Friday, March 26, 2010

Tingly Lip Glossburst Capillaries

The teacher can not perform the legal profession against the school administration

Un docente con un rapporto di impiego continuativo con la Pubblica Amministrazione non può esercitare la professione di avvocato in cause che vedano come parte la P.A., in generale, e la Scuola, in particolare .
Lo stabilisce l’art. 1, comma 56 bis, della Legge No 662 of December 23, 1996 and maintains, with the famous 6133 March 15, 2010, the Directorate General for Sicily .
fact, "civil servants enrolled in the professional associations and professional bodies whose activity can not be given professional contracts by government, the same employees can not undertake the representation in litigation in which it is part of a government".
The law, still in force , does not, therefore, the teacher with an ongoing working relationship to carry out the forensic work in cases where one party is the PA or the school.
A different behavior would, in fact, contrary to obligations of loyalty and loyalty of the civil servant.
addition to bearing on the specification, the violation of this prohibition also affects the validity of arguments and is detectable at all stages of judicial proceedings and in any event must be raised every time the school is sued.
To this end, the Directorate General of the Ministry of Education invites school leaders and UU.SS.PP. to acquire, by teachers who pursue this activity, the explicit declaration to refrain from taking legal aid in cases in which the defendant is an institution of State school education or administration.
proven by the unlawful conduct will be subject to procedimento disciplinare, ai sensi dell’art. 69 del D.L.vo n. 150/2009.
Diverso è il caso, invece, del docente a tempo determinato. Recentemente, infatti, il Consiglio Nazionale Forense si è così espresso circa la condizione di un iscritto, il quale, svolgendo l’attività di docente di discipline giuridiche presso un istituto di istruzione secondaria, era stato diffidato dal locale dirigente dell’Ufficio scolastico provinciale dall’assumere il patrocinio legale di insegnanti o di altro personale della scuola in controversie contro l’amministrazione scolastica di appartenenza:
“Il professionista che svolga l’attività di professore di materie giuridiche presso higher education institutions is inscribed in a defined time as an advocate of free hole: the law does not provide for such limitations or postulant ius than the possibility of hiring professional mandate by any customer (as is the case, by contrast, when the teacher serving as a teacher full-time).
There is therefore no reason for that is legally possible that the lawyer may advocate causes in the interest of other teachers. " (Opinion November 25, 2009, 47)
The Advisory Commission also pointed out that the lawyer does have the ethical duty to avoid conflicts of interest and is subject to a general obbligo di riservatezza nell’utilizzo delle informazioni acquisite in dipendenza dal mandato. Pertanto, l’interessato dovrebbe prestare particolare attenzione ad evitare gli incarichi professionali che comportino un concreto rischio di commettere illeciti deontologici. E comunque l’operato del professionista sarà, anche sotto questo profilo, oggetto della vigilanza da parte del Consiglio dell’Ordine competente.
di Lara La Gatta La Tecnica della scuola

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

24/7 Walk In Clinics Toronto


Monday, March 22, 2010

First Day Im Inlove Quotes

mobility applications in primary and secondary level: extension functions POLIS

«L’utilizzo delle funzioni on-line è prorogato eccezionalmente fino alle ore 14.00 del giorno 24 marzo p.v.»

IUniscuola Italia : Ecco la comunicazione March 22, 2010-Prot. No AOODGPER 3088 the Ministry of Education, University and Research
Department for Education Directorate-General for school staff

Subject: POLIS extension of the functions for sending requests for mobility in primary and secondary I degree.
To enable the full and proper conclusion of transactions on-line compilation and submission of applications for transfer and transfer of functions through role POLIS, available to teachers in primary and secondary level to within the same primary school and secondary level, the use of these functions on-line is exceptional extension until 14.00 on 24th March next
THE GENERAL MANAGER - Luciano Chiappetta
To learn more, click here

Friday, March 19, 2010

Cheer Up A Friend Phrases

Mobility Irc, submission of by May 17, 2010

'Applications of mobility must be submitted by April 17 to May 17 »
" Teachers who wish to claim the movement and the passage distinctly must submit an application for the transfer and the transition to a "

IUniScuoLaItalia : Here is the statement of the Ministry of Education, University e della Ricerca-Direzione Generale del personale scolastico -Uff.IV
Prot. n. AOODGPER 2968 del 18 marzo 2010

Oggetto: Trasmissione dell'O.M. n.29 del 18 marzo 2010 prot. n. AOODGPER 2967 relativa alla mobilità del personale docente di religione cattolica per l'a.s. 2010/2011 .

Per opportuna conoscenza e norma, al fine di predisporre i necessari adempimenti da parte degli uffici competenti, si trasmette, in allegato alla presente, copia dell’Ordinanza ministeriale n. 29 del 18 marzo 2010 prot. n. AOODGPER 2967 , in corso di registrazione, concernente norme di attuazione del contratto integrativo in materia di mobilità del personale, docente, educativo e A.T.A. signed on 16.2.2010.

It will give prompt notice of the date of registration of the OM said.

the departments are requested to give the widest possible dissemination of 'OM and communicate to the relevant departments that the same can be found and acquired the Web site and intranet of the Ministry of Education, University and Research.

is drawn to the attention of the office address on the fact that the first year of the triennium for the assignment of points to the continuity of teachers of Catholic religion shall begin from school year 2009/2010.

therefore interested teachers can obtain such a score - for the first time - in the applications of mobility for the school year 2013/2014.

Again, for the purposes of qualification required for teaching the Catholic religion, which is the deadline for counting the five years in art. 4, paragraph 6 is as 1985/86.

is considered useful, finally, stress that applications must be submitted by the mobility of teaching staff in Catholic religion concerned from April 15 to May 17, 2010.

OM No Attachments 29 of 2010 Annex
D all'O.M. n. 29 del 2010
Elenco diocesi

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bridesmaid Dresses In Burnt Orange

unaccompanied foreign minors in Italy March 11, 2010

«I Comuni italiani e le politiche di accoglienza dei minori stranieri non accompagnati:risultati dell'indagine territoriale»«I minori stranieri non accompagnati presi in carico/contattati: quanti sono ,chi sono, da dove provengono, dove vivono?»
IUniScuoLa , Rapporto ANCI 2009:
«Presentazione di Flavio Zanonato-Sindaco di Padova-Vice Presidente dell'ANCI con delega all'Immigrazione
" The Italian municipalities and policies for the reception of unaccompanied minors: results of the territorial
"The unaccompanied children taken into care / Contact: those who are, where they come from, where they live ?

View to read in detail the "Third Report Anci on unaccompanied foreign minors"
GOOD Reading!
growing municipalities that welcome unaccompanied minors.
the end of 2008 were 93 municipalities that have taken over 85% of unaccompanied children arrived in Italy, a figure up from 2006, when il 75% del totale dei minori contattati o presi in carico era distribuito in 39 realtà comunali.
E' quanto emerge dal "Terzo Rapporto Anci sui Minori stranieri non accompagnati", con un'indagine rivolta a tutti i Comuni italiani, a cui hanno risposto 5.784 amministrazioni, il 71,4% del totale.
Il rapporto e' stato presentato l '11 marzo scorso nella sede nazionale dell'associazione durante una conferenza stampa alla presenza di Flavio Zanonato, Sindaco di Padova e Vice Presidente dell'ANCI con delega all'immigrazione, Giuseppe Maurizio Silveri, Direttore Generale Immigrazione del Ministero del lavoro e politiche sociali e Presidente del Comitato Minori Stranieri e Mario Morcone, Capo Dipartimento per le Liberta' Civil and Immigration of the Ministry of the Interior.
According to the data, are increasing as municipalities that have first reception facilities in emergency and hold short (30 to 51 government in 2008), both common operating the services during the second shelter in the community, family homes, etc.. (30 to 46, for a total of 3,841 children assisted).
Between 2006 and 2008 the presence of unaccompanied foreign children has remained fairly stable in Italy, with a slight decrease of 8, 3% from 7870 in 2006, we moved to 7216 in 2008. This despite the decline between 2006 and 2007, due to the fact that children from Romania and Bulgaria have since become Community.
to take charge of unaccompanied minors are mainly the cities with more than 100 000 inhabitants (47.5%), but also the municipalities that have received average 23.2%, and medium and small ones (13.7 %).
The report also points out that in 2008 reduced the number of unaccompanied minors in the four cities where the presence is larger (Rome, Milan, Turin and Trieste) . Similar reduction in Naples, as well as in medium-sized cities such as Modena, Reggio Emilia, Parma, Piacenza, Trento, Cremona and Caltagirone. The number of children increases, however, Venice, Ancona and Bologna, as well as other medium-sized cities such as Ravenna, Pesaro, Macerata and Cividale del Friuli.
The highest increase concerned children that originate in Afghanistan from 2006 to 2008 have almost tripled (+170%). Also significant increases in children arriving from African countries in conflict or unstable (Nigeria, Somalia, Eritrea, etc..) And therefore potential asylum seekers, which are added to those coming from Egypt. This fact leads to an increase of unaccompanied minors in the border areas or in areas of first arrival: Veneto, Marche, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Puglia and Sicily. These five regions are in fact interested in 2008 from 50.5% of children taken into care contacted.
In terms of regional breakdown, the report notes that in 2008 more than 'the goal' children, 58% of the total, and 'concentrated in Sicily, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio and Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Unaccompanied children cared for by the Italian municipalities in 2008 are mostly less than male (89.7%) slightly below the age of majority (51.9% is 17 years old), mainly from Afghanistan, Albania, Egypt , Morocco, and Kosovo.
The data collected and analyzed confirmed the need to achieve a standardization of interventions and to pass, both nationally and particularly in some critical areas of the country, one emergency phase to a more structured way.
These needs gave the first important response to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, promoting the national program for the protection of unaccompanied minors, Anci made in close coordination with the Committee for Foreign Minors and launched in early 2008.
Thanks to the program, it was possible to experiment with a centrally coordinated and widespread throughout the country that support a network of municipalities in the activities of ready acceptance, has lead to a better management of the phenomenon and therefore increased protection of children themselves, with a view to sharing responsibilities and costs between central government and local governments.
Anci The study was carried out with funds from eight per thousand of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to direct management state.
Source: Ministry of

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Va Home Loan Funding Fee Seems High


trend for a while we talk about the need to revise the pedestrian summer evening along the main streets of the Lido. The pedestrian is our flagship product, is the longest in Europe and is made attractive by the many years of quality commericiali, twenty years after its introduction, but the context of tourism Jesolo has changed is cambiata la concezione del divertimento notturno, si sono ridotti in numero i locali e la distanza tra l'uno e l'altro si sono allungate, senza dimenticare che la futura nascita di X-Site sposterà a monte il centro della movida jesolana. Di conseguenza ci troviamo ad avere un'isola pedonale che dopo le ore 1 diventa un deserto, nella quale non è difficile riscontrare la violazione stessa della ZTL con il passaggiodelle autovetture.
La Giovane Italia di Jesolo in accordo con il gruppo consiliare di "AN verso il PDL", ritiene necessari avanzare una proposta di modifica dell'isola pedonale, in conformità con quanto contenuto nel programma elettorale della maggioranza dei cittadini votato nel 2007. proponiamo perciò di far terminare the pedestrian island at 1 / 1:30 in the streets concerned, in order to revive with the passage of cars. Of course you need to target checks by the Police Station to prevent the emission of annoying and disturbing noises by motorists, for the protection of facilities and residents.
exception may be the only area in Piazza Mazzini, it is an area with a high concentration of premises and in which there is the presence of pedestrians until dawn, for obvious reasons of public policy here is to maintain the island Pudens pedestrian oalle since 6 am.
To seal the proposal, the Young di Jesolo Italy will make a short survey fra gli esercenti ed i cittadini delle zone interessate per valutare la rispondenza della proposta alle esigenze di chi ci vive e lavora per raccogliere eventuali utili suggerimenti.
Riteniamo con questa proposta di dimostrare ancora una volta come il nostro gruppo giovanile sia presente e vivo in città e l'unico sempre attivo nell'avanzare proposte concrete per risolvere i problemi e soddisfare le esigenze della cittadinanza di Jesolo.


Nicola Rossi
Christofer De Zotti

Friday, March 12, 2010

English Patch For Pokemon Soul Silver

DDG-ranking deregistration exhausted staff with permanent contracts in state schools

"The teaching and educational staff, registered in the lists are exhausted , who has already signed the contract for an indefinite period for the public school teaching position or class of competition is deleted, pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 4-d of the Law of 24 November 2009, n. 167 conversion, with amendments, Decree Law of 25 September 2009, No 134, starting from school year 2010-2011, from the aforementioned lists are exhausted and the corresponding lists of club and school band where I may be writing. "

"The personnel that contract concluded for an indefinite period for the teaching of the Catholic religion and that, pursuant to art. 4, paragraph 1 of Law 186/03, can not request a shift to another place or another class of competition, but only to the role of that teaching in different direligione Catholic education sector, recipient of the deregistration is expected to Staff referred to in paragraph 1 which, however, can benefit from the institute of occupational mobility, under the existing CCNL.del school division, signed November 29, 2007. "

IUniScuola: March 11, 2010 Here DDG-ranking deregistration exhaustion