Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pokemon Sivler Online

In relation to joke sarcasm taglinte published by Topina at: , I hang up my blog reporting what public health can do the large number of non-EU non-compliant in our country:

Healthcare cittadini extracomunitari

Ai cittadini extracomunitari non in regola con le norme relative all’ingresso ed al soggiorno vengono assicurate nelle strutture sanitarie accreditate del S.S.N:
1) le cure ambulatoriali ed ospedaliere urgenti (non differibili senza pericolo per la vita o danno per la salute della persona) o comunque essenziali (prestazioni sanitarie, diagnostiche e terapeutiche relative a patologie non pericolose nell’immediato e nel breve termine, ma che potrebbero determinare maggiore danno alla salute o rischi per la vita) per malattia ed infortunio;
2) gli interventi di medicina preventiva and provision of care to outcomes related to the protection of individual and collective health, as identified in paragraphs a)-b)-c)-d)-e) of paragraph 3 of art. 35 of Legislative Decree 286/98, and exactly:
a) the protection of pregnancy and motherhood to equal treatment with Italian citizens;
b) the health of the child;
c) mandatory vaccinations in collective prevention interventions authorized by the Regions;
d) the intervention of international prophylaxis;
e) The prevention, diagnosis, treatment of infectious diseases and possible remediation of its outbreaks.
In view of the above benefits, the alien shall be obliged to pay the rates provided. The services rendered to people without sufficient resources are provided without charge to the applicant subject to the share of cost-sharing (ticket), where previsti.Tutte performance, drug prescriptions and reporting practices will be carried out by the ' use of a STP (Straniero temporarily present). This code consists of 16 characters (3 for STP, 3 characters for code ISTAT on the region, ISTAT code 3 for the healthcare facility lender and 7 for the sequence number assigned to each structure). The code is valid for STP six months and is released in the first release of the hospital for offices Hospitals and local structures established by the local health units of the declaration of the state of indigenza.Il code is recognized throughout the country and is renewable if the stay straniero.La hospital should, however, provide, even in the absence of identity documents, registration of particulars provided before witnessing the. Access to health facilities does not involve any type of reporting to police authorities except in cases where it is compulsory referto.Il failure to pay the hospital emergency or essential , even though they are of continued funding by the Ministry of Interior, while the burden of measures of preventive medicine and health benefits in points a) b) c) d) e) of paragraph 3 of 'art. 35 of Legislative Decree 286/98 rests with the National Health Fund.
non-citizens pending issuance of a residence permit
non-EU citizens employed activities in Italy at an earlier date of entry into force of the law March 6, 1998 are required to enroll in the NHS on presentation of coupon demonstrating the successful application of regularization to the DPCM 16 October 1998.


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