Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Games That Look Like Poptropica

Lombardy Regional Education Authority for: letter from the Director General 'discomfort and school youth "

"a structured and systematic plan of action, so that all are adequately informed

IUniScuola: Here is the letter of the Director General
Ministry of Education, Universities and research-
the Lombardy Regional Education
Via G. Ripamonti, 85 - 20141 Milano

PROT. N. MIUR AOODRLO RU2030 Milan, February 9, 2010

-managers of the provincial education offices
-school principals
-professional associations of managers and teachers
-regional associations of parents

Executives Dear, Dear Teachers, Parents,
the tragic events that recently took place inside the school walls remind the world of education in its various phases to reflect on the problems of discomfort that affects a growing number of our boys sensitive time in adolescence, to link analysis and clearer definition of the problem with finding workable solutions.
respect to these issues the Regional Education Authority for Lombardy has begun a long path of confrontation and cooperation with various actors in their territory to share intervention strategies and tools to support the daily work of teachers and support students who express their situation in different forms didifficoltà.
I want to bring to the attention of schools not only what has been
was done, but to define the lines of developing an action plan structured and systematic, so that all are properly informed and are tools to deal with the sense of responsibility necessary to even the most problematic.
In 2005, he signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the USR AmicoCharly The Association, an NGO with legal recognition of the Lombardy Region, in charge of juvenile uneasiness with the intention of primary prevention, secondary and tertiary education, recognizing that this Association privileged on the difficulties of youth in schools.
During these years the friend Charly has promoted initiatives and targeted services organized for schools by opening a space for listening and dialogue with the boys indifficoltà, il supporto per la gestione di situazioni di crisi, la realizzazione di moduli formativi per docenti, la produzione di materiali di approfondimento.
Ho incontrato in questi giorni il Comitato scientifico dell’Associazione
L’Amico Charly insieme ai Dirigenti scolastici dei Licei milanesi in cui
si sono verificati gli ultimi due tragici episodi di suicidio e tentato suicidio per interrogarci sulle possibili strategie da condividerecon voi tutti allo scopo di dotarci di qualche ulteriore strumento per leggere i segnali di un disagio che appare oggi sempre più diffuso e imparare a individuare il possibile rischio.
Anche nelle circostanze di questi giorni è apparso indispensabile che all’interno di ogni scuola si avvii un percorso consapevole di riflessione sulle possibilità di esser colpiti daeventi critici; la letteratura scientifica, l’esperienza degli operatori più qualificati ci dicono, infatti, che è impossibile trovare nessi causali certi di origine sociale, economica o ambientale in quanto tali fenomeni sono diffusi ampiamente e presentano una genesi multifattoriale di difficile previsione.
Rispetto a ciò è apparsa utile l’esperienza, realizzata in alcuni istituti lombardi, della costituzione di un comitato di crisi, uno strumento culturale e preventivo e al tempo stesso operativo che individui una strategia d’azione per la prevenzione e metta a punto un protocollo di intervento per la gestione di eventi traumatici, to avoid errors that could affect the behavior of individuals and the community.
E 'is quite evident how essential it is the involvement and awareness of tuttigli adults who constitute the school community: faculty, staff and parents ATA. It will be essential to provide opportunities for reflection, discussion and ad hoc training perciascuna of these components, including specific focus group that will rely on the presence of experts.
One of the key elements affecting the prevention is, in fact, strengthening the educational relationship and the management of their roles diciascuno and all.
has arisen several times in this regard, the need to raise us all to consider some issues such as assessment, compliance with the rules
community, shared responsibility, educational .
Taking advantage of the scientific advice of the Association Charly L'Amico We are starting up, at the provincial level, the intervention groups who will find their place in some schools in our region.
These "antennas" are not only of monitoring points of the phenomena at the regional level, but also defines a modellodi intervention in order to act quickly in emergency situations. It is expected that their internal experts who come to act as the health care, school, world academics and other experts to monitor the different aspects at the same time, clinical, educational and cultural-that you must take into account in such situations.
will be the task of such structures also give suggestions and guidance on training, even at a distance, the different components of the school community.
I want to reiterate that in any case the knowledge gained in recent years in dealing with tragic situations, unfortunately, leads me to believe that the route taken, although it certainly has brought concrete results, can not be considered complete.
And in that sense I think I can ensure that the Directorate will support all schools the opportunity to vorrannocogliere start training, exchange and reflection on the issues in ques-tion.
course of your cooperation and trust in the sense of responsibility with which sapreteagire school communities to share in your sense of this letter, colgol'occasione to send my best regards. The General Manager Giuseppe
REFERENCES: Prof. Bruno Baggio
USR for Lombardy Tel 02 574627208 Mail bruna.baggio @ istruzione.it


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