Monday, February 8, 2010

Play Poptropica Without Flash

February 10 - Day of Remembrance -

Se solo la gente si fermasse un secondo a pensare scoprirebbe che la vita non è fatta solo di lavoro, stress, soldi, interessi, ecc ma di idee, di storia, di valori, di tutti quegli ingredienti essenziali e necessari per la formazione di ognuno.
Ogni persona è come un contenitore e come tale deve essere riempito. Ecco le idee ed i valori a cosa servono, a non lasciare vuoto quel contenitore.

Questa premessa non è fatta a caso. Essa vuole essere una freccia scoccata alle nuove generazioni che hanno sempre più bisogno di questi fattori blocks of life, which are slowly being lost in the evolution of the world.
Some, Sunday, February 7 has stopped to think ... who through a simple commemoration has dedicated memory and a memory to the victims deliberately hidden from a political party of our country for about 60 years since the Second World War. At school, in fact, not yet studied the chapter "sinkholes" and we are told that the partisans were the liberators and saviors of our country. But the "good winners" were not so good, for they, along with Tito's partisans Slavs are responsible for one of the largest and most infamous bloody chapters of our nation. Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia , the lands are the protagonists of this senseless tragedy that were stained with blood of hundreds and hundreds of killings.
Men, women, children killed ... all for one and the same reason, being Italian.

The group of the Young Italy Jesolo, as he did every year with the name of Youth Action, is dedicating a remembrance to these brothers. Jesolo, like other cities, dedicated an avenue to these victims, but this is not enough, it is still too little.
In many even today do not consider these pages Italian history, even today in many Quickly browse these pages, perhaps because they are uncomfortable, even today many try to justify this tragedy, even today many in the contenstano and scorn, even today many do not want to admit their existence.



Young Italy JESOLO


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