Friday, March 26, 2010

Tingly Lip Glossburst Capillaries

The teacher can not perform the legal profession against the school administration

Un docente con un rapporto di impiego continuativo con la Pubblica Amministrazione non può esercitare la professione di avvocato in cause che vedano come parte la P.A., in generale, e la Scuola, in particolare .
Lo stabilisce l’art. 1, comma 56 bis, della Legge No 662 of December 23, 1996 and maintains, with the famous 6133 March 15, 2010, the Directorate General for Sicily .
fact, "civil servants enrolled in the professional associations and professional bodies whose activity can not be given professional contracts by government, the same employees can not undertake the representation in litigation in which it is part of a government".
The law, still in force , does not, therefore, the teacher with an ongoing working relationship to carry out the forensic work in cases where one party is the PA or the school.
A different behavior would, in fact, contrary to obligations of loyalty and loyalty of the civil servant.
addition to bearing on the specification, the violation of this prohibition also affects the validity of arguments and is detectable at all stages of judicial proceedings and in any event must be raised every time the school is sued.
To this end, the Directorate General of the Ministry of Education invites school leaders and UU.SS.PP. to acquire, by teachers who pursue this activity, the explicit declaration to refrain from taking legal aid in cases in which the defendant is an institution of State school education or administration.
proven by the unlawful conduct will be subject to procedimento disciplinare, ai sensi dell’art. 69 del D.L.vo n. 150/2009.
Diverso è il caso, invece, del docente a tempo determinato. Recentemente, infatti, il Consiglio Nazionale Forense si è così espresso circa la condizione di un iscritto, il quale, svolgendo l’attività di docente di discipline giuridiche presso un istituto di istruzione secondaria, era stato diffidato dal locale dirigente dell’Ufficio scolastico provinciale dall’assumere il patrocinio legale di insegnanti o di altro personale della scuola in controversie contro l’amministrazione scolastica di appartenenza:
“Il professionista che svolga l’attività di professore di materie giuridiche presso higher education institutions is inscribed in a defined time as an advocate of free hole: the law does not provide for such limitations or postulant ius than the possibility of hiring professional mandate by any customer (as is the case, by contrast, when the teacher serving as a teacher full-time).
There is therefore no reason for that is legally possible that the lawyer may advocate causes in the interest of other teachers. " (Opinion November 25, 2009, 47)
The Advisory Commission also pointed out that the lawyer does have the ethical duty to avoid conflicts of interest and is subject to a general obbligo di riservatezza nell’utilizzo delle informazioni acquisite in dipendenza dal mandato. Pertanto, l’interessato dovrebbe prestare particolare attenzione ad evitare gli incarichi professionali che comportino un concreto rischio di commettere illeciti deontologici. E comunque l’operato del professionista sarà, anche sotto questo profilo, oggetto della vigilanza da parte del Consiglio dell’Ordine competente.
di Lara La Gatta La Tecnica della scuola


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