Saturday, December 20, 2008

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In reference to the blog of Jade Berti, , I would like to reiterate the fact that training in the field of health also provides catering for updates aimed at maintaining and deepen the knowledge owned, with particular attention to hygiene of the person and the contrast of foodborne illness. these updates are managed with the countries that currently and same way as the basic training courses.
The Regional Directorate for the Prevention on a specific health needs, will have any changes to the above training / information.
Conversely, the Departments for the Prevention of Local Health Units, based on specific health requirements will have only the integration to the aforementioned training / information.

Friday, December 19, 2008

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Continuing Education Course content

  • Knowledge of the main health risk associated with the food chain (whether biological, chemical and physical).
  • Knowledge of correct procedures to reduce or minimize the probability of occurrence of intoxication / poisoning / infection food.
  • Staff hygiene.
  • Work building food hygiene in the light of the legislative decree 155/97 and 193/2007 on the correct methods of sanitation of premises, plant and equipment.
  • place and calls on the general food law with particular reference to the meaning and correct interpretation of the legislative decree 193/2007 155/97e.
  • The document with practical self
  • Final test learning

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RULES OF CONDUCT FOR PREPARATION / safe handling of food

To prevent foodborne diseases and to ensure quality and product safety, it is necessary that the operator in food handlers to follow precise rules of conduct, which the World Health Organization summarized as follows Decalogue, adapted to local needs:

Hands are a primary source of contamination, so they must be washed and sanitized frequently, especially after:
any suspension of work, before entering the production area;
having used the toilet;
blowing your nose or sneezing;
touching objects, surfaces, attrezzi, o parti del corpo (naso, bocca, capelli, orecchie)

Gli indumenti specifici (copricapo, camice, pantaloni, scarpe) depositati ed indossati nello spogliatoio, devono essere utilizzati esclusivamente durante la lavorazione: di colore chiaro, vanno cambiati non appena siano insudiciati. Particolarmente utile il copricapo a motivo dell’alta presenza di batteri nei capelli. Le unghie vanno tenute corte e pulite, evitando durante il lavoro di indossare anelli o altri monili.

In presenza di ferite o foruncoli, le mani vanno ben disinfettate e coperte da un cerotto o garza, that should be changed regularly. In any case, people with infected wounds should refrain from handling cooked or ready to eat.
Precautions must also be taken in the presence of symptoms such as diarrhea and fever, considering with your doctor the indication to refrain from work.

4. Protect food from insects, rodents, AND OTHER ANIMALS
The presence at the workplace of insects and rodents pose a serious threat to the integrity of food products: Prevention is accomplished either by creating appropriate barriers (safety nets with removable windows) that with appropriate behavior, including keeping food in tightly sealed containers and handle it waste properly. Even domestic animals (dogs, cats, birds, turtles) are home to dangerous germs that can pass from hands to food.

Given the ease with which food may be contaminated, it is necessary that all surfaces, especially the work plans, are perfectly clean. Proper cleaning procedure involves removing coarse dirt, wash with detergent, the first rinse, disinfection followed by the final rinse with final drying, using only paper to lose.

Proper storage food to ensure their stability and reduces the likelihood that harmful microorganisms can proliferate to the consumer eg
perishable goods or filled with shell-based cream made with eggs, cream, yogurt and deli products to cover edible gelatin should be stored at a temperature no higher than 4 ° C
perishable foods to be eaten cooked hot foods (like ready meals, snacks, grilled chicken, etc..) should be stored at temperatures between +60 ° C to +65 ° C in special schools with thermostat
perishable foods to be eaten cold (such as roasts, roast beef, pork, etc.). and filled with fresh pasta should be stored at a temperature not exceeding +10 ° C

those cooked raw food for the possible presence of germs can contaminate cooked with those minimum contacts: This cross-contamination may be direct, but not obvious, as in the case of using already used knives or cutting boards for preparing raw food, re-introducing the same microbes before cooking. Even in conservation must be kept separate from cooked foods and raw and the different types of food (eg, separate pork from beef or ham, cheese)

Many raw foods like meat, eggs, unpasteurized milk, are often contaminated with microbes that cause disease. A thorough cooking will destroy them completely: it is essential to respect the time and temperature combination that, however, can vary from food to food. In
heating of food is rather good idea to reach 72 ° C for at least two minutes


Every food business from the smallest to the biggest must have under Legislative Decree 155/1997 of a plan of self-control that describes the dangers for food and related PREVENTIVE MEASURES that the company puts in place to prevent or control such hazards: be aware of and apply the procedures adopted is a duty and an obligation for each operator.

Reference: Decree 61, 1/3/2004

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Medical records

With the Regional Law 41 dated 19/12/2003, the Veneto region abolished the requirement of the Health Booklet for employees and owners of food operations, a rule which has as the ultimate guarantee of food safety and the reduction of diseases transmissible through food, goals These can be reached through the work of training and updating of food. In practice, the issue or renewal of the Health Booklet is replaced dalla partecipazione, idoneamente documentata, a corsi di formazionee/o aggiornamento in materia di igiene degli alimenti ed autocontrollo.
La legge ha previsto una distinzione tra "manipolazione e contatto con l'alimento"(somministrazionebevande e alimenti, cuochi, pizzaioli, camerieri, etc.) e la non manipolazion(es.vendita prodotti confezionati). In questo caso gli operatori devono comunque ricevere una adeguata informazione riportata sul decalogo denominato "Norme comportamentali per una preparazione sicura degli alimenti". Nel primo caso invece è prevista la partecipazione al corso di cui sopra che ha la durata di 3 orecomplessive con esame finale scritto (questionario di 15 domande). Alla fine del corso, superato l'esame, viene subito issued the "Training Booklet" which will renewed every three years .

the following link you can find the text of the law:

Thursday, December 18, 2008

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Among the various "odd jobs "University students who choose to do to keep studying if a minimum of economic independence, there is a waiter. For me this kind of work has almost become a passion, though not of the lightest. Doing this work requires training at law: that health care. This blog is therefore to make available some useful information about the health training.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

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Cresce in Italia la diffusione del consumo di alcolici tra gli adolescenti. Lo rivela l'Istat nell'indagine 'Multiscopo 2007', condotta ogni anno per scoprire lo stile di vita degli italiani

Cresce in Italia la diffusione del consumo di alcolici tra gli adolescenti. Lo rivela l'Istat nell'indagine 'Multiscopo 2007', condotta ogni anno per scoprire lo stile di vita degli italiani. Benche' la diffusione del consumo di alcol in Italia risulti sostanzialmente stabile negli ultimi 10 anni, preoccupa la crescita del fenomeno tra i ragazzi di 11-15 anni, con il 19,9% che dichiara di aver consumato una o piu' bevande alcoliche almeno una volta nell'anno. Considerando poi la fascia di eta' tra i 14 e i 17 anni, tra il 1998 (anno a partire dal quale sono stati utilizzati quesiti confrontabili con l'indagine corrente) e il 2007 il consumo di alcol passa dal 12,6% al 20,5%, e cresce anche fuori pasto, in particolare fra le ragazze (dal 9,7% al 17,9%), pur rimanendo piu' diffuso tra i maschi, per i quali sale dal 15,2% al 22,7%. Il consumo di alcol tra minorenni e' particolarmente preoccupante in quanto molto spesso non sono ancora in grado di metabolizzare adeguatamente l'alcol, per questo uno degli obiettivi dell'Oms, l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Salute, per il 2010 e' ridurre a zero la quota di ragazzi fino ai 15 anni che consumano bevande alcoliche. Anche gli anziani, oltre ai giovani sono un segmento di popolazione sensibilmente esposto a comportamenti a rischio, anche se per motivi differenti: la soglia di eta' dei 65 anni e' quella a partire dalla quale anche l'assunzione di piu' di una sola unita' alcolica al giorno diviene un comportamento non salutare.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

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Stress da call center

Ansa - Mar 15 Apr
ROMA -I lavoratori dei call center che prestano servizio nella struttura di una societa' hanno diritto ad un contratto di lavoro subordinato dal momento che utilizzano attrezzature e materiale aziendale e non possono essere considerati, dal datore, come lavoratori autonomi.
Lo sottolinea la Cassazione con la sentenza 9812 section of the work . With this verdict the Supreme Court dismissed the appeal of the 'Solidea sas', a society' in Padua that he had a call center in the advertising industry, the decision by which the Court of Appeal of Venice, in 2005, had ordered to pay more than half a billion old lire INPS social security contributions, as against 15 fugitives switchboard precarious discoveries to work at the company 'during a check of labor inspectors, in 1997.
against the fine, 'Solidea' had recourse to the Court of Padova arguing that the employees perform self-employment. The court gave the reason 'Solidea' rag and the minutes of INPS. But on appeal the Court Venice tilting 'the outcome and confirm' the conditional nature of the work done by the switchboard 15. Without success 'Solidea' protested to the Supreme Court. The
'ermine' replied that''correct''the Court of Appeal considered the subordination of''qualifying employees with duties of telephone operators, the circumstances that they were following the guidance given by the company in respect of any call from Taking note of the outcome and conduct of the telephone number called, that had a definite working hours, they used equipment and materials belonging to 'the company'.'' So 'the use of' Solidea 'has been rejected. (ANSA)

Monday, March 24, 2008

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La proposta di riforma prevede la cancellazione dell'ergastolo, sostituito da una pena massima di 32 anni, elevabile a 38 per i reati più gravi

Abolizione dell'ergastolo, una condanna che e' "piu' simile alla pena di morte". E' la novita' tra le piu' significative del ddl di riforma della parte generale del Codice penale, schema presentato oggi al ministro della Giustizia Luigi Scotti. La commissione di studio presieduta da Giuliano Pisapia stabilisce che il massimo della pena da infliggere ad un condannato deve essere di 32 anni, elevabili fino a 38 anni per i casi di reati piu' gravi.
La relazione del documento sottolinea che sulla scelta di sostituire nel Codice l'ergastolo con la "detenzione di massima durata c'e' stata una lunga e approfondita riflessione". Si e' tenuto conto "della contrarieta' di gran parte dell'opinione pubblica e dei paventati rischi di indebolire la lotta alla criminalita' organizzata"; ma la commissione a larga maggioranza ha deciso "di non prevedere la pena dell'ergastolo", sulla base di dati oggettivi "che dimostrano come la pena perpetua, cosi' come la pena di morte, non ha mai avuto quell'efficacia deterrente che molti prospettano".
L'ergastolo, si sottolinea, e' "una pena iniqua che pone non pochi dubbi di legittimita' costituzionale"; e cancellarlo e' also an "act of civilization 'imposed on grounds of ethical-political' cause life sentence is not 'similar to prison but it' s worth a great deal more 'similar to the death penalty." The Committee adds that life imprisonment is not there 'in many European countries such as Norway, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. In other states, the Commission points out, even in the abstract provided for life imprisonment "is not applied in practice", as in the Netherlands, Poland, Albania, Serbia and Hungary.

Monday, March 10, 2008

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in Milan on March 12 Antogone the association promotes a meeting on barriers to social reintegration ex-convicts

The association "Antigone Lombardy, in collaboration with the Criminal Chamber of the public meeting Milan organized" THE END OF THE PENIS PAIN - obstacles on the path to social reintegration, " Wednesday March 12 at 18:00 at the Chamber of Labour in Milan, Corso di Porta Vittoria, 43. The meeting
Speakers among others: the reporter Riccardo Bocca, editor of "L'Espresso", which documented - even with a video that will be screened at the initiative - the practical difficulties he encounters a person who leaves the prison, the lawyer Julian Blast and Giorgio Bertazzini, protecting rights of persons confined in the Liberties of the Province of Milan.
"Most of those detained in Italy - says Alessandra Naldi, head of Antigone Lombardia - are not in prison for having committed particularly serious crimes such as murders, rapes or physical violence, it is mostly of individuals responsible of minor offenses such as theft, drug-related offenses. There are also many foreign prisoners who have committed real crimes but who remain in jail for months simply because they have violated the provisions of the Bossi-Fini "law on immigration. For these people would be much more useful (as well as less costly for the community) develop effective social interventions and to use alternative punishments to imprisonment. The prison often end up instead to become an insurmountable obstacle to that social reintegration should be, according to our constitution, the real purpose of the sentence. "Anyone who leaves the prison, even after short periods of detention, has great difficulty in finding a job in order and start an honest life, not to mention that it is in prison for many who come in contact with the criminal world much more organized and powerful than what you knew before.
"Always the Centre prison and territory insists that local citizens will make on the problems of detainees, even in the most delicate moment of the release instead - Corrado Mandreoli complaint, a spokesperson for this major network reality Milan dealing with prison - in these days in Milan we had to further cuts in services that dealing with these problems, even putting at risk the continuity of essential operations in the field of hospitality and of accompanying social and occupational exit from prison. "

Antigone, Association for the rights and guarantees in the criminal justice system ", was born in the late eighties in the wake of the magazine against the emergency brought, among others, by Luigi Ferrajoli, Massimo Cacciari, Stefano and Ross Rodotà Rossanda. It is a political-cultural they adhere mainly scholars, judges, prison workers, parliamentarians, teachers and citizens who for various reasons are interested in criminal justice. Has the statutory purposes to the study, research and cultural awareness on the issue of law, human rights, justice and punishment. Promotes initiatives to extend the debate on these issues and the matters arising from them in political debate, to develop a growing emphasis on social rights and guarantees in the criminal justice system, to analyze and disseminate information and knowledge with prison life in order to achieve compliance with the constitutionally provided for the purpose of a prison sentence. For years, moreover, Antigone is also involved in Lombard Volunteer Conference Justice and member of the prison and within the city of Milan.

Friday, March 7, 2008

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On 18 February 2008, the Department for Public Opinion released a (the number 13/2008) on certain aspects of application of work permits granted to family members of people with severe disabilities. This is a relevant provision as it affects all public employees , although it may be revised in future as it is awaiting a ruling on these issues by the State Council at the request of the Ministry of Economy.
The opinion, issued in response to a specific question, relates to the requirements of continuity and exclusivity of care introduced by Law 53/2000 . As you recall, Article 20 stated that workers have the facilities, "even if the other parent is not entitled." The work permits, were also extended "to the family workers working relationship with public or private, to assist with continuity and exclusively a relative or affinity within the third degree of handicap, although not living together." The work permits, therefore, deserve - regardless of from living together - even those family members who provide assistance with continuity and exclusively to people with disabilities grave.I concepts continuity and exclusivity were subject to different interpretations by social security institutions (INPS and INPDAP) and of the Ministry of Labour. Now the Department of Public orientamento.Vale expresses its worth remembering that the continuity and exclusivity of the assistance, however, are not relevant in the case of permits granted to parents of people with disabilities living with them.


The Department believes that the legislature intended collegare in senso stretto la concessione dei permessi al requisito definito dall'articolo 3 comma 3 della Legge 104/ e cioè collegando la situazione di gravità alla necessità di un intervento assistenziale "permanente, continuativo e globale": la situazione di handicap grave, richiede per definizione l'assistenza continuativa.

Secondo il Dipartimento Funzione Pubblica la continuità sussiste soltanto quando l'assistenza è prestata non in maniera saltuaria od occasionale ma "con assiduità e costanza, in modo tale da prestare un servizio adeguato e sistematico ossia regolare alla persona handicappata". Si tratta, fin qui, di considerazioni non dissimili a quelle espresse by INPS and INPDAP. But the Department also states that the continuity of care is not the purpose of the permit, and this could not be given the consistency of these small, amounting to three days a month, but it is, on the contrary, the assumption of fact legitimizing .

In essence, if not pre-existing continuity of care, systematic and constant outside of work, permits are not granted.

After these clarifications, the Department provides no guidance for the practical application, even Department Civil Service states that the exclusivity it is understood that there is only one employee that requires work permits and benefiting from it. These should be granted, so even if there are other people in the household can provide assistance. In this, the Department is in line with the guidelines already provided by INPS and the Ministry of Lavoro.La condition is self-certified by the person concerned, and assessed by the competent authority. gives discretion to the authorities concerned: "the situation will be assessed from time to time and depending on the specific circumstances by the authorities concerned." The condition of continuity is self-certified by the person concerned, and assessed by the competent authority (usually the personnel department or human resources).


The Department for Public Administration states that the exclusivity it is understood that there is only one worker that requires work permits and benefiting from it. These should be granted, so even if there are other people in the household can provide assistance. In this, the Department is in line with the guidelines already provided by INPS and the Ministry of Labour.

The condition is self-certified by the person concerned, and assessed by the competent authority.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

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From 1 January 2008 daily rates for benefits provided in Rsa (Residenze sanitarie per anziani), Rsd (Residenze sanitarie per disabili), Cdd (Centri diurni per disabili), a carico del Fondo sanitario regionale sono ripartite come segue:

Delibera 6677 del 28 febbraio 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

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Si svolgerà a Mariano Comense, Dongo e Gravedona, in provincia di Como, la primissima tappa del 2008 in collaborazione con la sede territoriale di Como, i servizi sociali di Mariano Comense, l'Ufficio di Piano di Gravedona e i servizi sociali di Dongo. L'Ufficio dell'Agenzia delle Entrate di Menaggio and Canterbury will be present on the camper through an official to inform and guide, with the support of all material information to people with disabilities, family associations and all tax benefits, income tax deductions, preferential tax rates, 730.

The Camper, accessible and equipped for office, will be available to citizens with disabilities and their organizations to deliver services and the long experience of the Lombardy Region Desk Disabled. The Caravan continues the journey made in these four years and will come to touch in 2008 other 12 cities in Lombardy. It will also be present at Dishow Brescia Montichiari, volunteering at festivals and in Mantua Sondrio, in the Exhibition of Local Authorities of Rimini, Campus, 2008 at Monza in 2008 and Manifesta Osnago (LC). The Counter Disabled Mobile is an initiative of Regione Lombardia DG Family and Social Solidarity, in cooperation with Aias Milan, and ANMIC LEDH. Aims to achieve the following objectives: To provide citizens with disabilities and their families with information useful in improving the quality of life, strengthen the links between the disabled and the ATM network services and local initiatives, and promote news about appointments and events for the world of disability in Lombardy.

Where and when the camper in the province of Como?
Dongo: March 11 Paracchini Square in front of the City
Gravedona: 12 marzo in Piazza Trieste
Mariano Comense: 18 e 19 marzo in Piazza Roma vicino all'edicola
Per informazioni Sportello Disabili Regione Lombardia Spazio Regione di Via Fabio Filzi, 22 - 20124 Milano tel. 02 67654740 - fax 02 67655503 dal lunedì al giovedì dalle 9.00 alle 17.30 - venerdì dalle 9.00 alle 13.30

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

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Va riconosciuto l'infortunio in itinere al lavoratore che fa il tragitto con la sua auto se non ha preso l'autous a causa di uno sciopero.
Sentenza Cassazione N°3776 del 14 febbraio 2008 .

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Proposition popular initiative by the Association of maimed and disabled civilians: The objective is to equalize the minimum pension, taking them from 246 to 580 euro per month. Pagano: "During the election campaign worrying decline of interest in the welfare state."

ROME - A signature to no longer be forced to survive with only eight euro a day and cancel those that penalize discrimination between pensioners, paradoxically, one of the most disadvantaged, disabled civilians and that of of people unable to work. To ask and the National Association of maimed and disabled people (ANMIC) which read as follows give strength to his proposal for a popular law that seeks to "put an end to an unacceptable injustice" by increasing the amount of pension allocated to this category of citizens from the current 246.73 € to 580 € per month. "It seems absurd - the association said in a statement - but today the situation of disabled civilians Total ((recognized by 100% and not more than 60 years) and that of all invalids partial (74 to 99%) and mostly unable to work, is to survive on € 246.73 per month, just eight euro per day: in fact, despite promises of reform and increase in allowances, most of the disabled is still ruled by increases for pensions lower than planned in favor of disadvantaged groups and which were set at 580 € a month. "Thus, according to the ANMIC, the legislature has created an unfair disparity in treatment between pensioners, however, penalizes the range of citizens with disabilities, the most disadvantaged." The proposal for a popular law designed to equalize the pensions of disabled civilians to so-called minimum pensions, which had already considered - points to the association - "minimum vital to ensure a dignified life." The collection of signatures will be developed on the entire Italy in the 103 provincial seats dell'Anmic and also aims to turn the attention of policy on these issues during the election campaign. "In this moment of impasse initiative Government pending the outcome of the election - said the national president John Pagano - a disturbing decline of attention on the issues of welfare and disability ", hence the need to muster" with the disabled and their families also all Italians "because thanks to the" mobilization capacity and sense of responsibility of civil society "is returned" visibility and justice to this band of citizens have been forgotten today. "

Friday, February 15, 2008

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Yesterday, the Campaign for the Health Mental which is also committed to the CGIL, has submitted an appeal to the council so that the Lombardy Region the proposals contained in the petition 'There is no health without mental health' can be transformed into a motion to be submitted in Council. The petition, launched on 28 September 2007 by one hundred associations of Lombardy, has collected 35 thousand well firme'Abbiamo asked the councilors to sign our petition and turn it into a decision - says Don Virginio Colmegna, president of the Campaign as well as the House of Charity in - 'In the document there are concrete proposals, however, that we Formigoni and the assessors for social policies and health Abelli Casati listen to us'. Five conrenute requests in the petition: - target 5% of the Health Fund regionale a favore della salute mentale; - eliminare dalla normativa regionale ogni termine anagrafico per accedere alle strutture riabilitative residenziali; - istituire una Consulta regionale per la tutela dei diritti delle persone con disagio psichico; - rendere pubblico, e di conseguenza applicare, il Piano regionale della neuropsichiatria infantile; - promuovere servizi e politiche per l'integrazione territoriale.

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Approvata ieri in Conferenza Unificata l'Intesa che garantisce quanto deciso in Finanziaria
È stata siglata ieri, in Conferenza Unificata, l'Intesa per garantire la prosecuzione delle attività previste dalla legge Finanziaria, and appropriations for the 2008 figure of EUR 239 million for measures to support families.
extraordinary plan for kindergartens
Last year, subject to a concerted practices between State and Regions and Autonomous Provinces, the Government launched the "extraordinary plan of action for the development of the territorial system of social education for the first childhood. " The total amounted to more than 600 million Euros to 340 million of state resources which have added € 264 million co-financing by the autonomous regions of the province. In conjunction with the Plan was launched in a trial of spring sections, experimental educational provision intended children aged two to three years, to which the government has allocated € 35 million is for 2007. The agreement signed yesterday provides for 2008 further € 117 million, which will add about 18 million co-financing. The total resources of the Plan has thus risen to 774 million euro.
family planning clinics, abatement costs of services for families and carers
The redevelopment of Understanding yesterday to immediately make available to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, for the year 2008, a total of 97 million be allocated to ongoing experimental efforts, initiated in 2007 for: - reorganize the family planning clinics, to enhance the presence of local integrated services and multi-disciplinary able to support motherhood, helping families in need and prevent violence against women and children - to experience cost reductions of tariffs and essential services for families with many d at least four children - to upgrade the work of family carers (known as carers) to ensure more security to families and new guarantees to these workers. dependent persons and family
With the understanding of the past you start a program to encourage innovative projects to remain or return in the family community of people partially or totally incapacitated. The 2008 Budget had indicated this new purposes for the Fund for family policies. The Minister for Family Policies with the decree of allotment of 22 January 2008 has allocated 25 million this initiative.

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Press Release, February 15, 2008
The Guarantor's rights held in Bologna, Desi Mr. Bruno, sent a letter Ministers of Interior and Justice for review of the Circular which effectively prevents the renewal of residence permits for foreign detainees. The Minister of Interior Mr.

Al Sig. Ministro di Giustizia

Riferimento: Circolare Ministero dell’Interno 4 settembre 2001

Pregiatissimi, nella circolare in oggetto viene precisato che non può essere accolta una eventuale richiesta di rinnovo del permesso di soggiorno presentata da detenuti stranieri, in quanto " superata" dal titolo di detenzione.
Mi permetto di segnalare, a distanza di alcuni anni dalla sua emanazione, l’opportunità di un " ripensamento" della medesima, nel senso di consentire ai cittadini non appartenenti all’Unione europea detenuti presso gli istituti penitenziari dello Stato l’inoltro delle domande di rinnovo del permesso di soggiorno il cui termine scada in corso di detenzione.
Ciò al fine di evitare, in caso di risoluzione positiva della vicenda processuale, o comunque nel caso che sussistano comunque i requisiti per il mantenimento del titolo di soggiorno, che gli eventuali aventi diritto siano comunque destinatari di provvedimenti di espulsione o di allontanamento, immediatamente eseguibili e idonei, anche se impugnabili, a compromettere la possibilità di legale permanenza sul territorio.
A tal fine la accettazione della richiesta, in attesa di informazioni sull’esito del procedimento penale in corso, non comprometterebbe in alcun modo la decisione dell’autorità amministrativa, ma assicurerebbe la giusta tutela a coloro che comunque possono avere titolo al rinnovo and who are in a situation of obvious difficulties. This office looks forward to active involvement in attention and thanks.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

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The measure of employment not covered by the estimates of national accounts

period: Years 1980 - 2005

Istat http: / / spread estimates of the volume of work, consistent with the economic aggregates that contribute to the formation of gross domestic product made in the reporting period. This update completes the series of process Reconstruction of the estimates, resulting in a general revision of national accounts and the results were published in December 2005. The employment estimates are made consistent with national data released in March 2007 and with regional ones in January 2008. Estimates of employment in terms of domestic employment, job positions and work units. Each of these measures provide different information to the contribution of labor to the production process: the domestic employment represent the number of individuals employed, the positions which estimate the number of activities performed by each occupation, the work unit (AWU) measure the theoretical number of temporary workers pieno. In ciascuna delle diverse misure di occupazione è possibile distinguere la componente regolare da quella non regolare.I dati a livello nazionale sono disponibili in serie storica (dal 1980 le unità di lavoro e dal 1991 gli occupati interni e le posizioni lavorative), con un dettaglio pari a 30 settori di attività economica (corrispondenti alla classificazione NACE-Rev.1.1) e con informazioni distinte per ciascuna posizione nella professione (dipendente e indipendente). Stime regionali sulle unità di lavoro non regolari sono fornite per quattro macrobranche a partire dal 2001, anno base delle nuove serie dell’occupazione. Le nuove serie di dati sostituiscono ed aggiornano quelle presentate il 16 dicembre del 2005 nella Statistica in breve “La measure non-regular employment in the estimates of national accounts. "

Friday, February 8, 2008

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The local Labour Modena public salaries, level by level, which consists of 142 National Collective Bargaining Agreement in force on 1 January 2008.
Wages at 1st January 2008

Friday, February 1, 2008

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BURL N ° 5 of 28 cennaio 2008

  1. First indications for the implementation of interventions aimed at support work of care provided by caregivers;

  2. indication for training plans for staff of social services and social and health

Playing Pokemon On Computer


was announced by the holder of the Social Solidarity during his last press conference minister. Foolish''for seeking advice on actions that we will not achieve.'' It is hoped that the planned national conference in June to the end of the journey can still be organized

ROME - One of the things that ruin the Minister Ferrero, with the result of the failure to reform immigration laws, is that he have led completed projects in the disability field. Speaking at Palazzo Chigi during his last press conference as minister, Ferrero said today that, for obvious reasons, the trip to the disabled who had just been launched with the first stage, will be canceled. It makes no sense - the minister has responded to a question on the subject - go around Italy to ask for people opinions and suggestions for policy interventions that we will not be able to achieve. It 's a real shame - added Ferrero - because it would be an important opportunity for knowledge and verification as was the journey through immigration. As for the National Conference on Disability, which was supposed to be the target end of the journey, the outgoing minister did not rule out completely that we can not put on the calendar. Of course - said Ferrero - I can not be the one to decide. The ball is now in the hands of leaders of the ministry that remain and they have all the tools to continue the efforts. It is, as you can see, to understand what are the political developments of the crisis and to understand what the fate of the Ministry of Solidarity. One of the successes of which the Minister Ferrero instead can proudly say is linked to the monitoring of social spending in the regions. "When we arrived at the ministry - said today - was not able to understand how the money was spent, the level of expenditure of individual regions and allocation of resources. We built a new system of monitoring and control system of social spending in order to avoid confusion and the more familiar phenomenon of the invisibility of expenditure ".

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Portable Air Tank For Finish Nailer


The Directorate General of the labor market of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, with a note prot. 13/III No / 002 256 of 29 January 2008, he clarified that according to Art. 1, paragraph 53 of Law No. 247/2007 (Protocol Welfare), employers belonging to the construction industry, for the purposes of determining the basis on which to base the calculation of the obligations imposed by Law No. 68 of 1999 , effettueranno le esclusioni con riferimento al “personale di cantiere” ed agli “addetti al trasporto”.
Infatti, il citato comma 53 ha inserito all’art. 5, comma 2, della legge 12 marzo 1999, n. 68 un successivo periodo che prevede che “non sono inoltre tenuti all’osservanza dell’obbligo di cui all’art. 3 i datori di lavoro del settore edile per quanto concerne il personale di cantiere e gli addetti al trasporto del settore”.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Car Transport Companies


In dieci anni, le tariffe dei servizi degli enti locali sono cresciute molto più dell’inflazione. A fronte di un’ inflazione cresciuta del 25%, the prices paid by citizens for water, gas, waste and urban transport have marked a boom with increases sometimes almost three times the rate of price growth.
E ' the case of' water that between 1997 and 2006, as indicated by the ratio of Unioncamere corporation of Local Government, has scored a +61.4%. Similar trends were also reported on the pricing of gas , over 45% of the waste (+43%) and urban transport (+35%).
The only exception is the growth of electricity tariffs have increased at a slower pace than inflation (+20.8%).
"In a phase characterized by a tendency to stagnation of disposable income - said Unioncamere - the tariff adjustments have had a particularly severe impact on household budgets. " In 2006, in fact, total spending of consumers in the major utilities has reached 39.017 billion euro, an increase of 48.9% over 1997. "Overall - adds the association - the rates showed a significant acceleration from the early 2000s, that is the turn of the changeover." Just with the transition from lira to the euro, Italy seems to have tried to adapt to the rest of Europe. Nevertheless, in our country, water charges, waste and urban transport, are still below those prevailing in other EU countries. As the cost of the ticket means of public transport in our cities is never more than one euro, compared with average European values \u200b\u200branging from 1 to 2.2 euro. But, he stresses, "just because some European countries have started from higher levels than in Italy, the euro area as a whole has an average growth rate for the lower prices charged to households, with the exception only of that of gas and inflation significantly due primarily to the significant rise in the price lists registered in Germany. " According
Eurostat data, in fact, in the last decade, the price of natural gas in the Eurozone has marked an increase of 70.2%, that of municipal waste by 42.8% to 28% water and the energy power of 15%.
In this figure, the Codacons adds further price rises: those "savages recorded in the prices." Over the same ten years, points out the president Carlo Rienzi, these have grown by 80%, causing many difficulties to "thousands of families who can no longer reach the end of the month." "A boom, which has peaked with the introduction of the euro, when there has been rounding up wild dei listini in tutti i settori”. Per questo, sottolinea Rienzi, “il rischio concreto è quello di un eccessivo indebitamento per far fronte anche alle spese primarie, e di un aumento impressionante dei nuclei che nei prossimi 2 anni entreranno nella fascia di povertà”.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Aspergers And Osteopenia


L'associazione I Bambini di Ornella invita soci, socie amici e simpatizzanti a partecipare alla Bicchierata del tesseramento 2008, organizzata per venerdì 25 gennaio 2008 alle 20.30 presso il Salone della Cà d'industria in via Brambilla 61 a Como .
Nel corso della serata, che sarà gladdened by the band stands out with a music program "Music of the World", will discuss the initiatives planned to support the welcome center of Kelle, Senegal.
For information: email

Friday, January 18, 2008

What Do You Think Of Guys With Earrings


Auser A survey shows that 40.3% of social expenditure of the provincial capitals, in 2006, was managed by cooperatives and social volunteering to join fully in the search results on R intake between local authorities and third sector , we publish the press release.
Rome, January 18, 2008
40.3% della spesa sociale dei comuni capoluogo di Provincia, nel 2006 risulta gestita attraverso l'intervento delle Cooperative sociali e dal volontariato. Una percentuale che si innalza fino al 60% nelle città più grandi, come Bari e Firenze.
Un pubblico che arretra e un privato che avanza, una tendenza sempre più evidente e diffusa, accompagnata da problemi di trasparenza, di regole poco chiare, di problemi di controlli sulla qualità delle prestazioni. E' uno degli aspetti più preoccupanti che emerge dall'indagine promossa dall'Auser che fotografa la realtà del rapporto tra "Enti locali e Terzo Settore" realizzata da Francesco Montemurro e che verrà presentata a Roma mercoledì 23 gennaio presso la Cgil Nazionale (Sala Santi) alle ore 10 in una Tavola Rotonda a cui parteciperanno: Michele Mangano, presidente nazionale Auser; Francesco Montemurro Responsabile dell'indagine; Stefano Daneri Cgil nazionale; Riccardo Terzi Segretario nazionale Spi-Cgil; Maria Guidotti Portavoce Forum nazionale del Terzo Settore; Loreto Del Cimmuto direttore Lega delle Autonomie Locali; Arturo Bianco Anci.
"Al centro delle relazioni tra enti locali e organismi del cosiddetto Terzo settore c'è un enorme paradosso - sottolinea Michele Mangano, presidente nazionale Auser- Infatti, a fronte del rilevante apporto che Associazioni e Imprese sociali forniscono alla gestione dei servizi sociali, le autonomie locali sono ancora inadempienti nella creazione di un sistema di regole truly efficient and transparent to allow the third sector to deliver quality services and play an important role in terms of programming and horizontal subsidiarity ".
The portrait that emerges from it is very Auser think. According to research data are especially large municipalities - where the growing demand for assistance needs to be met, a large number of players - that outsource the management of social services and the person. In addition to Bari and Florence, Rome and Catania now manage more than 50% of social spending through the bodies of the third sector. The City of Milan, however, acquiring services from the outside only for 32% of social spending, providing social benefits to citizens by increasing the number of social workers, rather than resorting to the granting of money to the families, which are addressed in turn to cooperatives and other social enterprises to receive services.
Research Auser also reviewed the public notices (the investigation has focused primarily on major, published in the national press), regarding the outsourcing of social services (eg, home care and educational planning, and management of the nursery table, etc...)
are still many local governments that prepare tenders unclear and generic parts of the relationships management authority between client and carer, and especially on the basis of the formula of the maximum discount from the base of the auction. Between May and September 2007, municipalities have organized 157 public selections and restricted to contract with social enterprises and associations management of social services for a planned expenditure of € 40.3 million.
Nearly two out of ten races were organized on the basis of the criterion for the award of so-called "maximum discount." This formula is designed to reward only the discounts offered by social enterprises compared to the base bid or base price designed by the city, ignoring, ultimately, the technical design and quality on offer.
In smaller communities resist, for example, the practice of credit for the direct management of services and social interventions in the absence of restricted or open tendering and also the formula of comparing quotes.

The phenomenon involves 75% of the common and occur in amounts not exceeding € 20,000. It is estimated that the figure in 2007 is directly responsible for about 8 million €. The survey also highlights
Auser serious breaches of the regions to 7 years after the approval of Law 328/2000, have not yet completed the procedures to operationalize accreditation of the institution of social services, necessary to regulate the relationship between local authorities and social enterprises and to set standards of operation and management of facilities and dei servizi. Fino ad oggi solo 3 amministrazioni (Marche e Veneto e la provincia di Trento) hanno concluso il percorso di modernizzazione dei propri sistemi di offerta dei servizi sociali. Vi è poi un gruppo di regioni (Abruzzo, Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Lombardia, Molise, Piemonte, Puglia, Toscana, Umbria, Valle d'Aosta e la provincia di Bolzano) che ha avviato le procedure senza però giungere a risultati concreti. Solo le regioni Basilicata, Campania, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Sardegna e Sicilia non hanno ancora definito alcun sistema di accreditamento.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dr Bernstein Student Discount


Nella riunione della Giunta regionale dello scorso 27 dicembre, è stata emanata la Delibera di riparto del Fondo Nazionale Politiche Sociali.
Si tratta della Delibera attaverso cui la regione assegna i fondi per la gestione della L.328/00 ai Distretti della nostra Regione.
DGR 6398/07
Note di lettura

Monday, January 14, 2008

Kates Playground Full Shoot


Un'indagine della CGIL di Milano evidenzia in Lombardia una profonda crisi dei Consultori familiari pubblici a vantaggio delle strutture ptivate.

I presidiu pubblici vedono costantemente diminuire le risorse ed il personale in calo dell'8,5% a fronte di un aumento nel settore privato stimabile in un 40%.

Peraltro le strutture Private not provide all services related to the L.194.