Friday, March 12, 2010

English Patch For Pokemon Soul Silver

DDG-ranking deregistration exhausted staff with permanent contracts in state schools

"The teaching and educational staff, registered in the lists are exhausted , who has already signed the contract for an indefinite period for the public school teaching position or class of competition is deleted, pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 4-d of the Law of 24 November 2009, n. 167 conversion, with amendments, Decree Law of 25 September 2009, No 134, starting from school year 2010-2011, from the aforementioned lists are exhausted and the corresponding lists of club and school band where I may be writing. "

"The personnel that contract concluded for an indefinite period for the teaching of the Catholic religion and that, pursuant to art. 4, paragraph 1 of Law 186/03, can not request a shift to another place or another class of competition, but only to the role of that teaching in different direligione Catholic education sector, recipient of the deregistration is expected to Staff referred to in paragraph 1 which, however, can benefit from the institute of occupational mobility, under the existing CCNL.del school division, signed November 29, 2007. "

IUniScuola: March 11, 2010 Here DDG-ranking deregistration exhaustion


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