Monday, November 8, 2010

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Procedimenti e sanzioni disciplinari

Il MIUR vara la circolare

Come preannunciato nell'ultimo nostro comunicato su questo argomento, si è svolto nei giorni scorsi l'untimo incontro di informativa con le organizzazioni sindacali rappresentative dell'Area V e del comparto sull'applicazione delle nuove norme disciplinari al personale delle scuole, a seguito dell'emanazione del D.Lgs. n. 150/2009 che ha profondamente modificato la materia.
L'Amministrazione ha presentato la bozza definitiva del documento che contiene, rispetto alla precedente versione, alcune correzioni di rotta coincidenti con i punti di vista e le indicazioni espresse dall'Anp sia nelle precedenti interlocuzioni con il MIUR, sia nel corso dei numerosi seminars and training courses on the subject of the entry into force of new rules (November 15, 2009). For this we give the document that is about to be issued, despite his criticism of delay a verdict is generally positive as it helps to clarify certain points which were given to controversial interpretations and, by some, deeply wrong.
Among the valuable aspects of content that will be proposed by the move include:
confirmation that the disciplinary powers of the executive head teacher to arrive, for minor offenses and for all staff (teachers and ATA), the imposition the sanction of suspension from duty and retribuzione fino a 10 giorni. Lo schema di circolare ribadisce chiaramente tale estensione, peraltro non condivisa da alcune delle organizzazioni sindacali del comparto;
la trattazione di alcuni aspetti delicati come, ad esempio, la competenza per l'esercizio del potere disciplinare nei confronti dei dirigenti delle scuole, esplicitamente posto in capo ai direttori degli USR senza possibilità di delega a funzionari di rango inferiore per l'adozione dei relativi provvedimenti disciplinari;
l'estensione delle nuove norme ai docenti a tempo determinato, per i quali la materia disciplinare era già regolata da una normativa speciale e diversificata rispetto a quella prevista per i docenti di ruolo, contenuta negli artt. 535 e seguenti del Testo Unico sull'Istruzione, considerati superati dal testo dello schema di circolare;
il recupero, sulla base di principi generali di rango costituzionale e giuslavoristico, dell'istituto della sospensione cautelare facoltativa per gravi e urgenti motivi, recupero resosi necessario a seguito dell'abrogazione dell'art. 506 del Testo Unico disposta dal D.Lgs. n. 150/2009.
Su questo argomento è stata rimossa una delle criticità che avevamo evidenziato nel corso della precedente riunione, consistente nell'ipotesi che il dirigente scolastico potesse esercitare il potere di sospensione cautelare solo su delega del direttore dell'USR, cosa che sarebbe stata in contrasto sia con la nuova che con la vecchia normativa (l'art. 506, soppresso dal D.Lgs. No 150/2009, in fact not included). However, our concerns remain on the need for validation of the decision by the Director within 10 days and the fact that ATA staff is supposed to adopt the precautionary suspension only in connection with criminal proceedings or dismissal, whereas - in our view wrongly - the provision in the contract prevails over the general considerations and employment law properly taken into account in reasoning about precautionary measures;
was suitably eliminated the possibility of collaboration of experts (including teachers) with the Office for disciplinary proceedings to be established at the USR, which would have been incongruous with the lack in disciplinary matters by persons having no managerial qualifications, as provided by law (art. 55-bis, paragraph 3, Leg. No 165/2001). Such a presence would also set up the reintroduction of a sort of "peer review", espicitamente repealed by the legislature through the suppression of the duties of the Disciplinary Board.

publish the text of the circular when it becomes available in its final version.

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Andrea Gironda

The school recently is striving to regain the role of the educational community, which forms the person in all aspects relating to it. Each discipline, according to its characteristics, contributes in a unique and valuable to form the great puzzle of the formation of student "who needs a lot of pieces, if they were to miss even one game would not give the result as expected.

the teaching of the Catholic Religion (IRC) has a precise position in the training of student and citizen. My experience as a teacher - for now confined to the primary school - has increasingly strengthened the idea that the IRC is one of those basic knowledge of law to which the person needs to grow and develop in its entirety. The global society, information 360 degree contact with foreign cultures and people, ease of movement from one area to another world puts man in front of a continuous dialogue with other religions and religious people around the world. Leafing through a newspaper or hear a television news program requires knowledge that the IRC provides in its path of study that accompanies each student since childhood.

Often, however, the greater effort that the IRC must do is not so much to learn something new, but to strengthen and consolidate - or even to know from the beginning - the same Catholic religion. Unfortunately many people are still tied to the idea of \u200b\u200btime religion as a religion lesson that many priests and nuns had been in school more than two decades ago. I also remember that the priest at my elementary school in the nearby '80s was a lot of issues with the same cut of the catechism in the parish who attended. The prospects are no longer present catechetical nell'IRC today, precisely because it is not the purpose of this discipline to invade the camp of the faith of students. Very often, some parents come to me saying that their son will be going to catechism advantage in the discipline that I teach, or others concerned with the opposite because their child does not go to catechism.

If a teacher of religion at the end of his teaching mattered on who should or should not be in the parish would make a grave mistake. This is because the IRC must "promote the acquisition of religious culture" [1]. That's because - in the same pastoral note - the IRC 'fits smoothly into school life, respecting and promoting the purposes and methods of its own "[2]. In this, I always found great respect for each student, believer or not, and many parents are often to clarify one's mind on this point, I really appreciate this cultural level on which the IRC stands. He teaches religion, is true, but we must not forget that teaching remains a confessional, Catholic precisely; but the study of original sources of the Catholic religion, the Bible, tradition and the Magisterium of the Church, often find it easy to integrate with many spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bin many peoples and religions other than Christianity. For me and my students is a great enrichment in the classroom when students participate in a constructive way of other religions. In the school

IRC finds its basis and its birth in the Concordat of 1929 [3], then revised in 1989 [4] by the Church with the Italian, the latter stage was a turning point for the IRC has eliminated those aspects of catechetical present until then, "including himself in connection with the purposes school [5]. While wanting to see the IRC-catechism a certain relationship, do not forget that the scope and method of changing radically and that the programs are presented to students who are chosen in accordance with the objectives of the school and brought in accordance with the methods of all types and levels of itself.

With the passage of time have changed the teachers of religion. The smaller number of priests present, demands that the Church has faced, has meant that the IRC is now entrusted to the lay teachers at 90% [6] recognized as eligible by the Church. The Italian government has recently acknowledged teachers of religion by a state law that allow some years to put in the role, becoming also a legally equal to all other teachers. This process lasted for many years is a sign of confidence and hope for many people who work with seriousness and commitment to school and still living in a state of precariousness.
The great hour of religious membership (between 95% and 91% for kindergarten, elementary and middle schools, about 75% in secondary schools of the second degree), is an index that expresses a certain degree of part of students and their families and encouraging every teacher to do better work, however, aware of many difficulties that still persist. I think of the rather limited time that teachers in secondary schools have to establish a dialogue and knowledge with their pupils, the fact of having a certain inconsistency in affirming the cultural approach of the DSU and to enable pupils to choose whether or not to use this teaching "culture" of Catholicism , the belief that many have yet to consider the IRC as a matter "secondary" of little importance.

My experience has now made it clear that no religious need to know. Very often children are small theologians to ask questions of deep meaning. To the extent that we try to make them reflect on the themes and content of belief is to help develop their knowledge of faith, which in shape then, mature and articulate, is called theology: faith effort to understand! I can not forget in this regard my first lesson - then to alternate - the third in a class of elementary school where a child after a few minutes of class he asked me, 'Master, but who is the father of God? "I was blown away by a question instead in the following years almost all children I constantly repeat. The children will pose big questions, those questions which are unlikely to subside with time because it is the man who needs to know.

then IRC is at the service of the person and the school, making a contribution that aims to educate and grow. The challenge of our time is faced with globalization, which involves millions of people in Europe and the rest of the world. For a truly multicultural integration will be the knowledge of certain basic requirements to defeat religious ignorance is so widespread in our society. A knowledge that is culture, a culture that is host, which becomes a welcome peace and respect.

Author: Andrea Gironda is an elementary school teacher in Rome.


[1] "Teaching Catholic Religion Today." No.6 Pastoral Note of the CEI, Rome, 05.19.1991

[2] Ibid.Legge 27/05/1929, No 810, Composition deIl'11-2-1929 between Italy and the Holy See

[3] Law 03.25.1985, n. 121, revision of the Lateran Agreements between Italy and the Holy See 's 02/11/1929

[4] "To teach the Catholic religion today," No. 13, Pastoral Note of the CEI, 1991 - The term "secular", we mean one that is not part of the priestly order. The term also has taken a different meaning in common language referring to people who do not believe or did not like religious values. Imagine if the teacher of religion could be the latter!

Friday, November 5, 2010

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MAJORITY VOTE AGAINST the national anthem

Apprendiamo con rammarico e delusione la decisione della maggioranza in Consiglio comunale di respingere la mozione presentata dal PDL atta a far suonare l’Inno di Mameli prima delle sedute del Consiglio, quale forma di ulteriore celebrazione del 150° dell’Unità d’Italia.

Riteniamo il voto di ieri sera un’onta all’onore ed un affronto al vivo sentimento nazionale che anima gli jesolani. Per di più se proviene dal massimo organo rappresentativo cittadino.

Il respingimento della mozione è frutto di un ricatto della Lega Nord, il partito che oramai tiene sotto scacco la maggioranza. Ma è ancora più triste che un gruppo consiliare che fa esplicito riferimento all’Italia nel proprio nome ceda a questo ricatto, dimenticando la sua precisa e storica vocazione nazionale.

Per quanto ci riguarda, Azione Giovani verso Giovane Italia fa appello all’amore che gli jesolani hanno per i simboli nazionali: il Tricolore e l’Inno. Il territorio che durante la Prima guerra mondiale ha segnato la riscossa italiana contro lo straniero, non può arrendersi a dimenticare i propri simboli.

Continueremo in tutte le sedi a rivendicare il valore del patriottismo e dell’Unità d’Italia and we are preparing to celebrate the initiatives, in our small, the unification of Italy.

In conclusion remember that last night our group of 15 boys strong present at the meeting of the Council (in front of the frame of public usually small), has publicly expressed opposition to the decision of the majority to vote against ' national anthem and continued with an ironic applause when the notice of the President.

Monday, October 25, 2010

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Wednesday, October 20th was held the Congress of Youth Action to the Young Italy Jesolo. The assembly elected the new President: You Christofer De Zotti, born in 1985 and majoring in Political Science. A
Nicola Rossi, President from 2006 to 2010 and soul for 11 years AG, the thanks of all the members under his leadership the group has grown a lot in terms of numbers, and was one of the leaders of political Jesolo with proposals, critical insights, leafleting, demonstrations, gazebo.
Now that the process of birth of the Young Italy movement as a youth unit of the PDL is under the port, it will work because even in Jesolo you can create a solid group and even more numerous and strong.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

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SABATO 23 OTTOBRE 2010 a Jesolo (VE) si terrà il V° Trofeo FRONTE LAGUNARE alla memoria del caporal maggiore dei lagunari Matteo VANZAN torneo di calcio a 5 tra i circoli della Giovane Italia (movimento giovanile de Il Popolo della Libertà) di Veneto e Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Seguirà programma dettagliato nei prossimi giorni.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

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Monday, September 6, 2010

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Sakineh è il nuovo volto dell'ingiustizia subita da moltissime donne musulmane. Quando la follia umana porta all'estremo una religione trasformandola in una vera e propria dittatura, si arriva a risultati drammatici.
In molti si chiedono perchè il mondo si muove ora per questa donna e non si è mosso prima per tante altre come risposta è molto semplice. Talvolta, come in questo caso, delle vittime diventano dei simboli per l'umanità, per il rispetto delle donne e dei diritti umani.
Sakineh è un simbolo, una donna che non merita la lapidazione e le 99 frustate, ma la libertà come in un qualsiasi altro Paese civile del mondo!
There are some who, as a member of the committee on civil rights, as well as leader of the extreme left Jesolo, Salvatore Esposito, prefers to fight for the rights of Muslims just to get publicity and they have something to say against the common, rather than take care of issues very delicate and important as those of the Iranian woman Sakineh.
The link between the question of demanding a place of worship for the local Muslim community and the case "Sakineh" is much stronger than it seems.
In most Islamic countries there is no minimum for the Christian right, went as far as the penalty death in some cases if only to wear a crucifix, or to possess a Bible.
In Italy however, there is just freedom of worship, there is no tax to profess and say this or that religion, if not the respect of those that historically are our Catholic Christian roots.
For many Muslims, however, this seems not enough. In Italy too often Muslims do not respect our customs and traditions and seeks to impose his own. It passes the request to remove the crucifixes from public places, not to want to sing some Christmas carols, to pretend to pray how and where they like, not wanting to see their children to stop them getting too westernized in the most violent, etc etc etc.
The Young di Jesolo Italy wants to show his closeness, not battles like those of Salvatore Esposito for this or that for a prayer room so as to finish the papers, but to those where they really are denied the most fundamental human rights as Sakineh.
Sakineh's release would be a great step forward for all humankind, and we in this city with a loud voice to those who join us for many days he is shouting.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

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"Banner jinx and demagocico "..." Miss would also understood that the gentlemen of the health care any less about a picture in the paper."

The City Council of PD Roberto Rugolotto attacked for the umpteenth time this group of young people on the hospital issue. The headquarters of the attack this time is not on the forum that is diligent writer, but in the municipal newspaper.
The reason for his nervousness stems from the demonstration organized by our group Young Jesolo Italy, Jesolo against the closure of the hospital. Demonstration took place outside the Palazzo del Turismo in the finals Miss Italy in the World, in a totally peaceful, where the boys displaying a banner that read: MISS ITALY DO NOT GET HURT, DO NOT WE HAVE A HOSPITAL.

If a group of young people are interested in a subject as delicate as the hospital and protest against its closure, it is a sin?? Probably
Rugolotto and PD Jesolo, seeing these events organized by a group of young people understand the limits of their own party, has always been unable to gather in this city boys and girls and encourage them to make policy in their symbol. The proof is their leadership, which seems to have taken root in their chairs without ever being able to put some new face, without give no chance to young players, not to take their place, but at least you start to do politics.

The City Council left alone by his ex-mates snacks ", blank firing gun, maybe he does against the prey that she thought they were easy to catch, but for the umpteenth time, however, stop his bullet with his hands and returning it.
Rugolotto not remember that in his meeting AJA asked for clarifications on the closure of the hospital? The City Council

leftist would do well to drop the young people who are fighting for serious issues, delicate and important as that of the hospital, but without showing off a real passion for proven from decades of existence of this youth movement that has never known the word "crisis" and that he could always count on dozens and dozens of young militants. It should rather look back and see that after him there is no one, no young person to leave some luggage in his important political experience, no tomorrow for his party, seeing no hope of flying the flag as a symbol of the PD of victory.

At this rate, the PD will be only a small percentage of votes, many defeats and zero hope of a young and glorious tomorrow.

The Young Jesolo Italy will continue to defend this Hospital, as it always has, in same way he dealt with many other important battles .. with the knowledge to be able to raise a healthy confrontation in the political landscape and local knowledge that just as provocations like this only come from word "envy".


Friday, July 16, 2010

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Data elections 2007:
Forza Italy 2667 votes 1642 votes
National Alliance
Civic List New Jesolo 1198 votes
Northern League
UDC 640 votes 393 votes

The reason for which this data reporting is simple. They are, in fact, voted by the general framework for citizenship Jesolo ricorprire the role of "majority" within the municipal administration.
This painting today is dramatically different and the cause of this transformation does not come only by the exclusion of one of the strongest groups but from the reasoning that led to the exclusion.
E 'know, just read any newspaper, the party of Forza Italy has frequently used modes "determined" each time would prove his strength to get some comfortable chair. Modes, are the true example, the absence of a municipal council, thus at risk the stability of the administration. A real lack of respect towards all citizens and even more to their constituents .. something that has the absurd and of which these people should be ashamed of.
In order to ensure full stability and security until the end of the mandate Calzavara in 2012, the Board of AN group decided to found the group also including those of the PDL Board municipal forces, although the opposition, already covered by time the PDL in the party and who agreed to support this business until 2012.
The foundation of this group then enjoyed the support of Board List Martin, United Jesolo (Fancie and De Zotti) Forza Italy and, obviously, AN.
The "usual" forzisti after accepting, with a lot of public statements, this project, just take a step back to the city council at the start and with them, Nedda Fancie.
Calzavara The Mayor does not accept this project (as if he could judge and handle the logic of a party which is not part and otherwise did everything just to support him), retired, unable to give half-motivation, delegations to the two assessors of the National Alliance and sends the three councilors of AN to keep company to list Martin and United Jesolo between the opposition benches.

The Mayor, So send home those who had supported him in 1642 Jesolo last election in NA share, preferring to them not only the party of Forza Italy who often had no fear to undermine his administration on issues of "caregiver" but also by the opposition into two counselors, or Iron and Fanco to compensate for the absence of AN.
Mayor Calzavara who repeatedly said he wanted to complete his term until 2012 with the majority voted by the citizens, therefore, very seriously, and lie some confused idea of \u200b\u200bconsistency.

It does not end here today .. the list goes officially New Jesolo under the Northern League ...
someone might say "well its business."
But this step is much more delicate than it seems.
Why and by what authority the mayor of a city can afford to eliminate its force of government for trying to found a party (already exists throughout Italy and which he belonged) and the contrary can afford to pass "his" Civic Party from another party? If it were consistent
would then resign as mayor.
What is certain is that today this city is no longer ruled by a group of parties above, is no longer ruled by those people chosen to go to fill the role of majority.

For all these reasons the group Young Italy Young JESOLO -Action calls for the city to choose who wants to be governed.

Nicola Rossi - Italy Junior / Youth Action JESOLO

Monday, July 12, 2010

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who criticizes me in the PDL to take responsibility to give young people ( Giorgia Meloni ITALY MISS

Dear Editor, reading the press release today, I realize how insults, fights have occurred in Naples and dramatized Parliament rischino di coprire la sostanza del ddl del governo sulle Comunità Giovanili, sul quale vorrei provare a fare chiarezza.
Le Comunità Giovanili non sono altro che centri per l’aggregazione dei giovani. Spazi comunali, caserme in disuso, immobili confiscati alla criminalità organizzata, in cui una libera associazione possa svolgere attività di vario tipo. Dallo studio al teatro, dalla musica ai cineforum, dallo sport al volontariato, e molto altro. Il tutto in un contesto democratico di elettività delle cariche direttive, trasparenza nei conti, legalità, assenza di fini di lucro. Tutto qui. Eppure, in queste ore mi è toccato ascoltare una serie incredibile di falsità da parte di esponenti politici chiaramente in malafede or too lazy to read the bill. Specifically, it burns the accusation put to me of wanting to allocate funds to did not know what reality friend. The bill does not allocate new funds to my ministry funds are already committed years ago to the Community Youth. I could use them without a law. Instead I chose to bind them so that they can create something that can survive the Berlusconi government or minister Meloni. And I have chosen confrontation with the Parliament that this news was shared as much as possible.
Then you can also say, how did someone with unhappy expressions, which in times of crisis this idea for young people is too generous or statist. Legitimate. As long as I si spieghi quale grande emergenza nazionale si risolverebbe con 12 milioni di euro. A patto che nessuno si azzardi più a parlare di «disagio giovanile», «prevenzione sociale», «emergenza educativa» con grandi promesse in campagna elettorale. Questa legge non risolverà il problema del lavoro che non c’è, degli stipendi precari e da fame o della pensione, ma è la prima legge a loro dedicata da almeno tre legislature. È curioso che i più fervidi oppositori del provvedimento, a parte le abituali volgarità di Idv, siano stati alcuni parlamentari Pdl. Investire pochi milioni di euro per dare a migliaia di giovani un’alternativa alla droga e alla criminalità è così vergognoso? Io penso di and I will not go forward.
Moreover, only a consistent person who has not forgotten where he comes from. I tell this dream of youth communities in the squares and student assemblies since high school. I continue to do so by the Minister, with the passion of those who believe in what he does. There is not only a good story to support me in this political commitment or generational solidarity that has been poured upon me at this time. There is also a promise to Scampia, in the midst of crumbling apartment blocks and air as heavy as lead, in front of a bunch of students who deserve our mobilization, rather than have to download the PDL on the young, the weak link coward this time, the their difficulties in resolving internal conflicts.

Minister of Youth

Sunday, July 4, 2010

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not feel bad ... we have no HOSPITAL!

"Miss Italy do not feel bad .. we do not have a hospital," the youth movement of The People of Freedom party called "Young Italy" which groups of youth camps National Alliance for Youth Action-Youth Force in Italy during the big night of the Miss Italy in the World Palaturismo di Jesolo, expressed in non-violent manner exhibiting a collegiate strisicone up with the phrase written above. This initiative is the reaction of youth to the center-right slow tragic closing the hospital in Jesolo, including cuts e spostamenti, sta ogni giorno sempre più subendo! Per noi è inaccettabile che una località turistica come la Città di Jesolo, con oltre 500mila presenze giornaliere estive, possa rimanere senza una struttura ospedaliera che possa sopperire al fabbisogno richiesto non solo di questa località, ma anche delle limitrofe realtà di Cavallino Treporti e di Eraclea Mare. Solo un Pronto Soccorso, seppur bene attrezzato, non può bastare! Anzi è un'offesa allo sforzo che la Città di Jesolo anche con le categorie economiche sta facendo per diventare la City Beach del Veneto! Abbiamo manifestato in questa serata perchè speriamo che il neo-Presidente della Regione e l'ennesimo assessore leghista alla Sanità cambino idea sulla the hospital was closed and the constant reinforcement of Jesolo Nursing Home Rizzola of San Dona di Piave.

Young Italy Provincial coordination of Venice

Pavanetto Lucas - President
Lorenzo Valais - Coordinator

Sunday, June 6, 2010

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The newspapers today report a clear confusion of ideas Mr. Salvatore Esposito of the Movement for the Left. In fact, he apparently devoid of personal initiative, modeled on the issue of open dump where flag blue Jesolo. The real lie is the law when he says that this fact was reported today by the Group of PDL in the city government. The "companion" Edwards is certainly left behind a few points on municipal issues that recently have seen the formation of the council of the PDL, the withdrawal of delegated powers to two of his advisors and the subsequent passage of the center-right opposition party .
Given that the companion Edwards can only criticism, we youth of the PDL, we encourage you at least know how to point the finger, perhaps she wanted to kill two birds with one stone, but would do better to attack the true current majority of which is part of the local party Forza Italy. Party that no longer exists and that following the "no pass" in the group of the PDL Board Jesolo, it can be seen as a civic list.
The issue is very clear and repeat it to his companion Salvatore Esposito with the hope that could finally understand:
- Jesolo A group has formed the council of the PDL, which is entered ex-AN, Martin List, United Jesolo
- Following the formation of the council of the PDL, the mayor Calzavara, no reason to withdraw the powers of two former aldermen AN
- The group of Forza Italy (after having announced its membership) is a step back and does not adhere
- The result is: PDL opposition, "Civic List Forza Italy" in the majority.

Everything else is boring.

But a politician who only sees the protection of the rights of immigrants all the problems of Jesolo, we can see that this is difficult to understand.

Young Italy JESOLO

Thursday, May 20, 2010

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LOCAL ORDER AGAINST A FEW ... here we go again!

learn from the newspapers today, the entry into force of an order for the summer which we spent a lot over the years, and that once again we find wrong.
It seeks to stop the sale of glass bottles after 23, which also applies to all premises after that time will no longer use glasses outside of the exercises.
The ordinance also provides for the termination of the sale of alcohol after 0:30 am but only in supermarkets and shops, as opposed to dancing, disco and pubs, however, they must comply with the relevant regional and national level, allowing these the last to be able to sell alcohol after midnight and a half.
We are once again faced with a wrong method of valuation with a meaning not want to give preference to local supermarkets, but only want to penalize them, as if they were the only ones guilty of "summer chaos Mazzini."
We call it competition, a simple matter of market. Not everyone, in fact, can afford to buy a beer between € 4 and € 6 in a room, but prefer to spend half and buy in a supermarket.
It will affect certain posts for solving problems of the square or why else?
And the council is convinced that by taking action against the supermarkets will not find any person after midnight and half-drunk to walk to the Piazza?
Our proposal made for years now seeks more security than to orders that year after year prove to be useless and unable to solve even one iota the real issues.
A proper coordination between the City Council, local managers and financial and law enforcement will be the first step towards a real, deliberate, just and common.
These ordinances are rather leave the time and thought that the will is not that of wanting to solve everyone's problems, but only a few.

Nicola Rossi - Young Italy JESOLO

Thursday, May 13, 2010

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Young Italy Jesolo is not to be just a youth movement directed towards extraction of pure political battles, is meant to be a simple group of boys and girls through their efforts and their time listening to the needs of the city, especially with a focus on the younger age groups.

These days have seen a tornado cross the political communities of our city, with the withdrawal of the sensational and absurd positions of our two Councillors and the consequent passage of our opposition group, the Young Italy, a Unlike many others, has not stopped their activities.

The initiative on changing the time pedestrian island continues to enjoy popularity among managers, traders and residents of Jesolo. An initiative with a meaning that goes beyond the simple proposal for changes. In fact, it puts the spotlight a huge difference that exists in Jesolo, that is, those who want to lower the spotlight and want a city increasingly dormitory and those who, instead, trying to revive her.
like saying "relax vs fun" ... and now it seems clear advantage in the fun, a sign that this proposal has stirred the waters, which was felt and desired by many and that could really change something.

Get your hands on what is one of the characteristics principali della nostra città, una delle cose che ha contribuito all'immagine di Jesolo e del suo essere "famosa", e che in tutti gli anni della sua esistenza nessuno aveva mai toccato, è senza dubbio segno di determinazione.
Il nostro pensiero vuol far capire che Jesolo è cambiata, si è evoluta e con lei sono cambiati i locali, il modo di divertirsi ed i luoghi stessi di divertimento. Se ieri, infatti, gran parte erano sparsi lungo via Bafile, permettendo all'isola pedonale di essere frequentata da molti pedoni fino alle prime ore del mattino, oggi la loro diversissima disposizione che li vede distantissimi l'uno dall'altro causa lo spegnimento delle luci della via già dopo la mezzanotte, quando si abbassano the shutters of shops.
Moving in Jesolo, today, requires resources, not enough to simply stroll and, therefore, turn on the motors from 1: 30 on Via Bafile could be the right way to revive not only one or multi-way but the "name" of our resort.

The initiative is continuing to hear as many opinions as possible and to even be able to pick up tips and advice for the good of the city.

http:// # / group.php? Gid = 117411171612202 & ref = mf

Nicola ROSSI - Giovane Italia JESOLO

Monday, May 10, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

How To Get Air On A Tech Deck

successfully continues the collection of signatures ...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Weird Sore Under Nose


E' partita la raccolta firme per la modifica dell'orario della zona pedonale di Jesolo.

La nostra proposta vuole cambiare il vecchio orario: 20.00-06.00 con il seguente: 20.00 - 01.30

A questa modifica non verrà interessata la zona di Piazza Mazzini per motivi di ordine pubblico essendo l'unica zona molto frequentata da pedoni fino alle prime ore del mattino.

Il Gruppo Young Italy JESOLO has already begun collecting signatures in the affected areas.
to facilitate anyone who wanted to contribute with his own signature, but does not know how and where to find us, this Friday will see us at our office in Piazza Marconi (behind the Mai Tai) from 16.00 to 22.00

Through this initiative we want to know the mind of citizenship by tapping a key feature of this resort during the summer season. This characteristic, however, in recent seasons has seen a slow dimming of the pedestrian street in the hours after midnight following developments took place. In our opinion, allowing the passage of vehicles 1:30 pm is a step forward for everyone.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Over 12 Points On My Ohio Drivers License

staffing of teaching staff for the school year 2010/2011

« Confermati 25.558 tagli alle cattedre e 15.000 al personale non docente (amministrativi, tecnici ed ausiliari). I tagli riguarderanno 22.018 posti in organico di diritto e 3.540 in organico di fatto. Tagli maggiori alle superiori ed al sud. Nessun tagli agli insegnanti di sostegno»

IUniScuoLa : ECCO LA CIRCOLARE n. 37 del 13 aprile 2010 Prot. n. AOODIP/1228

Si trasmette l’unito schema di decreto, sottoscritto dal Ministro dell’Istruzione, Università and Research and by way of improvement in relation to cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, setting out the arrangements for the school year 2010/2011, as regards the detection of the holdings of permanent teaching staff, at its quantification level national and regional allocation criteria to be taken with regard to the different provinces and individual schools.

The above provisions are the result of a detailed and thoughtful analysis and data processing and elements that contribute to the identification of managerial and operational needs, as well as the quantification of the personnel required for the proper functioning of the system education, job made particularly detailed and complex for the initiation of the reform of the second cycle, with reference to academic year 2010/2011 involves only the first class, leaving in effect, in successive classes, the laws previously in force, although modified in quantity-allocation of technical and vocational education.

has had the opportunity to present on other occasions that interventions aimed at the development of equipment and staff to require interactions with the regions and local authorities, to be holders of these specific and important responsibilities in the educational policies of the respective territories, sizing e distribuzione della rete scolastica e dei punti di erogazione del servizio, di programmazione dell'offerta formativa e del diritto allo studio.

Per visualizzare lo schema di Decreto Interministeriale e la Circolare Ministeriale n. 37 del 13 aprile 2010 Clicca QUì

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Problems Withpoptropica Logging Me Out

The proposal of Young Italy and pedestrian JESOLO also advances the "Gazzettino di Venezia" I °

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tingly Lip Glossburst Capillaries

The teacher can not perform the legal profession against the school administration

Un docente con un rapporto di impiego continuativo con la Pubblica Amministrazione non può esercitare la professione di avvocato in cause che vedano come parte la P.A., in generale, e la Scuola, in particolare .
Lo stabilisce l’art. 1, comma 56 bis, della Legge No 662 of December 23, 1996 and maintains, with the famous 6133 March 15, 2010, the Directorate General for Sicily .
fact, "civil servants enrolled in the professional associations and professional bodies whose activity can not be given professional contracts by government, the same employees can not undertake the representation in litigation in which it is part of a government".
The law, still in force , does not, therefore, the teacher with an ongoing working relationship to carry out the forensic work in cases where one party is the PA or the school.
A different behavior would, in fact, contrary to obligations of loyalty and loyalty of the civil servant.
addition to bearing on the specification, the violation of this prohibition also affects the validity of arguments and is detectable at all stages of judicial proceedings and in any event must be raised every time the school is sued.
To this end, the Directorate General of the Ministry of Education invites school leaders and UU.SS.PP. to acquire, by teachers who pursue this activity, the explicit declaration to refrain from taking legal aid in cases in which the defendant is an institution of State school education or administration.
proven by the unlawful conduct will be subject to procedimento disciplinare, ai sensi dell’art. 69 del D.L.vo n. 150/2009.
Diverso è il caso, invece, del docente a tempo determinato. Recentemente, infatti, il Consiglio Nazionale Forense si è così espresso circa la condizione di un iscritto, il quale, svolgendo l’attività di docente di discipline giuridiche presso un istituto di istruzione secondaria, era stato diffidato dal locale dirigente dell’Ufficio scolastico provinciale dall’assumere il patrocinio legale di insegnanti o di altro personale della scuola in controversie contro l’amministrazione scolastica di appartenenza:
“Il professionista che svolga l’attività di professore di materie giuridiche presso higher education institutions is inscribed in a defined time as an advocate of free hole: the law does not provide for such limitations or postulant ius than the possibility of hiring professional mandate by any customer (as is the case, by contrast, when the teacher serving as a teacher full-time).
There is therefore no reason for that is legally possible that the lawyer may advocate causes in the interest of other teachers. " (Opinion November 25, 2009, 47)
The Advisory Commission also pointed out that the lawyer does have the ethical duty to avoid conflicts of interest and is subject to a general obbligo di riservatezza nell’utilizzo delle informazioni acquisite in dipendenza dal mandato. Pertanto, l’interessato dovrebbe prestare particolare attenzione ad evitare gli incarichi professionali che comportino un concreto rischio di commettere illeciti deontologici. E comunque l’operato del professionista sarà, anche sotto questo profilo, oggetto della vigilanza da parte del Consiglio dell’Ordine competente.
di Lara La Gatta La Tecnica della scuola

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

24/7 Walk In Clinics Toronto


Monday, March 22, 2010

First Day Im Inlove Quotes

mobility applications in primary and secondary level: extension functions POLIS

«L’utilizzo delle funzioni on-line è prorogato eccezionalmente fino alle ore 14.00 del giorno 24 marzo p.v.»

IUniscuola Italia : Ecco la comunicazione March 22, 2010-Prot. No AOODGPER 3088 the Ministry of Education, University and Research
Department for Education Directorate-General for school staff

Subject: POLIS extension of the functions for sending requests for mobility in primary and secondary I degree.
To enable the full and proper conclusion of transactions on-line compilation and submission of applications for transfer and transfer of functions through role POLIS, available to teachers in primary and secondary level to within the same primary school and secondary level, the use of these functions on-line is exceptional extension until 14.00 on 24th March next
THE GENERAL MANAGER - Luciano Chiappetta
To learn more, click here

Friday, March 19, 2010

Cheer Up A Friend Phrases

Mobility Irc, submission of by May 17, 2010

'Applications of mobility must be submitted by April 17 to May 17 »
" Teachers who wish to claim the movement and the passage distinctly must submit an application for the transfer and the transition to a "

IUniScuoLaItalia : Here is the statement of the Ministry of Education, University e della Ricerca-Direzione Generale del personale scolastico -Uff.IV
Prot. n. AOODGPER 2968 del 18 marzo 2010

Oggetto: Trasmissione dell'O.M. n.29 del 18 marzo 2010 prot. n. AOODGPER 2967 relativa alla mobilità del personale docente di religione cattolica per l'a.s. 2010/2011 .

Per opportuna conoscenza e norma, al fine di predisporre i necessari adempimenti da parte degli uffici competenti, si trasmette, in allegato alla presente, copia dell’Ordinanza ministeriale n. 29 del 18 marzo 2010 prot. n. AOODGPER 2967 , in corso di registrazione, concernente norme di attuazione del contratto integrativo in materia di mobilità del personale, docente, educativo e A.T.A. signed on 16.2.2010.

It will give prompt notice of the date of registration of the OM said.

the departments are requested to give the widest possible dissemination of 'OM and communicate to the relevant departments that the same can be found and acquired the Web site and intranet of the Ministry of Education, University and Research.

is drawn to the attention of the office address on the fact that the first year of the triennium for the assignment of points to the continuity of teachers of Catholic religion shall begin from school year 2009/2010.

therefore interested teachers can obtain such a score - for the first time - in the applications of mobility for the school year 2013/2014.

Again, for the purposes of qualification required for teaching the Catholic religion, which is the deadline for counting the five years in art. 4, paragraph 6 is as 1985/86.

is considered useful, finally, stress that applications must be submitted by the mobility of teaching staff in Catholic religion concerned from April 15 to May 17, 2010.

OM No Attachments 29 of 2010 Annex
D all'O.M. n. 29 del 2010
Elenco diocesi

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bridesmaid Dresses In Burnt Orange

unaccompanied foreign minors in Italy March 11, 2010

«I Comuni italiani e le politiche di accoglienza dei minori stranieri non accompagnati:risultati dell'indagine territoriale»«I minori stranieri non accompagnati presi in carico/contattati: quanti sono ,chi sono, da dove provengono, dove vivono?»
IUniScuoLa , Rapporto ANCI 2009:
«Presentazione di Flavio Zanonato-Sindaco di Padova-Vice Presidente dell'ANCI con delega all'Immigrazione
" The Italian municipalities and policies for the reception of unaccompanied minors: results of the territorial
"The unaccompanied children taken into care / Contact: those who are, where they come from, where they live ?

View to read in detail the "Third Report Anci on unaccompanied foreign minors"
GOOD Reading!
growing municipalities that welcome unaccompanied minors.
the end of 2008 were 93 municipalities that have taken over 85% of unaccompanied children arrived in Italy, a figure up from 2006, when il 75% del totale dei minori contattati o presi in carico era distribuito in 39 realtà comunali.
E' quanto emerge dal "Terzo Rapporto Anci sui Minori stranieri non accompagnati", con un'indagine rivolta a tutti i Comuni italiani, a cui hanno risposto 5.784 amministrazioni, il 71,4% del totale.
Il rapporto e' stato presentato l '11 marzo scorso nella sede nazionale dell'associazione durante una conferenza stampa alla presenza di Flavio Zanonato, Sindaco di Padova e Vice Presidente dell'ANCI con delega all'immigrazione, Giuseppe Maurizio Silveri, Direttore Generale Immigrazione del Ministero del lavoro e politiche sociali e Presidente del Comitato Minori Stranieri e Mario Morcone, Capo Dipartimento per le Liberta' Civil and Immigration of the Ministry of the Interior.
According to the data, are increasing as municipalities that have first reception facilities in emergency and hold short (30 to 51 government in 2008), both common operating the services during the second shelter in the community, family homes, etc.. (30 to 46, for a total of 3,841 children assisted).
Between 2006 and 2008 the presence of unaccompanied foreign children has remained fairly stable in Italy, with a slight decrease of 8, 3% from 7870 in 2006, we moved to 7216 in 2008. This despite the decline between 2006 and 2007, due to the fact that children from Romania and Bulgaria have since become Community.
to take charge of unaccompanied minors are mainly the cities with more than 100 000 inhabitants (47.5%), but also the municipalities that have received average 23.2%, and medium and small ones (13.7 %).
The report also points out that in 2008 reduced the number of unaccompanied minors in the four cities where the presence is larger (Rome, Milan, Turin and Trieste) . Similar reduction in Naples, as well as in medium-sized cities such as Modena, Reggio Emilia, Parma, Piacenza, Trento, Cremona and Caltagirone. The number of children increases, however, Venice, Ancona and Bologna, as well as other medium-sized cities such as Ravenna, Pesaro, Macerata and Cividale del Friuli.
The highest increase concerned children that originate in Afghanistan from 2006 to 2008 have almost tripled (+170%). Also significant increases in children arriving from African countries in conflict or unstable (Nigeria, Somalia, Eritrea, etc..) And therefore potential asylum seekers, which are added to those coming from Egypt. This fact leads to an increase of unaccompanied minors in the border areas or in areas of first arrival: Veneto, Marche, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Puglia and Sicily. These five regions are in fact interested in 2008 from 50.5% of children taken into care contacted.
In terms of regional breakdown, the report notes that in 2008 more than 'the goal' children, 58% of the total, and 'concentrated in Sicily, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio and Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Unaccompanied children cared for by the Italian municipalities in 2008 are mostly less than male (89.7%) slightly below the age of majority (51.9% is 17 years old), mainly from Afghanistan, Albania, Egypt , Morocco, and Kosovo.
The data collected and analyzed confirmed the need to achieve a standardization of interventions and to pass, both nationally and particularly in some critical areas of the country, one emergency phase to a more structured way.
These needs gave the first important response to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, promoting the national program for the protection of unaccompanied minors, Anci made in close coordination with the Committee for Foreign Minors and launched in early 2008.
Thanks to the program, it was possible to experiment with a centrally coordinated and widespread throughout the country that support a network of municipalities in the activities of ready acceptance, has lead to a better management of the phenomenon and therefore increased protection of children themselves, with a view to sharing responsibilities and costs between central government and local governments.
Anci The study was carried out with funds from eight per thousand of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to direct management state.
Source: Ministry of

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Va Home Loan Funding Fee Seems High


trend for a while we talk about the need to revise the pedestrian summer evening along the main streets of the Lido. The pedestrian is our flagship product, is the longest in Europe and is made attractive by the many years of quality commericiali, twenty years after its introduction, but the context of tourism Jesolo has changed is cambiata la concezione del divertimento notturno, si sono ridotti in numero i locali e la distanza tra l'uno e l'altro si sono allungate, senza dimenticare che la futura nascita di X-Site sposterà a monte il centro della movida jesolana. Di conseguenza ci troviamo ad avere un'isola pedonale che dopo le ore 1 diventa un deserto, nella quale non è difficile riscontrare la violazione stessa della ZTL con il passaggiodelle autovetture.
La Giovane Italia di Jesolo in accordo con il gruppo consiliare di "AN verso il PDL", ritiene necessari avanzare una proposta di modifica dell'isola pedonale, in conformità con quanto contenuto nel programma elettorale della maggioranza dei cittadini votato nel 2007. proponiamo perciò di far terminare the pedestrian island at 1 / 1:30 in the streets concerned, in order to revive with the passage of cars. Of course you need to target checks by the Police Station to prevent the emission of annoying and disturbing noises by motorists, for the protection of facilities and residents.
exception may be the only area in Piazza Mazzini, it is an area with a high concentration of premises and in which there is the presence of pedestrians until dawn, for obvious reasons of public policy here is to maintain the island Pudens pedestrian oalle since 6 am.
To seal the proposal, the Young di Jesolo Italy will make a short survey fra gli esercenti ed i cittadini delle zone interessate per valutare la rispondenza della proposta alle esigenze di chi ci vive e lavora per raccogliere eventuali utili suggerimenti.
Riteniamo con questa proposta di dimostrare ancora una volta come il nostro gruppo giovanile sia presente e vivo in città e l'unico sempre attivo nell'avanzare proposte concrete per risolvere i problemi e soddisfare le esigenze della cittadinanza di Jesolo.


Nicola Rossi
Christofer De Zotti

Friday, March 12, 2010

English Patch For Pokemon Soul Silver

DDG-ranking deregistration exhausted staff with permanent contracts in state schools

"The teaching and educational staff, registered in the lists are exhausted , who has already signed the contract for an indefinite period for the public school teaching position or class of competition is deleted, pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 4-d of the Law of 24 November 2009, n. 167 conversion, with amendments, Decree Law of 25 September 2009, No 134, starting from school year 2010-2011, from the aforementioned lists are exhausted and the corresponding lists of club and school band where I may be writing. "

"The personnel that contract concluded for an indefinite period for the teaching of the Catholic religion and that, pursuant to art. 4, paragraph 1 of Law 186/03, can not request a shift to another place or another class of competition, but only to the role of that teaching in different direligione Catholic education sector, recipient of the deregistration is expected to Staff referred to in paragraph 1 which, however, can benefit from the institute of occupational mobility, under the existing CCNL.del school division, signed November 29, 2007. "

IUniScuola: March 11, 2010 Here DDG-ranking deregistration exhaustion

Monday, February 22, 2010

Transient Ischemic Attack Electrical Twitch

badge: IUniScuola, a requirement for employees of the PA

« L'inosservanza della prescrizione verrà valutata secondo i criteri ordinari responsabilità disciplinare con l'irrogazione delle sanzioni in relazione alle violazioni accertate»

I dipendenti delle amministrazioni pubbliche che svolgono attività a contatto con il pubblico sono tenuti dal 13 febbraio scorso a rendere conoscibile il proprio nominativo mediante l'uso di cartellini identificativi o di targhe da apporre presso la postazione di lavoro.
E' quanto dispone la circolare esplicativa n.3 del 2010 del ministro Renato Brunetta indirizzata a tutte le amministrazioni centrali e periferiche that will give more concrete evidence on mandatory identification system established by ' art. 69 of Legislative Decree No 150/2009 (Reform of Public Administration), which aims to implement transparency in the organization and activity of public administrations and includes all public employees "under contract", while not directly concerned with the staff referred to in Article . 3 of Legislative Decree No 165, 2001.
's Circular :
to public authorities in art. 1, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 165 of 2001
SUBJECT: art. 55 of Legislative Decree No novies 165, 2001 - identification of persons in contact con il pubblico.
L'art. 69 del decreto legislativo 27 ottobre 2009, n. 150, ha introdotto nel corpo del decreto legislativo 30 marzo 2001, n. 165, l'art. 55 novies. Quest'ultima disposizione prevede che "1. / dipendenti delle amministrazioni pubbliche che svolgono attività a contatto con il pubblici sono tenuti a rendere conoscibile il proprio nominativo mediante l'uso di cartellini identificathi o di targhe da apporre presso la postazione di lavoro. 2. Dall'obbligo di cui al comma 1 è esc uso il personale individuato da ciascuna amministrazione sulla base di categorie determinate, in relazione ai compiti ad esse attribuiti mediante uno o più decreti del Presidente del Consig, io dei Ministri o del Ministro per la pubblica amministrazione e l'innovazione, su proposta del Ministro competente ovvero, in relazione al personale delle amministrazioni pubbliche non statali, i previa intesa in sede di Conferenza permanente per i rapporti tra lo Stato, le regioni e le province autonome di Trento e di Bolzano o di Conferenza Stato-città ed autonomie locali".
L'art. 73, comma 2, del medesimo d.lgs. n. 150 ha disciplinato l'entrata in vigore della nuova norma stabilendo che "L'obbligo di esposizione di cartellini o targhe identificativi, previsto dall'articolo 55-novies del decreto legislativo 30 marzo 2001, n. 165, introdotto dall'articolo S9 del presente decreto, decorre dal novantesimo giorno successivo all'entrata in vigore del presente decreto. ". The rule, therefore, entered into force on 13 February.
is considered useful to provide some general guidance on the scope of the provision.
Purpose of the rule
The rule aims to implement transparency in the organization and 'atività government. It takes some indications already branched into administrative and fits in the broader context of administrative measures and legislation introduced into the knowable and transparent in order to make the organization and administrative dures and to facilitate relations with the users (remember, for example, art. 8 of Law No. 241 August 7, 1990, which provides an indication of responsible for the initiation of proceedings in the communication, art. 13 of Legislative Decree No 30 June 2003 196, which regulates the content of the information on the processing of personal data, also provides for the communication of the identity of the owner and controller; art. 54 of Legislative Decree No 7 March 2005 82, which provides that on the websites of government are published, among others, the organization, the joint office, functions and organization tzione of each office, the names of responsible managers of individual offices, the ' art. 21 of Law No 18 June 2009 69, which introduces the requirement to publish on its website, among others, addresses di posta elettronica e i numeri telefonici ad uso professionale dei dirigenti e dei segretari comi nali e provinciali).
Attraverso l'attuazione della trasparenza, la disposizione persegue l'obiettivo di agevolare l'esercizio dei diritti e l'adempimento degli obblighi da parte degli utenti nonché quello di responsabilizzare i destinatari della prescrizione, i pubblici dipendenti che svolgono attività a contatto con il pubblico, poiché il processo di responsabilizzazione passa anche attraverso la pronta individuabilità del soggetto interlocutore.
Ambito soggettivo
a) Le amministrazioni interessate .
La disposizione si applica nei confronti di tutte le pubbliche amministrazioni di cui all' ut. 1, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 165, 2001. It represents the exercise of legislative power of the State under Article. 117, paragraph 2. Lett. 1) and m) of the Constitution, as stated in Article inche. 74 of Legislative Decree no. 150, 2009, and, therefore, is immediately working for the regions and local authorities.
b) The and categories of employees affected.
The requirement covers all government employees subject to collective bargaining, while not directly concerned with the personal in art. 3 of the dl * sn 165, 2001. So the rule does not apply to state judges and lawyers, university professors, staff belonging to the forces armed forces and police to the body of Nazi evil firemen, personnel and diplomatic career prefectural and other categories, according to the aforementioned Article. 3, are governed by their own laws. Is in any case prejudice, even in these cases, the ability of governments to adopt guidelines and introduce measures * for quick identification of staff in contact with the public through initial cartel and plates, in accordance with the principles of non-surplus and relevance for the treatment of personal data (art. 11 Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196). How
down paragraph 2 of the provision, any exceptions to the general scheme can be established only for certain categories public employees to the tasks allocated to them. The derogation is therefore eminently justified in limited circumstances in terms of subjective and objective. From the formal point of view, the exceptions should be specified in decrees of the Minister for Public Administration and Innovation, adopted on the proposal of the competent minister, or, in relation to non-state government personnel, subject to agreement within the Standing Conference for relations between the state, the royal ni and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano or the State-city and local governments. Therefore, in the absence of such measures, the standard is binding on the generality of employees who work in contact with the public.
The concept of outdoor activities in the public
Under the law, the identification requirement exists for employees engaged in contact with the public. For outdoor activities in the public are those carried out in public places open to the public in respect of users indistinct.
Given the various types of functions and services provided by public amministrizioni, identifying the relevant activity is within the discretion of each administration. For example, under the concept under consideration the activities for the public at the counter or at the location of the employee and those conducted by public relations, service activities in public libraries, the activities performed by service workers in the caretaker government, the activities of health personnel in contact with: public hospitals and health care.
do, however, the possibility for governments to take direct measures to be introduced to allow quick identification of the staff even if knowledge/applica- "to activities involving contact with the public, in compliance with the principles of non-surplus and its relevance to processing of personal data (art. 11 Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196). The employee identification

Under the rule, identification of dipendente avviene mediante l'uso di "cartellini identificativi o di targhe da apporre presso la postazione di lavoro.''. La scelta tra l'una e modalità è rimessa all'amministrazione e sarà effettuata a seconda della tipologia di attività, restando che possono essere adottate contemporaneamente entrambe le modalità e che non è rilevante lo strumento di per sé quanto piuttosto il soddisfacimento dell'esigenza sottesa quello dell'identificazione dell'addetto.
La disposizione individua gli elementi per l'identificazione nel nominativo del dipendente. Si tratta di un contenuto minimo e l'amministrazione può valutare se e quando amare l'identificazione anche attraverso ulteriori elementi soprattutto in riferimento al ruolo of the subject within the organization: job title, profile, position if manager, Office of belonging. In implementing the rule, the government must take into account the fi] ìalità prescription, preventing the spread of personal data not relevant or in excess of the purpose (Article 11 of Legislative Decree no. 196, 2003). So, do not seem to respond to a principle of proper use (of personal data in the indication of the generality of the employee card, complete with the "indie action date of birth. It should, in fact, the identification of ways and that sufficient and adequate, safeguarding the public interest, to avoid compromising the personal sphere of the subject
L'attuazione della norma e l'inosservanza della prescrizione
La disposizione si riferisce direttamente ai pubblici dipendenti. Pur essendo questi i soggetti direttamente tenuti all'osservanza dell'obbligo, è chiaro che le amministrazioni di appartenenza debbono da un lato diramare istruzioni operative, dall'altro fornire gli strumenti per l'identificazione ai dipendenti interessati, in modo che la norma venga attuata in maniera uriforme nell'ambito della stessa amministrazione.
L'inosservanza della prescrizione verrà valutata secondo i criteri ordinari responsabilità disciplinare con l'irrogazione delle sanzioni in relazione alle violazioni accertate.
Renato Brunetta

Friday, February 19, 2010

Mainframe Liner Removal

Lombardy IUniScuola, here the optimum size of schools approved

Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Lombardia
Direzione Generale Ufficio IV Via Ripamonti, 85
-20141 Milano

VISTO il D.P.R. del 18.6.1998, n. 233 “Regolamento recante norme per il dimensionamento ottimale delle istituzioni scolastiche e per la determinazione degli organici funzionali dei singoli istituti, a norma dell’art. 21della legge 15 marzo 1997, n. 59”;
CONSIDERATO che, in attuazione del D.P.R. 233/98, la Regione ha approvato la D.G.R. n .48116 del 14.2.2000 avente per oggetto “Dimensionamento ottimale delle istituzioni scolastiche – Piano regionale sulla base dei piani provinciali ai sensi del d.p.r. 18.6.1988, n. 233, art. 3, c.8”;
VISTE le successive delibere di modifica del Piano;
VISTO il D.M. 12 novembre 1999, n. 271 riguardante le dotazioni organiche dei dirigenti scolastici per l’anno 1999/2000;
VISTO il D.M. 20 dicembre 2000, n. 285 riguardante le dotazioni organiche dei dirigenti scolastici per l’anno 2000/2001;
VISTO il D.M. 15 marzo 2002. n. 33 che definisce la consistenza complessiva delle dotazioni organiche dei dirigenti scolastici, per l’anno 2001/2002, CONSIDERING the DM n.41 of 21 April 2008 on the overall size of the staffing of school managers starting from school year 2008/2009;
VISTA Regional Law No 6 August 2007 19 "Regulations on the Education and Training of the Lombardy Region" that art. 7 sets out new ways of planning the school eform;
VISA MD October 25, 2007, bearing the "Reorganization of the Permanent Territorial Centres for adult education and evening classes in the art. 1, paragraph 632, of Law December 27, 2006, No 296 "which defines the general criteria for the grant of autonomy, under Presidential Decree No. 275/99, Centriprovinciali for the Education of Adults (CPIA)

Noting the outcomes of the work of the Technical Board consists of the Lombardy Region which includes the URS Lombardia, ANCI Lombardia and the Provinces of Lombardy for the establishment of procedures and methods of updating the Regional Plan sizing;
VISTA the DGR n.VIII ^ / 11253 10/02/2010 with the subject "network of schools in Lombardy under the presidential decree No. 233/1998 . approval of the optimum size of schools - as the regional plan 2010-2011 - on the basis of provincial plans "
CONSIDERED the need to implement the above-mentioned regional measure, with the preparation of administrative measures for the part of the Ministry of Education;
FOUND compliance with the parameters set by the DPR 18.6.1998, n. 233 for the recognition of the functional, organizational and teaching, which is regulated by Presidential Decree No. 275/99, implementing art. 21 of L. 59/97;
VISAS diagrams of the Presidential Decree containing rules governing the reorganization of istitutitecnici, professional, and high schools, in accordance with art. 64, paragraph 4, of Decree-Law of 25 June 2008, No. 112, ratified by legge 6 agosto 2008 n. 133, approvati in seconda lettura il 4.02.2010 dal Consiglio dei Ministri;
Art.1) Con effetto dal 1.9.2010, in applicazione della DGR n.VIII^/11253 del 10/02/2010 avente oggetto"rete delle istituzioni scolastiche in Lombardia ai sensi del D.P.R.n.233/199. approvazione del dimensionamento ottimale delle istituzioni scolastiche - piano regionale a.s. 2010-2011- sulla base dei piani provinciali", viene ridefinito il dimensionamento delle istituzioni scolastiche come da variazioni contenute nell’allegato A che fa parte integrante del presente decreto
Art.2) Gli Uffici Scolastici Provinciali provvederanno, d’intesa con il Ministero della Education, the adjustment of the Registry of the institutes of competence.
This Order may be appealed to the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court in judicial proceedings or extraordinary appeal to the President of the Republic, no later than sixty or one hundred twenty days from the date of publication of the Roll and will be sent to the appropriate Regional Accounting Office for the required visa.
Milan, 16.02.2010


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