Friday, March 19, 2010

Cheer Up A Friend Phrases

Mobility Irc, submission of by May 17, 2010

'Applications of mobility must be submitted by April 17 to May 17 »
" Teachers who wish to claim the movement and the passage distinctly must submit an application for the transfer and the transition to a "

IUniScuoLaItalia : Here is the statement of the Ministry of Education, University e della Ricerca-Direzione Generale del personale scolastico -Uff.IV
Prot. n. AOODGPER 2968 del 18 marzo 2010

Oggetto: Trasmissione dell'O.M. n.29 del 18 marzo 2010 prot. n. AOODGPER 2967 relativa alla mobilità del personale docente di religione cattolica per l'a.s. 2010/2011 .

Per opportuna conoscenza e norma, al fine di predisporre i necessari adempimenti da parte degli uffici competenti, si trasmette, in allegato alla presente, copia dell’Ordinanza ministeriale n. 29 del 18 marzo 2010 prot. n. AOODGPER 2967 , in corso di registrazione, concernente norme di attuazione del contratto integrativo in materia di mobilità del personale, docente, educativo e A.T.A. signed on 16.2.2010.

It will give prompt notice of the date of registration of the OM said.

the departments are requested to give the widest possible dissemination of 'OM and communicate to the relevant departments that the same can be found and acquired the Web site and intranet of the Ministry of Education, University and Research.

is drawn to the attention of the office address on the fact that the first year of the triennium for the assignment of points to the continuity of teachers of Catholic religion shall begin from school year 2009/2010.

therefore interested teachers can obtain such a score - for the first time - in the applications of mobility for the school year 2013/2014.

Again, for the purposes of qualification required for teaching the Catholic religion, which is the deadline for counting the five years in art. 4, paragraph 6 is as 1985/86.

is considered useful, finally, stress that applications must be submitted by the mobility of teaching staff in Catholic religion concerned from April 15 to May 17, 2010.

OM No Attachments 29 of 2010 Annex
D all'O.M. n. 29 del 2010
Elenco diocesi


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