of schools in Lombardy under the presidential decree No. 233/1998 . approval of the optimum size of schools - as the regional plan 2010-2011 - on the basis of provincial plans "
CONSIDERED the need to implement the above-mentioned regional measure, with the preparation of administrative measures for the part of the Ministry of Education;
FOUND compliance with the parameters set by the DPR 18.6.1998, n. 233 for the recognition of the functional, organizational and teaching, which is regulated by Presidential Decree No. 275/99, implementing art. 21 of L. 59/97;
VISAS diagrams of the Presidential Decree containing rules governing the reorganization of istitutitecnici, professional, and high schools, in accordance with art. 64, paragraph 4, of Decree-Law of 25 June 2008, No. 112, ratified by legge 6 agosto 2008 n. 133, approvati in seconda lettura il 4.02.2010 dal Consiglio dei Ministri;
Art.1) Con effetto dal 1.9.2010, in applicazione della DGR n.VIII^/11253 del 10/02/2010 avente oggetto"rete delle istituzioni scolastiche in Lombardia ai sensi del D.P.R.n.233/199. approvazione del dimensionamento ottimale delle istituzioni scolastiche - piano regionale a.s. 2010-2011- sulla base dei piani provinciali", viene ridefinito il dimensionamento delle istituzioni scolastiche come da variazioni contenute nell’allegato A che fa parte integrante del presente decreto
Art.2) Gli Uffici Scolastici Provinciali provvederanno, d’intesa con il Ministero della Education, the adjustment of the Registry of the institutes of competence.
This Order may be appealed to the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court in judicial proceedings or extraordinary appeal to the President of the Republic, no later than sixty or one hundred twenty days from the date of publication of the Roll and will be sent to the appropriate Regional Accounting Office for the required visa.
Milan, 16.02.2010


To learn more, CLICK HERE , HERE and Here

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dupage Jail Inmate Address

IUniScuola. Foreigners at school, are 1,000 projects for their inclusion

When we talk about integration of foreign students Lombard is needed in schools distinguish between services (coupons, vouchers, meals, transport, etc.) that are guaranteed to them as are the Italian students, without discrimination, and instead projects aimed at facilitating their integration in our context, language, culture and social. In this respect, it was very valuable work done by our Regional Centre for Multiethnic provides that for ten years, not only to us but to all Italy, valuable data on which you can then develop the most appropriate choices. "

He supported the commissioner for Family and Social Solidarity of the Regione Lombardia, Giulio Boscagli, speaking this afternoon at the Round Table, organized by the publishing house Murcia to present some of his new editorial proposals designed to help immigrant children to learn Italian and to participate in the program of study. The round table was also attended by Regional Education Director for Lombardy Joseph Colosio.

"In Sydney - said Councillor Boscagli - last school year were 152,000 foreign students ; were 21,700 ten years ago. A growing stream which is expected to increase this year of about 8/10.000 new students. "

In Lombard schools, from nursery to the average, one pupil in eight is a foreigner (an average of 12-13% of all pupils). The percentage is slightly lower in secondary schools of the second degree (7%).
On average constitute 10% of all pupils in Lombard, against a national average of 6.4%.

"Faced with this reality - the commissioner said - our Observatory has surveyed over a thousand educational projects Intercultural made in the schools of Lombardy, a number greater than that of any other Italian region.

"The best way to promote the integration - the commissioner has concluded - I think, however, is to take into account the specificity, not only of children but also the different realities and situations. Regarding then the presence of boys in classes that do not speak Italian, I share choice of the minister Gelmini, to establish a roof, although, as mentioned by the director Colosio, this, I think, should then be left as a last resort and with a sense of realism, the regional general manager of decision. "
( Lombardy News) Ln - Milan

Click HERE

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Silver Cinemas Ticket Prices


here again! Those who have been trying for 60 years to hide and delete the chapter "sinkholes" by the History of Italy are back to show with their unique style!
Insults and five-pointed stars were plotted on the Monument to the Martyrs Martyrs Square in the Julian-Dalmatian Foibe in Marghera.

Today, finally, all the world to remember the victims killed by partisan hands, the usual common (but not only) attempt to besmirch the history and their memory on charges that they were killed because " fascist, "are all excuses to justify the absence of these facts in the textbooks, even seek to justify those who killed them and then to diminish the importance of these atrocities.

The truth is about a horrible ethnic cleansing intent to eliminate all ITALIAN the land of Istria, of 350,000 refugees who fled from the ferocity of the companions of Titus and a shameful desire to hide all probably for reasons politicians.


Nicola ROSSI - Giovane Italia JESOLO

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Games That Look Like Poptropica

Lombardy Regional Education Authority for: letter from the Director General 'discomfort and school youth "

"a structured and systematic plan of action, so that all are adequately informed

IUniScuola: Here is the letter of the Director General
Ministry of Education, Universities and research-
the Lombardy Regional Education
Via G. Ripamonti, 85 - 20141 Milano

PROT. N. MIUR AOODRLO RU2030 Milan, February 9, 2010

-managers of the provincial education offices
-school principals
-professional associations of managers and teachers
-regional associations of parents

Executives Dear, Dear Teachers, Parents,
the tragic events that recently took place inside the school walls remind the world of education in its various phases to reflect on the problems of discomfort that affects a growing number of our boys sensitive time in adolescence, to link analysis and clearer definition of the problem with finding workable solutions.
respect to these issues the Regional Education Authority for Lombardy has begun a long path of confrontation and cooperation with various actors in their territory to share intervention strategies and tools to support the daily work of teachers and support students who express their situation in different forms didifficoltà.
I want to bring to the attention of schools not only what has been
was done, but to define the lines of developing an action plan structured and systematic, so that all are properly informed and are tools to deal with the sense of responsibility necessary to even the most problematic.
In 2005, he signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the USR AmicoCharly The Association, an NGO with legal recognition of the Lombardy Region, in charge of juvenile uneasiness with the intention of primary prevention, secondary and tertiary education, recognizing that this Association privileged on the difficulties of youth in schools.
During these years the friend Charly has promoted initiatives and targeted services organized for schools by opening a space for listening and dialogue with the boys indifficoltà, il supporto per la gestione di situazioni di crisi, la realizzazione di moduli formativi per docenti, la produzione di materiali di approfondimento.
Ho incontrato in questi giorni il Comitato scientifico dell’Associazione
L’Amico Charly insieme ai Dirigenti scolastici dei Licei milanesi in cui
si sono verificati gli ultimi due tragici episodi di suicidio e tentato suicidio per interrogarci sulle possibili strategie da condividerecon voi tutti allo scopo di dotarci di qualche ulteriore strumento per leggere i segnali di un disagio che appare oggi sempre più diffuso e imparare a individuare il possibile rischio.
Anche nelle circostanze di questi giorni è apparso indispensabile che all’interno di ogni scuola si avvii un percorso consapevole di riflessione sulle possibilità di esser colpiti daeventi critici; la letteratura scientifica, l’esperienza degli operatori più qualificati ci dicono, infatti, che è impossibile trovare nessi causali certi di origine sociale, economica o ambientale in quanto tali fenomeni sono diffusi ampiamente e presentano una genesi multifattoriale di difficile previsione.
Rispetto a ciò è apparsa utile l’esperienza, realizzata in alcuni istituti lombardi, della costituzione di un comitato di crisi, uno strumento culturale e preventivo e al tempo stesso operativo che individui una strategia d’azione per la prevenzione e metta a punto un protocollo di intervento per la gestione di eventi traumatici, to avoid errors that could affect the behavior of individuals and the community.
E 'is quite evident how essential it is the involvement and awareness of tuttigli adults who constitute the school community: faculty, staff and parents ATA. It will be essential to provide opportunities for reflection, discussion and ad hoc training perciascuna of these components, including specific focus group that will rely on the presence of experts.
One of the key elements affecting the prevention is, in fact, strengthening the educational relationship and the management of their roles diciascuno and all.
has arisen several times in this regard, the need to raise us all to consider some issues such as assessment, compliance with the rules
community, shared responsibility, educational .
Taking advantage of the scientific advice of the Association Charly L'Amico We are starting up, at the provincial level, the intervention groups who will find their place in some schools in our region.
These "antennas" are not only of monitoring points of the phenomena at the regional level, but also defines a modellodi intervention in order to act quickly in emergency situations. It is expected that their internal experts who come to act as the health care, school, world academics and other experts to monitor the different aspects at the same time, clinical, educational and cultural-that you must take into account in such situations.
will be the task of such structures also give suggestions and guidance on training, even at a distance, the different components of the school community.
I want to reiterate that in any case the knowledge gained in recent years in dealing with tragic situations, unfortunately, leads me to believe that the route taken, although it certainly has brought concrete results, can not be considered complete.
And in that sense I think I can ensure that the Directorate will support all schools the opportunity to vorrannocogliere start training, exchange and reflection on the issues in ques-tion.
course of your cooperation and trust in the sense of responsibility with which sapreteagire school communities to share in your sense of this letter, colgol'occasione to send my best regards. The General Manager Giuseppe
REFERENCES: Prof. Bruno Baggio
USR for Lombardy Tel 02 574627208 Mail bruna.baggio @

Monday, February 8, 2010

Play Poptropica Without Flash

February 10 - Day of Remembrance -

Se solo la gente si fermasse un secondo a pensare scoprirebbe che la vita non è fatta solo di lavoro, stress, soldi, interessi, ecc ma di idee, di storia, di valori, di tutti quegli ingredienti essenziali e necessari per la formazione di ognuno.
Ogni persona è come un contenitore e come tale deve essere riempito. Ecco le idee ed i valori a cosa servono, a non lasciare vuoto quel contenitore.

Questa premessa non è fatta a caso. Essa vuole essere una freccia scoccata alle nuove generazioni che hanno sempre più bisogno di questi fattori blocks of life, which are slowly being lost in the evolution of the world.
Some, Sunday, February 7 has stopped to think ... who through a simple commemoration has dedicated memory and a memory to the victims deliberately hidden from a political party of our country for about 60 years since the Second World War. At school, in fact, not yet studied the chapter "sinkholes" and we are told that the partisans were the liberators and saviors of our country. But the "good winners" were not so good, for they, along with Tito's partisans Slavs are responsible for one of the largest and most infamous bloody chapters of our nation. Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia , the lands are the protagonists of this senseless tragedy that were stained with blood of hundreds and hundreds of killings.
Men, women, children killed ... all for one and the same reason, being Italian.

The group of the Young Italy Jesolo, as he did every year with the name of Youth Action, is dedicating a remembrance to these brothers. Jesolo, like other cities, dedicated an avenue to these victims, but this is not enough, it is still too little.
In many even today do not consider these pages Italian history, even today in many Quickly browse these pages, perhaps because they are uncomfortable, even today many try to justify this tragedy, even today many in the contenstano and scorn, even today many do not want to admit their existence.



Young Italy JESOLO

Friday, February 5, 2010

Boogie Camera Olympus

YOUNG Jesolo Italy - Remembering the Martyrs of Foibe

Sunday, February 7 at 11:00 in the Piazza Mazzini Group Young Italy sect. Jesolo "remember the martyrs of Foibe with a commemoration that will begin and end in Piazza Mazzini Viale Martiri Foibe .

These days, every year, this group of young people want to devote their thoughts to the victims killed twice. The first time, deprived of their life ... the second, deprived of their memories.
This shows that we can be renamed by Youth Action for Young Italy, with the birth of the PDL, but the values, what they firmly believe will never change.

The tragedy of "sinkholes" has firsthand experience also Jesolo, home to several families who have seen and lived through those horrible moments. With the new boulevard dedicated to that on the Martyrs, the city of Jesolo has shown sensitivity to this issue.

But the years have passed since then many, or rather, too many, because these victims have been deliberately, intentionally shamefully forgotten, deleted, hidden.



Nicola Rossi - Young Italy JESOLO

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Only 1 Set Red White Yellow Tv

Lombardy Region: Memorandum of Understanding, civil defense lessons in the classroom

'train teachers and educate children in Lombard is the subject of civil protection purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding that regional councilors Gianni Rossoni (Education, Training and Labour) and Stephen Maullu (Civil Protection, Prevention and Local Police) signed this morning with the administrator of Pupazzoni Stefania Milan, representing the Director of Regional Education, Joseph Colosio "
" The Protocol provides that teachers and students from the Lombard schools are involved in training and information on civil protection with the aim of promoting civil behavior and social responsibility among the younger generation "
To learn more click here